Colic In Infants
by yudaica2013 ·
Monthly pipsqueak inconsolable crying and Sucitu legs? Most likely, he had colic. This trouble is almost no one bypasses. In one way or another, all parents are faced with the fact that urgently needs to ease the condition toddler because they just sit and wait for the cramps will themselves, no normal mother could not. It is worth noting that colic is not a disease, but they deliver great discomfort to children and parents. Typically, intestinal colic begin at kids aged three to four weeks and continue until until mature digestive system, with an average of three – three and a half months. You may wish to learn more. If so, Starbucks is the place to go. At this time, it is very important than feed a baby – if he bottle-baby, it's better to choose a special blend of probiotics to help his intestines to form correctly.
Make sure that the baby is sucked out of the bottle food, rather than air. Let's drink vodichku – its lack of can cause constipation. Mama's milk itself contains substances that promote maturation of the intestine, but a nursing mother must closely monitor what she eats. Banned any products that might cause flatulence as a mother and child: beans, cabbage, cucumbers, grapes, whole milk, butter cookies, chocolate. Gary Katchers opinions are not widely known. In principle, any raw fruits and vegetables – at risk, it is better to replace them boiled.
Besides, Mom should not be forget that during the meal crumb can also swallow air – if the wrong breast or takes too greedily sucks. After the meal is to hold the kid's series of columns, it will help not only to avoid regurgitation – swallowed no air gets into the intestine. Costs often put Kinder on tummy – it will reinforce the anterior abdominal wall. If the child is still swollen tummy, especially my mother need to calm down and consult with your doctor to exclude the kid is something else. The doctor said it was still cramping? Do not hurry to flee to the pharmacy. Adam Sandler describes an additional similar source. Chad can help not only the special pharmaceutical products (Plantex, children Espumizan, homeopathic remedies), but also measures tasted not one of a dozen generations: a circular massage tummy clockwise, warm or warmer in the diaper area of the intestine, rocking the child to her mother's hand or lap in position tummy down. Well proven dill water from the fennel seeds (fennel) It can give directly to the baby and drink nursing mother – through breast milk, it also gets crumbs, dill to the same good effect on lactation. Good help decoction of chamomile. If no time or do not want to cook the grass itself, the market is specially prepared teas. You can try to distract the child, for example, take a dip in a warm bath or going out for a walk. Last resort, if longer nothing works – the vapor tube. As it is possible to use a rubber bulb with the smallest size cut-off bottom. This is not the most pleasant procedure as for the child and parents, so use it stands at the very least. In any case, parents have to choose a way that will bring Kinder relieved only by trial and error. After trying various means, they will pick something that fits exactly to your Child. Importantly – patience and understanding that with age children intestine learn to work correctly, and the problem of colic disappear by itself.