by yudaica2013 ·
It has much difference enters the located ones in a central quarter and of the periphery of one same city. when we analyze the situation of the agricultural schools, aboriginal and in areas quilombolas, the irrigation ditch is still bigger; we know that this will be able until hindering that the country fulfills the six goals waked up in the World-wide Frum of Dakar, in 2000. These goals if seem the five objectives defined for the movement ' ' All For the Educao' ' , an initiative of the Brazilian civil society hugged by the Ministry of the Education in 2006, whose goals they aim at the year of 2022, the bicentennial of our independence. Of general form, 164 governments and organizations associates in the whole world if compromise to extend and to improve the Education in first infancy, beyond guaranteeing that all child has access to gratuitous primary education and of quality; that young adult is educated; that these last ones have the level of alfabetizao alavancado in 50%; that the disparidades between sex are suppressed in the schools and that, finally, the quality of the Education improves in this stated period. In relation to the universalizao of Basic Ensino, Argentina, Cuba, Equator, Mexico, Panama and Peru already they had reached the goal fully. Brazil has high probability to obtain this up to 2015, to the side of Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Venezuela. No longer moving to the alfabetizao of adults, the picture is more dramatical and is in the category of that they run the risk not to reach the goal.
So far only Argentina and Cuba had obtained such success. The Author will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The same type of threat appears in the question equality of sex in Educations Basic and Average. Only Bolivia, Chile, Equator, Paraguay and Peru have boys and girls in conditions of parity in the schools. Therefore Brazil occupies, of general form the intermediate category of the countries that come fulfilling the agreements. the challenge that still has is to reach the parity between the sexos and to fight the illiteracy of adults to enter in 2015 with ' ' lesson feita' ' ; although let us know that the illiteracy of adults is the biggest social debt, in any point of the planet. They is esteem that the world will need 18 million new professors up to 2015 stops to universalizar Basic Ensino, and the challenge of all the countries is to know ' ' as atrair' ' these people for a career that still she needs to have a plan of clear-cut work and promotions, as she occurs in the too much areas.
The professor who is if forming today, needs to have certainty, of that to the contracted being, he will be charged; but that also he will be recognized for what makes. This last aspect corresponds to one of the biggest claims of the masters heard in the elaboration of a recent report of UNESCO. The professor of the future will not be able more being that one, that only receives determination from the coordination and/or the direction of the school, but will have that to be that one, that also participates of the taking of decisions making the difference in the half cultural partner where it is inserted. After all, when the studies and the research indicate that the Education goes badly, nobody have doubt, the reply are always the same one: ' ' The guilt is always of the Professor! ' ' It will be that he is same? (Teixeira M. the R)