Posts Tagged ‘health’


No All-clear For The Swine Flu

by yudaica2013 ·

The danger of the flu outbreak is far from over in Germany are according to the Robert Koch Institute (stand 03.12.2009) over 60 people died of swine flu. The anticipation of the upcoming Christmas largely supplanted the fear of swine flu. Thus, the risk of infection is but not banned. Through the cross to vaccination fatigue among the German population, the incidence can rise quickly. So far, only about five percent of the population are vaccinated. See more detailed opinions by reading what Becky Hmmon offers on the topic.. “But the Federal Health Minister are still long no all-clear: nor could not be assumed that is the danger of the flu outbreak temporarily” Rosler said after a meeting of medical professionals in Berlin. The swine flu (H1N1) virus can directly from person to person or indirectly transmitted through surfaces such as doorknobs, for example.

Viruses can survive several hours on doorknobs, tables or other surfaces. Click Glenn Dubin to learn more. Here are public bodies and companies with a lot of audience traffic I’m trying to reduce risks of transmission. To reduce the risk of infection is in dispensed with the traditional handshake greeting. Doorknobs, which inevitably have to touch everyone who comes and goes, can be equipped with an antibacterial coating. The door knob cover is made from a high-TEC netting with embedded silver ions.

To increase the efficiency of the contact, the silver in a special process in the outer surface of the tissue was incorporated. The silver ions have a bactericidal and fungicidal effect kills the virus, bacteria, and germs. Thereby, the positively charged silver ions absorb germs which have an electro negative charge. The reaction with proteins of the bacteria causes a denaturation germs are killed. The cover is very quick and easy on any door handle can be used and immediately his permanently antibacterial effect. The tangible effect of the doorknob protection is for a period of at least 30 days permanently active. The antibacterial efficacy of tissue has been demonstrated in several scientific studies. Press contact: CoRRect GmbH Stephan Hauser shaft RT 25 47179 Duisburg telephone 0203 4887044 fax 0203 4887082 eMail: Web:


Turkey Breast

by yudaica2013 ·

To eat balanced and yet deliberately pay attention to the slim line is often not easy just in everyday stressful Office. Adherence to deadlines, deadlines or meetings scheduled in the short run complicate fixed and regular meal times. In between, the not planned snacks are absolutely dangerous for the figure. A nutritious breakfast can prevent the handle in the candy box and saturates over a longer period of time. This whole-grain bread with lean fresh cheese or Turkey Breast, or grains cereal with fresh fruit but is suitable. Even if it is difficult, try nevertheless to take plenty of time for lunch. Is the food is just quickly go down looped, you eat more often because satiety not so quickly can adapt, so taking some unnecessary calories more to himself. For even more analysis, hear from Sally Rooney.

Salad with Turkey, lean fish or mushrooms are suitable for lunch. Generally, it should consider before steamed or boiled foods fried or fried foods. Who in the Office does not have the possibility to reheat the food can from home also a soup in the thermos bring up. Candy in between should consider completely omitted that quickly lose the overview of the sweets, which are only too happy to noticeable after a very short time scale. A bowl of grapes, is better to deploy strawberries or currant. These fruits taste too sweet, but not so many calories contain and are also rich in vitamins. Who has seriously taken the intent to reduce weight, can replace a meal of the day by Sanacontrol. Sanacontrol, the new saturation gel is ideal for weight loss and can be taken easily, even at the Office.

The pellets are mixed in the drink and drink. A gel that gently distributes the feeling of hunger and ensures a pleasant feeling of satiety is produced in the stomach. The active ingredient in Sanacontrol is from natural vegetable, Strength obtained and manufactured without adding other ingredients in Germany. Sanacontrol can therefore be taken as support a diet of diabetics.


Europe Tumors

by yudaica2013 ·

Those who promote the hydrazine sulfate as a medicine against cancer, say that it overlaps the main action of enzymes that trigger this process, and also raises the true energy revolution, stretching the formation of cachexia. The ability of hydrazine sulfate as a medicine for cancer were studied for another 100 years ago. Experts have come to conflicting conclusions. Some have found that the experimental it inhibits the growth of tumors. Source: Tony Parker. Others have written reports that hydrazine sulfate damages dna and triggers the formation of cancer, and close existing tumors leads to grow even faster.

