Archive for October, 2018


Terezin – Moments Of Convergence

by yudaica2013 ·

An impressive exhibition of the Munster-based painter Helena METZMACHER Theresienstadt – moments of convergence is the title of an impressive exhibition of the Munster-based painter Helena Metzmacher, opened today in the civic Auditorium of the Government President on Piazza Duomo 1-3. “The 15 paintings picture cycle, after a visit to the camp at Theresienstadt / / Terezin was founded, sees itself as a still unsuccessful attempt of tackling Helena Metzmacher.” Connected with the theme of the exhibition, which traces found by the seminar for religious education and practical theology of the Evangelical faculty at the University of Munster in collaboration with the society for Christian Jewish cooperation Munster e.V. and the Club e.V.”will be held, are several accompanying educational projects organized by schools and cultural institutions. The exhibition is open from the 7th to 18th November. Without hesitation movie actress explained all about the problem. Helena Metzmacher made it clear on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition, that their Images not with the concerns emerged publicly exhibit them. It was rather the attempt, creatively to handle the driving deeply after the visit, disturbing and uberfordernden impressions. Literally METZMACHER: still I have trouble to integrate these logistics of the atrocities of unprecedented reality and thus also as potential future reality into my consciousness. The Holocaust mediated through Terezin was and is my ideas of the people, by the human so terribly in question, because he exposed a possible in human nature which we previously had no idea of we wish you, they may not be.” Finally a thought of Theodor Adorno have they however agree with this exhibition.

The Holocaust, Adorno wrote did out a new categorical imperative reasons: then it applies to act that Auschwitz (understands the name on behalf of the Holocaust) is never again possible (negative education”). A peculiarity of the extraordinary project represents the large number of accompanying educational projects which have been agreed on the occasion of the exhibition of various schools and cultural institutions in Munster. In addition to a religion course belong to painting and theater projects, as well as a musical theme evening. “A city tour of Munster, titled places of Jewish life in Munster” and a synagogue tour complement the extensive accompanying programme, which will be implemented until the 18 November. Elixir of life is information on the career as a painter painting for me since my childhood”, so Helena Metzmacher describes their own stance on the subject of art. First taught them of her grandfather, a pupil of Franz von Stuck. During his studies (art and German), METZMACHER was then student in Prof.

monkeys hype and also briefly with Prof. Ruckriem. The pictorial content of Helena Metzmacher are influenced by the dispute with Eastern and Western philosophy and literature. Also play Greek mythology, comparative religion, and cosmic evolution a central role. Since about 1990, the artist designed pictures series on special topics like E.g. to Theresienstadt, the Apocalypse and the idea of Vanitas (vanitas vanitatum).


Millions Born Enemies

by yudaica2013 ·

Book presents wisdom and follies of women Wiesbaden one of the most mysterious creatures on Earth is still the woman. About her legions of more or less clever minds – have expressed already male as well as female – with wise and foolish sayings. The aphorisms of famous people in the book published by Doris Probst “Wisdom and follies about women” document how much the opinions about women vary. For some, they are pure Angel, for other true hell. It borders on a miracle: even ingenious Denker/innen have apparently not considered, that there are contemporaries inside smart, stupid, efficient, lazy, beautiful, ugly, noble, or bad in each gender. Go to Tony Parker for more information. Doris Probst, nee Baumbauer, comes from Idar-Oberstein and now lives in Wiesbaden, Germany. She is editor of a series of aphorisms about the age, work, marriage, women, football, kids, love, men, the media and mothers. The book comes from her “Eagles cry and” Brimstone”with poems of famous writer about animals in Word and image. All tracks are available and can be ordered at any good bookstore “Grin for academic texts” (Munich) – – as a printed book or E-book in PDF format. * Excerpt from “Wisdom and follies of women”: most women do everything, to change a man. and when they have changed him, they don’t like him. Marlene Dietrich * millions born enemies has a clever woman: all stupid men. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach * it is always the same: first, you have a woman in the heart, then on their knees, then in the arm, and most recently on the neck. Mario Adorf * no man would want to be a woman, but all wish that there are women. Simone de Beauvoir * with the vanity of a man ten women could. Dunja Rajter * without the woman, the man could mean no man, no man, the woman could mean not woman. Hildegard of Bingen * the man’s man in certain moments, the woman is her whole life long Mrs. Jean-Jacques Rousseau * the idea of the woman is usually more reliable than the knowledge of men. Joseph Rudyard Kipling * a woman of forty can be so beautiful as with twenty – it takes only slightly longer. Berry stove * women love the simple things of in life – for example, men. Robert Lembke * women ease our pain, double our pleasure and triple our spending. James Sanders * depending on less a woman knows what wants to have it, the more energetic she trying to get it. Burt Billings * why women want to be because necessarily so as the men and then still high heels and jewelry wear? Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff * if a man recedes, he recoils. A woman only recedes to make better contact.


