
Federal District

by yudaica2013 ·

The attendant, to exert its functions in the SAC, must be enabled with the abilities procedural techniques and necessary to carry through the adequate attendance to the consumer, in clear language. You are welcome he advances to disponibilizar a tool and not to give the due importance to the processes to optimize its functionality. Beyond increasing the insatisfao degree, he generates futures conflicts that could be brightened up or be decided with effectiveness. We come back to the question of the training and qualification of the professionals, who must have conscience of the necessary phases for finishing of the atendimentos. The attendance central offices are full of operators at the beginning of its professional careers and many times, are the first job. The management for abilities it is not made correctly by the sectors of Human resources.

‘ ‘ Insatisfao’ ‘ still it is the heard word more, when it is said in SAC. The consumer is more demanding, has conscience of its rights and searchs standards of attendance of high level. The companies who base its corporative initiatives in this context with certainty if sobressaem in the market. The management of relationship with customer must offer a bigger fan of attendance possibilities. Contacts for telephone, web (email and fruns) and auto-attendance. The Units of Audible Attendance? URA are used as auto-attendance form, but many customers still have difficulties to arrive at the finishing of the process. 6? ACCOMPANIMENT AND RESOLUTION OF the DEMANDS On this item, Decree 6,523 determines: Art.

15. It will be allowed to the accompaniment for the consumer of all its demands by means of numerical register, that will be informed to it at the beginning of the attendance. The Central offices of focadas Atendimento and Ouvidorias in results have this well defined question. A good example it is the attendance of the Ouvidoria of the Military Policy of the Federal District: Como the user can follow the course of the demand? Reply: ‘ ‘ At the moment of the opening of the process I contend the request of the user, the system of the Ouvidoria automatically generates a number, that allows it to follow its course.


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