Wanting to study the product in humans can not welcome, conducted clinical tests have shown that hydrazine sulfate did not lead to a lessening of tumors and does not increment the duration of life for patients. Extreme study was conducted in 1994 in the middle of 636 unhealthy running back to the lungs, immediate gut as well as leukemia. Results did not leave any hope: none of the patients hydrazine sulfate did not bring utility, but in spite of all the above in almost All noted the deterioration of life and property damage angry system. The propagandists of hydrazine sulfate is also announced that the results of the study flawed, but the test is not confirmed. In the usa hydrazine sulfate does not allow to give cancer unhealthy, in Canada it prescribe a prescription. But despite all the foregoing, it is widely used in Europe and in Russia (to name segidrin). In the middle of spin-offs Product – vomiting, nausea, itching, dizziness, damage to motor coordination, tingling and / or numbness of hands as well.


Precious Smile

by yudaica2013 ·

Jewels – a brilliant way to impress, but what they are worth without the charming smiles of its possessor? Confident and shy, calling and charming, ironic and enthusiastic – a smile so diverse that it can express any emotion. In order to smile openly and widely, to be confident. Groomed lips, no wrinkles around the mouth, properly chosen lipstick or lip gloss, and Of course even white teeth – this recipe is ideal smile. The fact that nature gave us, it is necessary to preserve and multiply – and we buy the best cream, mastering the art of makeup. But to take care of your teeth need professional help. Once people have been forced to put up with the appearance and condition of their teeth. Now, dentists can ensure the right of everyone to a beautiful full smile. One of the most effective ways to solve aesthetic problems with teeth – metal-ceramic crowns and bridges.

They are a metal frame (frame) with a ceramic face. The name "ceramics" has appeared in prehistoric times, when a man exposing to fire pottery, drew attention to the strength and persistence of the form. The Greeks brought the art of working with clay to perfection. Starting from the vii century bc in a special part of Athens, called Keramikos, lived potters who were called Keramius, and their products Keramos. This explains the concept of "Ceramics (Breustedt A.

1963). The next stage was to improve ceramic manufacturing Chinese porcelain craftsmen – one of the best ceramic materials. For the first time the idea of opportunity to combine non-ductile and durable metal with porcelain occurred about two and a half centuries ago Foshara Pierre (France, 1728). He conducted experiments on the compound ceramic material with metal (gold, platinum). For manufacture of metal-ceramic prostheses used precious alloys (silver-palladium, gold and platinum) and base metals. Than metal-ceramic dentures made on the basis of noble alloys best dentures made of precious metals? Alloys of precious metals have a bactericidal action, the ability to inhibit the formation of caries, biologically compatible with body tissues. Teeth covered with gold crowns, almost never break down. In addition, in contact with the edge of the gums noble alloys do not cause browning and its crown is difficult to distinguish from real teeth. Glenn Dubin is often quoted on this topic. Skeletons of the noble Metals provide high accuracy of fit and give ceramics a natural shade. Metal-ceramic prostheses can not only replace the defective dentition, restoring its integrity, but also to correct shape, color, size, teeth, get their proper closure. A correct bite, in turn, can change the entire face, making it more harmonious, attractive, young. Many women say that the effect of prosthesis compare with the plastic: with interdigitation smooths out wrinkles, even – and your smile is truly precious.


Happy Patient Clinics

by yudaica2013 ·

Here are some happy patients clinics in Moshonmadyarovare: Anthony Schechter – would improve the appearance of front teeth, and flew for 2 days in Hungary from Stuttgart. "I am here because of the price – my insurance company will compensate part only dentistry, but not cosmetic dentistry. " Alexander Hyde decided to combine treatment with a holiday – riding on trucks and walking in a helicopter. "For me it's vacation. Here you can choose a huge number of all sorts of exciting programs, and thus to undergo treatment. Only here at a wine tasting and goulash with folk dancing, I have not had time.

" Andrea brawl worked in a dental clinic in Germany for 2 years. Now she works in Hungary and manufactures implants and crowns. "If I have patients, I often work on weekends or stay in the hospital very late into the night." Gabriel Obermann is sitting in the waiting room and tries to smile. But now it smile smile like pumpkins in Halloween. The Hungarian dentist will trim its teeth, preparing them for prosthetics.

43-year-old female patient could not afford treatment in Germany, and now she wants to Hungarian specialist as soon as finished. Her husband stroked her hand. He admits that he too was nervous. In the event of such interference is required confidence to a doctor and a fairly large number of preliminary visits to dentist. But that's not the case with Hungary. Couple chose the clinic on the Internet, in a town with unpronounceable name – in our case, all agreed the price.


