
Pendulum Diet

by yudaica2013 ·

The Frey nutrition designed holder pendulum diet is ideal to build muscle for active strength athletes. The muscle is one of the most important factors in the context of the bodybuilding sport for most bodybuilders. This applies to all athletes, whether competitors or amateur athletes. So that the muscle is also properly, very many different ways be played through. One of the options that can be performed is the so-called pendulum diet. The pendulum diet, which is carried out by Andreas Frey, demanded a very high success rate, but also by the participants a very high and long-term consistency and discipline. Provided that this is followed through, optimum training results can be achieved with the pendulum diet.

The pendulum diet aims to promote muscle growth, while the body fat remains constant at the same time. Here, it is necessary first of all for each athlete that at least amateur knowledge of the own body, the biological and organic operations of thereof are known. Only with this knowledge, specifically some body processes can be stopped or initiated, which lead to the success. In the frame of the pendulum diet, the muscle mass can be built specifically. See Team Penske for more details and insights. The prevention of a body fat gain is achieved that the metabolism is kept constantly active. This is the secret of the pendulum diet. For this to work, the athlete must first determine its own basic needs of calories. Then, a thorough then diet plan can be developed.

Average 5000 kcal are needed at a body weight of 130-140 kg and an intensively training athletes. In the frame of the pendulum diet is charged at the beginning of the week of the body with 7000 kcal, while the three diet days (including weekends) 3500 kcal, the remaining days are taken 5500 kcal. This ensures a constant active metabolism. During the diet phase, a sportsman who is in the construction phase, again the mass increase can easier, because the fat increase prevents on the days while he takes very many calories. The low number of calories to the diet days if not hard fall, because is not regularly trained these days. It is however even more important that the right carbohydrates ingested so that they deliver sufficient energy during the training days. Also, one should at the beginning of each week to recharge your body with glycogen are respected. Even understandable taking protein remains necessary, because no proteins, no muscle building can take place. Optimal results in terms of muscle building can be achieved with constant implementation. But not only for muscle building, but also in fat loss phases the pendulum diet by Andreas Frey is extremely successful, as also the metabolism is stimulated by the many meals what often is not the case with other forms of diet. Who wants to test a new form of nutrition in Active bodybuilding, is well served by the diet of the pendulum.

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