Transform Acoustic Coding
by yudaica2013 ·
However, the specific timing of Vorbis ii did not known, but given the already snail’s pace of development of the format, his hopes for the imminent appearance of a very few. The consequence of such uncertainty was a gradual transition of former admirers on the Vorbis format is aac (by the way, Garf, author encoder gt 3, is now working on aac Encoder Nero Digital). Thus the fate of Vorbis is not entirely clear. It is unlikely that he will die out completely, but his chances replace aac or MP3 at the moment close to zero. On the other hand, with its original task codec handles more than good, giving developers and users free format for storing music, superior capabilities for MP3. atrac (Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding) atrac – format developed by Sony for use in a minidisc (MD, minidisc). positioned the company as a replacement for the CD-cassette.
Compared to conventional 12-centimeter cd MiniDisc more compact (7×7 cm) and have the possibility of multiple rewriting. md contains an entry in the digital (ie, potentially more qualitative) form allows you to quickly navigate to the desired location and perform editing recordings (split into tracks, remove, and move the pieces). Unlike CD-ROM, which stores the audio data in uncompressed form, MiniDisc uses a compression algorithm psihoakustichesticheskoy atrac, compressing audio signal by a factor of approximately 1:5, without noticeable loss of quality (). At the moment, md provides the following version of the algorithm: atrac 1 Stereo (292 kbit / s), atrac 1 Mono (146 kbps), atrac 3 Stereo Longplay 2 x (LP 2) (132 kbps), atrac 3 Stereo Longplay 4 x (LP 4) (66 kbit / s) Here implementations of the algorithm are also a few: atrac -1, atrac -2, atrac -3, ATRAC-4 and ATRAC-4.5 (ie, atrac 3 and atrac -3 is not the same thing!).