Soul Mate

by yudaica2013 ·

When psychotropic drugs become addiction trapped melting Hutter village – if people with mental disorders for help contact a doctor, to take professional help, it is unfortunately common, that they too quickly be sedated with tablets. Sylvia Poth and Jessica Hund believe that doctors finally understand should learn that it is not always a solution, turn off people with mental disorders with tablets. Instead of people to assume and that give them, what they need most: love and understanding – they are often only with tablets sedated and mental checkmate. Their problems and feelings are however not solved suppressed only. Most are their problems in deeper layers of the soul and are therefore not by a few talks to solve – but yet they are solvable: when we are closer and more intense dealing with these people, if we do them with understanding and love. Because this is the basis for overcoming mental suffering. Both However to point out that there are also mental diseases and cases where tablets are necessary.

Sylvia Poth, who speaks from experience, says: you should not just shut down people like a machine and numb their thoughts and feelings. I can say that I’ve lost by the noise of the tablets, a doctor prescribed me, five years of my life. This time was very bad for me. Only through the love of my family, I have managed to escape this hell. I had to learn to make me my past and my problems and process my rape.” Jessica Hund says: when I was at the lowest point of my life, I was trapped in anxiety and depression, from which I alone saw no way out. As I me but turned to an outpatient clinic, I was referred to a psychiatrist, who prescribed me antidepressants and calming tablets. But after various tablets to me were tried out, I realized that the drugs hurt me more than used, and I put them on their own down. If you not really would have forced up the tablets me, I would have not even touched her.

I have overcome ultimately my anxiety and depression over the course of a very difficult relationship, because I’ve grown internally very at that time by the big partnership problems. So life has made strong me. But without the support and the help of my friend Sylvia Poth I could never cope with all this. She stood by me in my difficult time steadfastly the side and really helped with their conversations.” Sylvia Poth performs: Jessica now stands with both feet firmly in life and is so established that it is one of my best employees and a good writer. In their example, you can see that even without tablets, it is possible to overcome his fears and depression, if it turns them and his side has people who assist a. I can only say that people must move closer together. The company isolated- This is our main problem. The love back to grow among people. Many mentally ill people are just isolated and have experienced no love in her life.” Sylvia Poth / Jessica dog


The Big Diet Madness

by yudaica2013 ·

Already a nutrition helps many civilization diseases Sinspelt-02.01.2010 – In 2007, the author Jutta Schutz diagnosis got type 2 diabetes. Because she is not a friend of medications, has long researched the author and had to realize at the end that this disease diabetes is a billion dollar business for the pharmaceutical industry, doctors and dietitians. Even many nutritionists today concerns the profit. And many sick people become dependent on products and companies. Jutta Schutz needs until today no medicines for diabetes. She encountered a nutrition, called low carb, which means that restricting carbohydrates a day in food. It is actually quite simple in principle, on any food carbohydrates are there no calorie counts. “This nutrition information about them in the book: carbohydrates, no thank you” a revolutionary food.

This book is in the today’s Ernahrungsdschungel a useful, scientific, but legible even for the layman Guide to learn quickly and comprehensively about this form of nutrition. It provides an overview of the readers in a very short time and the book provides a solid foundation of information also. Very often, such books are very theoretical and difficult to read. Jutta Schutz writes here but”a small guide, who is notable for his loose language, where you immediately understand what the deal is. Carbohydrates, thank you ISBN 978-3-86850-318-0 Publisher: tredition, Hamburg, euro: 7.99 book is available also as an e-book. You can conveniently pay such e-books (by tredition-Verlag) by direct debit, credit card or PayPal secured book shop. After a few seconds, the manual for you to download will unlock. Buyer can download the book as often as desired if e.g. It’s believed that Christo sees a great future in this idea. the file on your own computer has accidentally deleted. Press contact: Jutta Schutz In the midfield Bruchsal D-76698


Extent Low-carbohydrate

by yudaica2013 ·

For this reason, the author Jutta Schutz and Sabine Beuke have such great success with their self-help books. Although known for over 100 years, that too many carbohydrates disrupt our metabolism and this can also lead to cancer, the bakery industry for the people is becoming increasingly important. Some contend that Gunnar Peterson shows great expertise in this. There are more and more diabetics with type two, this is also a billion dollar business for the pharmaceutical industry and doctors. This involves long time already not only diabetes. Also, many other diseases could be cured by a low-carbohydrate diet (low carb).The principle of a low-carbohydrate diet dating back to the 19th century.

