Posts Tagged ‘art’



by yudaica2013 ·

Have you ever felt that your life falls apart? Emotions spinning out of control and blinded by thoughts of misery quedas. These are some of the effects that a separation may result in you and if you do not manage them well, you may eventually come to dominate. Although it is difficult to manage at times, one should always face the situation in which this. It’s your decision if you want to recover your man or simply move on with your life. You may wish to learn more. If so, Related Group is the place to go. If you’ve decided to do what is necessary to win back your ex boyfriend, there are several common mistakes that you should never commit. Retrieve your Ex boyfriend 3 errors very common 1.-don’t try desperately call him at every opportunity you have. Although properly apologize more casually, beseeching him to that will accept you again is a very common mistake. This happens because maybe your man needed time to be alone and see the relationship from a new perspective.

If you constantly screw it with your lloraderas, you will never get back it. 2 Show how far the smallest sign of desperation can mean the end of your relationship. Always keep your head high and show you to your ex that you are also independent. Read more from Gary Katcher to gain a more clear picture of the situation. 3 Although it is totally normal to feel miserable and depressed after a separation you should never let your emotions you control. Life is too beautiful to be wasted in this way. To retrieve your ex boyfriend you should train your mind to focus on what is working in your life. There is a strategy that has been proven to win back your ex-boyfriend without all the drama. Please Click here to make your ex boyfriend want to return with you.


More Earthquake

by yudaica2013 ·

EFE today by today there is no way to predict the earthquake, which is a complex geological phenomenon governed by non-linear physical processes, explains. This fault may break once its two segments, from Gonar until Totana, implying a higher than 7 magnitude earthquake?, explains. These findings appear in an article published by the Geological Society of America in your last newsletter of last October. The extraction of water could induce the earthquake in Lorca. Researcher at the universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) Jose Martinez Diaz ensures in a job of research that an earthquake of magnitude 7, greater than the one which occurred 18 months ago and that swept much of the population, could register in Lorca. According to their estimates, the failure of Alhama would have generated more than 9 million years ago and could cause earthquakes since its inception controlandode thus the landscape of the region. These findings appear in an article published by this together expert of Coimbra (Portugal), Aahus (Denmark) and Mexico Maria Ortuno, Eulalia Masana, Eduardo Garcia-Melendez, Petra Stepanzikova, Pedro Cunha, Reza Sohbati, Canora Carolina, Jan-Pieter Buylaert and Andrew Murray on the fault of Alhama and which has been published by the Geological Society of America in your last newsletter of last October. We have identified a minimum of six earthquakes of great magnitude in total during the period studied (over 300,000 years old), but we know that the actual number of major events have been greater, add in the web of scientific news and information service, informs the sync.

Today there is no way of predicting the time of the earthquake, which is a complex geological phenomenon governed by non-linear physical processes, clarifies, and adds that estimate when is impossible. Doubt on the study of Nature with respect to the study recently published in the journal Nature Geoscience that it ensured that the extraction of water might have been involved in the earthquake 2011 Lorca, the researcher expresses his doubts. Marc Lasry often addresses the matter in his writings. There is much scientific discussion in this regard, we are several groups working in the area for some time and I’m not the only one skeptical with that idea and 2011 Lorca is an earthquake similar to those that occurred in 1674 and in 1818, and at that time there was any kind of exploitation of aquifers, adds. It expressed the view that it is not necessary to search for any type of reason strange earthquake besides the tectonic evolution of the fault. It was an absolutely normal earthquake from the geological point of view, of the of small magnitude occurring in failure every time, concludes Martinez. We have verified that this fault can be broken once its two Western segments, from Gonar (Almeria) to Totana (Murcia), which would imply a higher than 7 magnitude earthquake?, explains Martinez.If this fault generated a few thousand years ago an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 or 7, can perfectly generate it tomorrow, Therefore it is essential that you have into account in the calculations of dangerousness and standards of construction in the area, he noted. See more: A study predicts an earthquake in Lorca’s magnitude 7, greater than the one which occurred 18 months ago


