Posts Tagged ‘health and beauty’


Orthodontics Fg Alessandra Regiane

by yudaica2013 ·

Relation between the Fonoaudiologia and the Orthodontics Fg Alessandra Regiane D.V Cajueiro the Fonoaudiologia is a science that studies and works with the communication human being, as well as all the areas that directly or indirectly, intervenes or participates of this process. The fonoaudilogo is a professional who acts in promotion and prevention of the health carrying through evaluation, diagnosis, orientation and therapy in the areas of verbal language and writing, speaks, voice and hearing. For dealing with the communication human being, the Fonoaudiologia also directly is related with the Orthodontics, a time that the problems of me the dental occlusion can generate alterations in the verbal language. Jorge Perez pursues this goal as well. Between these alterations, we can cite the buccal breath, atypical deglutition (alteration in the normal mechanism of the deglutition), articulatrios disfuno of the suction or the face expression (had the muscular alterations) and still, dislalias or riots (alterations in the sounds of speak). The etiology of me the occlusion can be related to the factors as hereditary succession; defects in the embryonic phase; traumas, that can in such a way occur in the period daily pay how much after-Christmas; physical agents, as deciduous tooth extration before the time; vicious buccal habits, as to absorb finger or use drawn out of chupeta and baby’s bottle or illnesses. Inside of the patologias, we can cite the generalities as endocrinolgicas illnesses, that can modify the sseo-muscular development, neurological imaturidades or alterations in the peripheral inervao.

Some local illnesses as alteration of adenoids, buccal, hipotonia breath (weakness) muscular, gengivites or tumors in the verbal socket, also can cause it to me occlusion. It is important that the individual with alterations in the occlusion carries through fonoaudiolgica therapy together or after the orthodontic treatment, with the objective to adjust the orofacial musculatura in such a way how much structures as lips, language, cheeks, palato (sky of the mouth) that they participate and they influence in the functions of suction, chew and deglutition, beyond adjusting the articulatrio process that, in many cases, can be modified. The guiding for the fonoaudilogo must be made whenever the alteration of the form to justify the functional alteration. A multicriteria fonoaudiolgica evaluation is necessary so that let us can identify which structures and/or functions are compromised. In this manner, after the withdrawal of the orthodontic device, the possibilities of returns are practically null. The fonoaudiolgico work searchs a balance between the musculatura and the face skeleton, beyond the dental occlusion. The joint work of the fonoaudilogo with the ortodontista contributes for the harmony between form and function, face balance, stability of the case, aesthetic and quality of life of the patient. For this reason, the partnership between the Fonoaudiologia and the Orthodontics are very important in the cases of me the occlusion.

In case of doubts, it talks with its ortodontista and it consults a fonoaudilogo, therefore these professional are qualified to take care of of its buccal health and verbal communication.


Health Team

by yudaica2013 ·

This study had as objective to evaluate the interdisciplinariedade in the Team of Health of the Family in the city of Barriers – Ba, and to recognize the form with that this contributes for an integral attendance. Tratase of a exploratrio study, approaching aspects qualitative, developed in two USF of the city. The data had been collected at two moments: at the first moment, individual interview of the semistructuralized type, and at as the moment one consisted in the application of the group dynamic. To broaden your perception, visit Kevin James Doyle. The analytical structure that guided the analysis of this study referenciou in the concept of the Social Representations according to technique of analysis of content subsidized in Minayo1. The results had been organized in distributed categories and in symbolic subcategorias, approaching the positive and negative conceptions and aspects. The results had inferred to have little substantiality in what condiz to practical of activities interdisciplinares, and they had suggested that of the diverse activities developed in the units, the ones that had been more distinguished inside of a work to interdisciplinar they had been of educative matrix, where citizens according to investigated, these, promote a bigger iteration and interrelation enters the members of the team, adscrita community and civil society. Word-key: Interdisciplinaridade; Team Health of the Family. The importance of the interdisciplinary work in the family health team searching completes it attendance ABSTRACT This study aimed you assess the interdisciplinarity in the Family Health Team in Barrier and recognize how it contributes you a completes attendance.

This is an exploratory study, addressing qualitative aspects, developed into two USF in Barrier. The dates were collected in two stages: At the first moment, an individual and semistructured interview, and in the second moment was applied dynamics of group. Analytical The framework, that guided the analysis of this study, was based in the concept of Social Representations according you the technical analysis of content subsidized by Minayo1.