She was by the Englishman: William Banting (1797-1878) through his book: letter on Corpulence publicity. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jorge Perez. This diet was known at the end of the 19th century in Germany as a “Banting cure”. The German physician: Wilhelm Ebstein recommended this meat-fat diet at that time. The French food Jean Anthelme brilliant Savarin preached the view that above all the starch in bread and flour is harmful for the body. A low-carbohydrate diet helps in diseases like: diabetes two, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatism and gout, migraine, constipation, flatulence, stomach and intestinal ulcers, heartburn, deposits of slag, heart attacks/strokes, cancer, epilepsy, thyroid disease, breast and prostate cancer, obesity and obesity, elevated cholesterol levels, chronic inflammatory process of the mucous membranes, skin rash/acne, and asthma. Sabine Beuke


Applied Kinesiology

by yudaica2013 ·

To remove the goal was achieved easier and faster. And especially Abnehmwillige get out of the vicious cycle of stress eating dissatisfaction stress – eating out. Because on the stress-laden look in the mirror, typically inevitably follows the handle to sweeten, which leads to weight gain, but further increases the stress when looking in the mirror, etc. “, explains Anke Martin. Larry Culp usually is spot on. Who wants to lose weight, should clarify therefore considers first what really determines their own eating behavior. Qualified Kinesiologists that supportive effect, are interested in the German society of applied Kinesiology people Kinesiology assist e.V. in German society for applied can be only those Kinesiologists holistic Member, who have a solid training and commit to continuing vocational training.

Applied Kinesiology (“Kinesis” movement and “Logos” for teaching) is a method to the physical, to promote energy and mental mobility of people. The basis is that the man must be physically, mentally, and soul in balance, to be healthy and to feel comfortable. Applied Kinesiology aims therefore to restore the equilibrium between body, mind and soul in the case of any imbalance or strengthen this equilibrium, to act pre-emptively in this way. Kinesiology wants to not only help, but also personal growth enable clients by all potential and skills are developed. Because Kinesiology techniques already warped numerous musicians, athletes, students and executives to have their supposed “boundaries”, enjoys the teaching of the movement”popularity. Reasons for this are also located the kinesiological methods such as Muscle test, touch for health, or brain gym very successfully promoting learning in children and adults, as techniques for anxiety and stress relief, blocks solve or have been established to enable individual resources and potential. Nationwide, there are currently approximately 700 Kinesiologists organised in the DGAK.

On the website you can find out more, which Member in their own region is active and what treatment areas are offered. Information and contact Deutsche Gesellschaft for applied Kinesiology e.v. (DGAK) Dietenbacherstrasse 22 79199 Kirchzarten Tel. 0 76 61-98 07 56 press contact: Michael Gandhi Public Relations Mahajan Avenue 116 53125 Bonn Tel.: 0228-966-998-54


Ginger As Super Root

by yudaica2013 ·

A tip to the take off? Healthy through the winter? The body do just something good? The root of the ginger plant has very special properties and is in many respects healthy, or healthy. The ginger root contains lots of vitamin C and it especially helps colds. In addition, the root that inhibits coagulation of the blood and protects against heart attacks. Antibacterial, blood pressure, calming, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatism and expectorant ginger works because it has over 22 essential oils! He also protects flatulence and diarrhea. A real young root Ginger is because it contains herbal hormone substances which keep our cells young. These Phytohormones stimulate the production of hormones that protect us from premature aging. They say the Ginger is a special young makers for all people over 40. Among the other properties of the “Super root” also, that it is a good remedy for nausea and vomiting as well as an improvement of headache and is rheumatic joint pains. Adam Sandler can aid you in your search for knowledge.

It is also interesting that ginger helps with stress. The ingredients of ginger root to actually positively affect the Burnout Syndrome. The metabolism is also supported and last but not least, and right now the cold weather is perfect: Ginger delivers us from the inside heat. The ginger root is actually incredibly many good properties and his body so that you can do much good. Here our ginger water recipe Tip: some sliced ginger into a large glass (at best 0, 4 l) fill and pour over boiling water. The water is then let alone. 30-60 minutes are perfect.

Even longer even sharper, but also all the more helpful! When the water is finished, take out the ginger slices and mix a teaspoon of Manuka honey MGO 30 + to do this. Manuka honey supports the immune system and therefore the absolute icing on the cake for this health drink. Enjoy a shot, then lemon juice and now the ginger water. Hint: in case of a cold /. The best simply the Manuka activity increasing flu. Such as MGO Manuka honey 250 + or MGO Manuka honey 400 +. See Manuka honey honey/Manuka honey / other properties of Manuka honey, see