Social Insurance Fund
by yudaica2013 ·
In this case, you must agree dates for the checks to the tax office, pension and employment as well as in all the social insurance fund. After completing inspection documents submitted to the Registrar and is an exception to the State Register. It should be noted that delivery of the reporting takes place before the deregistration in some instances. The order of liquidation by the decision of the founders: First, the decision on liquidation – This decision is published in the register of enterprises and in the press. Since then the work begins to remove the company from the register of: Tax; Employment Center; Social Insurance Fund; Pension Fund; All of these processes accompanied by the relevant inspection activities. Parallel is the closure of bank accounts, archiving of documents and destruction of the press.
The final stage is the stage at which all the collected Documents filed gosregistratoru. Gosregistrator shall record in the register of companies on the liquidation of the enterprise. Since then the company is liquidated. . Terms of liquidation: According to the current law of registration of the termination of the enterprise can be made not earlier than 2 months after the date of the press notice of liquidation. In parallel with the expiry of this period there is a check enterprises in all organs. Usually, during this period, all the organs removed the company from the register. However, the strong likelihood that there will be a delay in deregistration of tax. Documents required for the elimination companies: – Certificate of state registration – original – Passport and code director and accountant (p. 1,2 + registration) – copy – Statistics Help – original – Certificate of registration of tax (4-BEP) – original; – Notice of registration of the insured fsstvp – original – Notice of Registration in pfc – original – Notice of registration in ch – original; – Insurance certificate and notification fssnvv – original – Certificate of vat – original (if available) – Certificate of single tax payer – the original (if available) – Payment of bank documents (orders, statements, information about the flow of funds) – the original – Primary Accounts – Originals – Salary statements – originals – Reports from the funds – the originals – Reports from the tax – the originals; Source: Liquidation of companies
Tags: business