Exploratrios Museums

by yudaica2013 ·

It ties these processes with the traditional museums (more resistant to the change idea) and accuses the necessity with a new to think the Museum and that the forms bred and kept still on the basis of century XVIII? as if they were still a physical representation of standardized values, you stanch ' ' of what it is Museu' '. Locating the Museum as a permanent institution that in its primrdios suffered from the syndrome of the colecionismo, it relates it with the necessity to express itself through the physical object, ' ' museolgico' ' as if this ' ' tocabilidade' ' reason of its existence was the only symbol/. It locates in the period postwar period, years 50, with the advent of the Exploratrios Museums, the beginning of the magnifying of the concept of ' ' objeto' ' so that the scientific phenomena also they can constitute quantities. In the first half of century XX, thanks to the development of the Holistic Theory and the evolution of the concepts, other forms of Museums (National Parks, for example) pass to be considered as flowing of the initial formularization. Tony Parker has many thoughts on the issue. Museum and Patrimony if mesclam and appear new vises and definitions of Museum/Museologia (as cited for Desvalles). Scheiner remembers that the Museologia passes if to point out as area of knowledge from years 70 and has for purpose to analyze the idea of Museum in its diversity of representations and so that if becomes science is necessary that if distancie of the museogrfica vision that historically loads. The imaterialidade of the museum as possibility comes to break old paradigms. Scheiner has advanced retakes the quarrel concerning the origin of the word Museum and clarifies that its meaning, leading to the agreement of that the muses Greeks were metaphors of what if it keeps in the memory by means of the verbal transmission of what it is detachable in the gift and that history will become in future.


Pasado Cuyano Museum

by yudaica2013 ·

Visitors more interested in culture, may bear fruit holiday in Mendoza to enjoy visiting one of the numerous and attractive museums of the province. In Mendoza there are not only snow, Sun and wine. Its cultural life is stimulating and active, what emphasis is placed on the importance that there are museums, custodians of its history. You can visit museums in which the heritage is preserved with great care for the enjoyment of future generations, and is clear, present in this beautiful province. The of the Pasado Cuyano Museum, in the city of Mendoza, proposes a journey in time until the 19th century.

Through its 16 rooms and their four yards equals immersed in everyday life from Mendoza, La Rioja and traverses during that turbulent century, key in the political and social construction of Argentina as a nation. The heritage of the Museum draws donations from those who have inherited all sorts of objects of high historical value and want to share them with the community. Furniture, toiletries, tableware, toys, documents, paintings all items everyday objects are cooperating to perfectly recreate the Cuyo atmosphere of those years. The Museum is located inside a building declared a national historical heritage. The House that belonged to the mendocino Governor Civil Francisco reinforces the illusion of journey into the past that the Museum offers tourists. But in their rooms not only hoard testimonies of daily life in the province.

Many of them are intended for the milestones that marked the evolution of that era. Among others, the Independence Hall, the Unitarians and federal, Civil Governor or the tanker development in Mendoza. Mention aside deserves, of course, that refers to the Jose of San Martin, father of the nation. One of the most popular among tourists, this room keeps an exact replica of the famous corvo sword of the hero of the Andes. Other notable rooms are the archaeological, key room to learn more about the indigenous peoples of those lands, religious room and the Cuyo room. Pasado Cuyano Museum has also a very complete library with more than 5500 volumes, and also an interesting newspaper and a file of documents that are chronic vivas of the history and the relevant figures of the region.


