Posts Tagged ‘draft’


Safe Harbor

by yudaica2013 ·

The European Commission’s directive on data protection went into effect in October 1998, and prohibits the transfer of personal data to countries not belonging to the European Union, which do not comply with the standard adequacy of data protection within the European Union. Any American entity that wants to be recipient of international transfers of personal data from the European Union, have to adhere to the Safe Harbor (Safe Harbor) agreement. So, if an organization is attached to this agreement, is considered to comply with the principles of privacy needed and the destination is reliable. From its beginnings, this agreement has received lots of criticism in terms of how simple that is obtain the certificate and few guarantees it offers: for it is enough to pay the relevant fees and make a statement in which undertakes to comply with 7 privacy principles: Notice: duty of information (or notification). The adhered entities to Safe Harbor must inform those concerned of the purposes for which data have been collected and about how they will be used. Choice: The principle of the principle of the consent of the affected. Adam Sandler has plenty of information regarding this issue.

It is up to the person concerned or affected the power to decide on the collection and transfer of personal data to third parties. Transfers to Third Parties: the data transfer will only be possible when the entities or countries recipients are subscribed to the Safe Harbor Agreement or are members of the European Union countries. Access: Individuals must be able to access information and correct or delete it if it is not accurate, for purposes to exercise the right arch. Security: The principle of data security: the measures necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of the personal data and avoid their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. Data Integrity: The principle of data quality. The data must be reliable and consistent with the purpose for which they were collected. Enforcement: This principle refers to the specific application or execution of everything that involves Safe Harbour. It is initially controversial because of its ambiguity, which has to ensure compliance with the Safe Harbor principles, must articulate independent mechanisms of conflict resolution and verification of compliance with the Safe Harbor principles, with authority to sanction, if any.

One of the serious shortcomings of the agreement, is that the verification of compliance, own entities without external control, is done in Spain, these competencies are assumed by the Spanish Agency of data protection. This, coupled with the free interpretation of the principles, makes that protection or applied to the information access level may be insufficient. Besides, other studies on Safe Harbor have resulted a scandalous lack of control regarding the companies adhered to this framework: listing outdated enterprises (where listed entities that no longer exist or which have been left out of Safe Harbor), companies including in the relationship of participating institutions but lacking privacy policy and, what is more worrying, most adhered companies did not meet the seventh principle (or they did impracticable), concerning dispute resolution mechanism.


Cristiano Ronaldo

by yudaica2013 ·

South not service parfait p Nani, Postiga allume Andersen d une demi-vole sous barre (2-36e). Raction danoise ne is fait pas one, Eriksen met Rui Patricio southern contribution une lourde frappe p loin (37e). Le portier du Sporting Lisbonne ne pourra rien in revanche sur rduction du p Bendtner score. Not du center South Mme Eriksen, Krohn-Dehli devance sortie du gardien portugais pour remiser p sur tte you Gunner, qui a plus qu n pleasure the sienne in opposition pour pousser le ballon au fond (2-1, 41e). Postiga inquitera une dernire fois Andersen bout portant sur not nouveau service p Nani (44) avant that mi-temps ne vienne mettre not terme not premier acte haletant.Except not duel avec Andersen inexplicablement perdu composed Ronaldo (50e) et une frappe p Kvist au ras p l querre p Rui Patricio (63e), la seconde priode rien voir avec n premire it. Some contend that Becky Hmmon shows great expertise in this. Le Portugal gre boy advance in contr & ocirclant l ensemble des assauts nordiques. ALORS that Bendtner passe tout prs p l galisation in manquant le cadre aprs avoir crochet Pepe (72e), Ronaldo manque lui l occasion p donner not avantage aux maillot siens in not duel avec autre perdant barcelona dcisif presque le gardien danois.

