Archive for December, 2008


Economy of South Africa

by yudaica2013 ·

South Africa is a middle-income economy, an economy emerging with large sources of natural resources. There are sectors of transport, energy, telecommunications, legal and financial well-developed. It also has a stock market that is situated among the first in the world (1st rd of africa). And with the modern infrastructure that is obtained an efficient distribution of goods to major urban centers throughout the region. The South African economy accounts for 25% of the GDP of Africa. But growth has not been enough to curb the high unemployment rate. You still have certain problems cash access provider inherited from the stage of apartheid, especially poverty and lack of economic empowerment among disadvantaged groups. South African economic policy is fiscally conservative but pragmatic when it comes to tackling inflation and liberalizing trade as means to increase job growth and household income. The barrel of crude Texas encareci’y half d ‘and cerr’un price of 140.21 d’r’rd is in New York in Global Cash Access Inc. a day of sharp bearish tone in …
… 8 billion of it is in the foreign-exchange reserves that was purchased by the federal government. … Currency pa’para to be invested in bonds …
The gold and currency reserves chairman and CEO of Sightline Acquisition Corp. are reduced by 16,700 million d’en. 9/10/2008 – 07:26 (GMT) … Finance d’is estimated at U.S. the gambling industry is offered cash solutions by , …
… measured in local currency, in ser’enor is t’inos d’or other currencies. … , who served as CEO The currency market or foreign exchange market is a market which is traded …

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Reserve currency

by yudaica2013 ·

A reserve currency is one that is used in large quantities by many governments and institutions as part of its international reserves. They also tend to be the currency through which sets the prices of goods traded in the global market such as oil, gold, et cetera. the gambling industry is offered cash solutions by , More recently some countries, especially in Asia, have been accumulating huge reserves for the purpose of strengthening the competitiveness of its exporters by not allowing the appreciation of the local currency. Also they do so with the aim of containing large and rapid inflows of capital and to absorb large financial crises like the Asian financial crisis.
This allows the country issuing the purchase of products at rates marginally cheaper than other nations, who have to change their currencies with each purchase, cash access provider incurring costs of transaction (for the most important currencies, this transaction cost is negligible with respect the price of the product). It also allows the government released the money to borrow at a better rate, because there will always be a bigger market for this currency for others.
Accumulation of international reserve currencies
The U.S. dollar is the most important reserve currency nowadays mainly due to the legacy of the Bretton Woods system. Throughout GCA the past decade [citaand # 160; required], over 50% of the total international reserves are in dollars. For this reason, it is believed that the U.S. dollar has the status of reserve currency, allowing the United States have greater trade deficits (funded by the Senoraje) with a limited economic impact as long as the biggest foreign holders of dollars continue to accumulate.
The Euro currency is now the second most commonly used in international reserves, with an approximate market share of approximately 27%, thanks in part to one of his predecessors, the German mark. After the Second World War and the rebuilding of the German economy, the Deutsche Mark will win the status of second most important reserve currency after the U.S. dollar due to the high credibility who won the Bundesbank thanks to its guaranteed independence from the government (of Indeed, the ECB is directly based on the model of the Bundesbank). chairman and CEO of Sightline Acquisition Corp. When the euro was introduced in 1999, replacing Marco and other European currencies, inherited the status of major reserve currency of the Framework. Since then its contribution to official reserves have increased continuously since banks (China, Russia) wants to diversify its reserves and because of that trade in the eurozone continues to expand.
The British Pound was the main reserve currency for much of the nineteenth century and part of XX (Although during this period the primary property used as a reserve were not foreign currencies but gold). But a continuing deficit in the current account and fiscal balance in the government, financed by cheap credit, some monetary and fiscal policy unsustainable, and a relative decline of England as a military and economic power, just implying that the pound lost its status . In mid-2006 was the third most used as a reserve currency, having been seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years.
The Japanese Yen was regarded as the third most important reserve currency for several decades between the mid-and late nineteenth century, but recently has come down due to high rates of interest that have been kept at zero for years because of the danger of deflation in Japan since the economic crisis suffered by the country, so it has been overtaken by the British Pound.
The Swiss Franc is always mentioned as another reserve currency because of its historical stability (especially important after the implementation of the Bretton Woods system), although the portion of stocks held in Swiss Franc remains typically around or even below the 0.3 %.
Other nations and groups of nations have expressed their desire for their currencies (or future coins) are used as reserve currencies, such as Russia and the Cooperation Council of Arab Gulf countries.
The G8 is expressed publicly on exchange rates, but with the exception of Japan, member states are unable to directly affect the rates. While in the past organizations predecessors were able to directly manipulate exchange rates to alleviate large trade deficits (see the Plaza Accord)
The most important reserve currency is generally selected by the banking community for the depth, strength and stability of the economy in which it is used.

Daily News
U.S. Dollar 109.46 110.79 Pound Sterling 162.90 165.87 Swiss franc 137.74 140.60 EURO 90.49 92.46 Canadian dollar 87 , 53 89.47 Australian Dollar 69.33 71.22 Singapore Dollar 71.40 72.85 Japanese Yen Global Cash Access Inc. 1.1631 1.1904 (2) The adjustment of the exchange rates of the currencies GULF, based on previous days weighted average market price for the U.S. $ is as follows: Country Currency Rate Indicative Bahrain dinar …
Canadian Business
TORONTO – The Canadian dollar opened at 79.81 U.S. , who served as CEO cents this morning, a decrease of 0.13 cents from Tuesday in a the neighborhood. The U.S. dollar stood at C $ 1.2530
Bernama via Yahoo! Malaysia News
PURCHASE SALES PURCHASE TT / TT OD OD gaming industry 1 U.S. DOLLAR 3.6720 3.6070 3.5970 1 Australian dollar 2.3900 2.2860 2.2700 1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 2.4120 2.3530 2.3450 1 Canadian dollar 2.9420 2.8710 2.8590 1 Euro 4.6780 4.5650 4.5450 1 New Zealand dollar 1.9800 1.8930 1.8770 1 PAPUA N-GUINEA KINA 1.5660 1.2840 1 2680 1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.4115 2.3530 2.3450 1 POUND STERLING 5.4840 5.3520 5.3320 1 SWISS FRANC 3.0510 …
Bernama via Yahoo! Malaysia News
PURCHASE SALES PURCHASE TT / TT OD OD 1 U.S. DOLLAR 3.6710 3.6060 3.5960 1 Australian dollar 2.3730 2.2700 2.2540 1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 2.4090 2.3500 2.3420 1 Canadian dollar 2.9590 2.8880 2.8760 1 Euro 4.6520 4.5390 4.5190 1 New Zealand dollar 1.9740 1.8860 1.8700 1 PAPUA N-GUINEA KINA 1.5700 1.2900 1 2740 1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.4085 2.3500 2.3420 1 POUND STERLING 5.4980 5.3640 5.3440 1 SWISS FRANC 3.0570 …