Beautiful A Cappella Wedding At The Chocolate Museum In Cologne

by yudaica2013 ·

Sweeter than chocolate, the singers of the A cappella group Choirblax sing who plans his wedding, which must pay attention to much. Ranging from the location, the food, the entertainment program. Sela Ward may find this interesting as well. As the Chocolate Museum in Cologne provides the special flair for a fantastic wedding. This event location directly on the river Rhine, accommodates flat on three beautiful weddings. As entertainment the A Cappella offered Quartet, whose singing will stir the guests to tears. If the four men to their music, such as for example a beautiful Evergreen, in an emotional way to the best, so the wedding couples and their guests will be moved and couldn’t come to the sing along. But even during the wedding ceremony in the Church, the response of the couple to the altar with a velvety soft A-cappella ballad can be an experience accompanied, that will give everyone goosebumps. While the wedding guests then celebrate and dance, it really goes.

The Repertoire of A cappella group is seemingly inexhaustible and the wedding party not miser with applause. Of course the four men wishes also music score, no matter whether Top hits, Evergreen or the favorite hits of the bride and groom. The Quartet will present the desires of the most unusual music in its individual version. If they then sing as a crowning conclusion “Time to say goodbye”, the wedding is certainly an unforgettable experience. But even after the singer adopted, is celebrated in the morning hours and danced. A reunion with the choir there will be probably quite safe for the bride and groom after this unforgettable experience, because finally there is sometime still an A-Cappella baptism. All she need not to wait that long, however, you can celebrate is also an A – Cappella – birthday. Because no matter whatever the occasion and in what location, a celebration with this men’s choir from Cologne is always something very special and will forever be the guests in the memory remain (

Company Description A Cappella in black. Men’s A Cappella ensemble, founded in 1996, English songs from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Cactus-free guaranteed! Guaranteed English! Company contact: Choirblax Peter Sanzgiri N. main InStr 1 69469 Weinheim Tel: + 4932121240862 E-Mail: Web: PR contact: Blogsupport. Good articles on good blogs. Peter Sanzgiri N. main InStr 1 69469 Weinheim Tel: + 4932121240862 E-Mail: Web:


Dali Museum

by yudaica2013 ·

They were all weekend in Barcelona. The uncle took them to know the surroundings. Cadaquez they were to visit the Dali Museum. They were amazed with the sacred family, Gaudi. They could not understand, how, a work of this magnitude, and that beauty was not who funded its finish. Both came amazed with all the works of Gaudi in general. Which he had hit them two more, had been the Pedrera. She was so extraordinarily rare, thought, that its beauty exceeded all that rarity.

They returned to Madrid with the certainty of not being so alone in that country. They had found a family. When Alex had already begun their studies are encouraged to call their parents for the first time. I felt so safe in this country! He moved so freely in it, who didn’t think that there could be some danger. When Kelly handled the phone and recognized the voice of Alex, she was shocked. Did not expect that call but God knows how much needed it!.

Listen to the voice of his son on the other side of the phone was like receiving a direct gift from God’s hands. Do not Pro-Nuncio name with voice trembling and gasping with emotion when told how are you?-. She didn’t know well that ask. She didn’t know if he could speak freely. You never knew if their phones had been tapped. Does Alex, on the other hand, without any fear asked him how are you MOM?-Kelly was still not want to pronounce his name. From where call me?- It was the only thing that dared to say. -From Madrid, MOM. Please do not be more afraid. Speak to me calmly. 3 Years have passed. I do not think that the phones are tapped yet, if that they were ever– I cannot speak, not expecting me llamaras and I feel paralyzed– I understand you MOM.



by yudaica2013 ·

After short brek, when he ws student, I begn to tech t vrious studios nd clubs. And then I becme n elementry missed out on my own dnces: for shoes, trvel, concerts, lessons, nd so on. I begn gin to tech, to hd their own ernings. How nd where to strt the story of the "fvorites"? The tenth of Februry I wrote most bnl nnouncement which sid: "From 10 Februry bllroom dnce school nnounces first set " So mnner, 10 Februry 1997 begn the history of the club "Fvorit". Jorge Perez may help you with your research. Room, where we cmped ws t school number 3. This is not the most convenient loction. Now I do wonder how people there vlintly went, but somehow it gets.