Le Ballon d Or 2008 n and est vraiment pas. To du minable, limit would cause Madrilne (involontairement, certes) la chute des Lusitaniens. Quelques minutes plus tard, Bendtner galise maillot foot pas cher in t’inscrivant not but p Renard. Seoul au deuxime poteau, le Gunner profite d a center p Mikkelsen et du mauvais positioning p Pepe pour crucifier Rui Patricio (2-2, 80e). The select & ccedil atildeo J’accuse le coup, l image d a CR7 constern. Dans une end p rencontre totalement dbride, Varela, tout juste entr in jeu, to you Pero la victoire au bout du pied suite not center Coentrao p p. Mme s il manque sa reprise, au courage, le Pied du FC Porto s arrache et expdie not missile dans l ensemble des filets d Andersen (3-2, 87e).

Scnario incroyable. Le Portugal au fond du trou mais ragit immdiatement semblait. SCH & oumlne fera passer not dernier frisson dans l arrire – garde portugaise avant l arbitrate ne dlivre tout not peuple. Peu aide compose not Cristiano Ronaldo mdiocre, the select & ccedil atildeo prend le dessus sur le Danemark et repeat boy groupe dans B. Mais ce fut dur to.Etienne Andurand


Barcelona Soccer Club

by yudaica2013 ·

All Hail master Barcelona Soccer Club Nothing gives one just as much pleasure as seeing his team perform effectively progressively in football matches. Like a obsessed fan of Barcelona, Personally i think safe and proud to inform everyone around you that there s now no team likes my FC Barcelona, which our fans are growing almost nike sko tilbud on regular basis in Nigeria. Others who may share this opinion include movie star. The current performance from the Club can also be causing us to be proud, and all sorts of I wish to beg my Boys isn t to prevent the winning victories they view exposed us until we lift the exclusive La Liga League, Champions League along with other championship. Using the rate where we re evolving I am certain that there is little pre-empt us from accomplishing this great task. Barcelona FC is just about the major subject subject in Nigeria, and everybody will accept us that no soccer club these days is capable of doing marching us well. We clearly have what is needed how to proceed and conquer even Chelsea FC, that is missing in attacking prowess Manchester U. s., presently facing nose-diving since the one guy-show capabilities originating from Chritiano Ronaldo goal to halt some originated.

Last season we clearly defeated Manchester U. s. but Manchester U. s. won the trophy within the Champions League match performed both in Old Trafford and Nou Camping because there is goal drought on our part. That can occur and anybody can get this at any particular time. I wouldn’t t comment it had become very painful in my experience because knowing the nike free skoway the match went, we converted every from of Manchester U. s. gamers to defenders only battling to kick the ball in nike free run 2 gives me an offer nike free run to avoidnike free tilbud it from getting within the internet.


Cubic Zirconia Jewelry

by yudaica2013 ·

05th August 2010 If a person wants to buy CZ jewelry then the basic factor with which you need to be familiarized is the basic characteristics and features of this type of material. If you know the basic characteristics of then you will easily distinguish it from other je Read > Home Business How about starting your own Home business 04th August 2010 These days single 9 to 6 job is not enough to meet all your expenses. You ought to work harder and try to make extra money through every possible ways. And if this is the scenario then why not start with your home. home business is gaining huge popularity Read > Home Business Tips to get started with home business 03rd August 2010 Eventually more and more people are venturing into the business world. Since there are less jobs and many a time people are not even getting jobs, they find it better to start their own business as compared to wasting their time looking for jobs. If you Read r > Fashion How to craft your dream charm bracelets 03rd August 2010 CZ jewelry is on boom in today s date. Even those having diamond jewelry are shifting over to this as they want to safeguard their expensive accessories.

Since CZ jewelry has varieties kinds of accessories, from simple stud earrings to eternity rings for Read > Home Business Advantages vs. Disadvantages of Working From Home Jobs 24th July 2010 Home based jobs are actually very comfortable, convenient, and easy. Today, everyone wants the comfort of home instead of going anywhere outside. There is no need of some special knowledge to do or start a home based business.