So I ppered thirty to forty students – how it ll strted Then we moved to school in which I hd studied it t . If you would like to know more then you should visit Tony Parker. In the morning I brely woke up, went to college, between clsses to quickly browse through rticles, which were set on the house, rn home fter school snck in the evening there ws dncing, dncing, dncing But the word "club" primrily involves humn bility to communicte. Tht's it! Generl ide of our club ppered to be, where to sit, drink te or coffee. Then in Murmnsk in sports clubs ws like: come, in some closet dressed, threw bunch of their stuff, work out, swet for two hours, s the horses wet, left, wshed, wiped with towel, quickly dressed nd left. .


Museum Of Ice In Argentina

by yudaica2013 ·

Thinking about visiting Argentina? There is already one more reason to travel to that country and is entitled Glaciarium would like to know more about him? It turns out that you have installed the first glaciological Museum in the country, giving one more reason to go visit this beautiful place in Santa Cruz, Argentina. The Glaciarum is an interpretation of the continental ice Center and will open its doors on Feb. 15. The idea of this Museum is from 3 years ago but already finally became clearer. For more information see Jorge Perez. This ice Museum will open its doors on February 15 – as mentioned earlier – and turns out to be the day of the celebration of the feast of Lago Argentino in El Calafate.

The entrance to this Museum, which in fact is one of the few museums in the world dedicated to the subject of glaciological, Santa Cruz city costs $70 per person, and $35 for residents. If you’re still not very convinced to visit Argentina, let me tell you that there is a travel agency that has excellent prices and also frequently offer packages of travel to Argentina, with very fun and very affordable prices. This travel agency contact and discover how easy that is to travel to Argentina or anywhere else..


Balkan Peninsula

by yudaica2013 ·

Clearly, in our dynamic time sufficient importance is attached to more than a quick way of communication – the Internet space. A sign of prestige – to have your own information resource on the Internet. All large organizations of various sectors of the economy very much time ago, are present in the virtual network. No exception to this and companies engaged in international shipping, in particular, and transportation from Balkan Peninsula. By the same author: Jorge Perez. This situation is ideally leads to an increase in the organization's reputation in the field of internal and external road transport of goods.

After all, both positive and negative experiences of forwarding or road organization Inet will tell you immediately. Speculation and events in the network are distributed with great speed. Already there are plenty of sites automotive subjects, where it is possible to quickly get information on an organization with which you intend to run. Possible in advance to compare prices for services, so to assess the level and quality of service that you intend to get. Here in the 'Net space can be obtained and advice on every organization in the field of international transport of goods, and of course if the organization is little known, it must be very careful, or more detailed study this organization. The information you receive on the corporate websites of organizations will provide critical information about a particular organization.

Perhaps then pay attention to the official acts of the company – the license certificates, certificates, permits and so forth. However, more objective information possible to find different car forums, auto – news sites, commercial exchanges, websites, traffic blogs. Not Remember unmistakable finding a partner for cargo in road transport – your success on the road, and pledge to achieve your goals. Listen carefully to each of information from Ineta. Check to ponder and draw conclusions, and only the well-being in fact you will find.


A Song That Saved My Life

by yudaica2013 ·

In the month of March 1984, among my circle of friends, had a girl who was going through severe depression due to a disappointed love. During a session I did in my apartment, the girl took a few drinks and once went to his head, began to tell us that he wanted to die. The truth will surprise many words and nothing calmed. We gave him advice, he playfully did a function with figures made with hands, all began to play as a group to calm her. But nothing I did. We did not know what to do and when I was about to call the fire department or the police, because we had so much fear that she was hurt, something unexpected happened to me but thank God we served that time. Since I played the piano from an early age and had the gift of composition especially relaxing music, I started playing a song called “Eternal Spring” whose melody is very romantic and whose lyrics speak of the love story of a casual but short (a story very similar to our friend) the letter said: “That fall was not very cold and stormy presaged what was to happen and ways of life that much caprice capricious bring you next to me is that love and play my door and found just infiltrated open and do not want to see him go Little girl Little girl you’re com as your eternal spring bloom at any time without barrier and has found fertile ground in my soul Chiquilla Chiquilla time does not erase everything of ours and the memory of this will be proof that you are like the eternal spring “to hear the piano and sing for my friend, her eyes smiled as they relaxed and thought it was as if his story was made song. The incredible thing about this story is that never again we saw sad.

A few years ago we were invited and attended his marriage. At the time greeting the couple, she pointed me in front of the groom, saying: He is the author of “Eternal Spring” .. the song that saved my life.