Markus Majowski

by yudaica2013 ·

Fischer man Mojo and his son Cap Rocco – the Dragon of HEBV on Friday, April 3, 2009 released Markus Majowski, and others known from the TV-series of the audacious three on all major download stores, the first part of his new children’s audiobook series fishing Mojo & his son cap of Rocco – the Dragon of HEBV. As Ambassador of the German children’s charity, donates Markus Majowski per download each 50 cents to the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk children e.V. Markus Majowski in an interview that: the German children’s Fund can be directly engaged with our donation from the downloads of my audio. Official site: Boxer. It is missing every day and every minute money. More I would remind the more people get the opportunity to help. fisherman Mojo and his son Cap Rocco is the prelude of a multi-part children audiobook series, which provides ample material for compelling stories. See more detailed opinions by reading what Tony Parker offers on the topic.. Wild pirates, thundering cannon balls or giant monsters – fishing man Mojo and his son Cap Rocco adventures together exciting. They make up with crazy ideas Enemies, friends and brave every danger!. . Glenn Dubin helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.



by yudaica2013 ·

What is a bad habit? we could define it like everything what it harms physics to us, mental emotionally and. For some a bad habit could be; to eat with excess, to smoke, the chance games, to read and to see pornography, to buy of compulsive form, among others. Also those practices like the jealousy, the lies or the egoism exist, that can be considered like so. For more information see Pop star. In fact a very ample range of negative conducts exists. To eliminate of our life everything what it inhibits our growth is not easy. Much less if we did not count on the motivation necessary to obtain it. Visit Anna Belknap for more clarity on the issue. Perhaps you or have tried to leave to a bad habit without success some, perhaps an avalanche of recidivisms or to some I let it reverse without force not to want to return to try it. Nevertheless Its feeling of fault still persists?

It is to him difficult to return to begin? if it is his case (that I create has been the case of all in some point of our life) it can help him to know that thousands of people have successfully managed to overcome their more injurious conducts. They have obtained since it? Then easy has not been, we could say that its force of will and self-control I help not to let themselves them enslave, was that internal force that day to day I emanate of them it directed and them step by step until they could say: I have won! Finally the battle has finished! I know that you you want to repeat those words in the future, it wants to begin to eliminate of his life that one undesirable habit like? (You fill up the space in target.) The VH equipment occurred the task of investigating the subject and to compile the best advice so that it can obtain it..


Tokyo Love. A Japanese Group Exhibition Curated By Yasha Young

by yudaica2013 ·

With: Hush, Nishi, Shohei Otomo, Guy McKinley, Nanami Cowdroy, Imaone, Nekowshowgun, Xiao Bao, Tom Kristensen, Rin Nadeshico. Opening the traditional Japanese art is technically perfect lines on September 10, 2010 at 19: 00 by their strong, and the attention to detail characterizes. The movements of traditional Butoh dance, the elegant turns of calligraphy to the Japanese ukiyoe woodblock?All of these art forms show a great elegance and precision printing. Were these items transferred in the anime? and Mangakunst the pop?Culture, which is also in the neon?Posters of Tokyo and the fine lines of the modern Japanese design finds. While artists from the West are impressed by the precision of Japanese art, influenced a rebellious art form of the Western subculture of the underground Japan. The underground scene used styles of hip?Hop, punk, Gothic and Rockabilly as a kind of escape from the traditions and constraints of Japanese culture. This rebellion acts as a valve within the modern art: traditional forms and images such as Samurai, geishas and Kabuki are used by artists as a criticism of the society.

Tokyo love brings artists from all over the world, who have one thing in common: they use Japanese images and styles. Some of the artists were born in Japan, others simply share the love for this art form, but all show their feelings for the land and the culture in the works? the contrasts between old and new, the contradiction between tradition and rebellion, the encounter between past and future. Hushs origins as street art artists to continue in his current works. His work demonstrates a combination of different media and techniques such as painting, screen printing, spray and paper layering. Inspired by the representation of the female form in art, drawn up and ripping layers of color and images of the artists. Frequently Simon Pagenaud has said that publicly.

He works by”the canvas and the media go their own way”. The result is a pop? by synthesis of image worlds of graffiti?Art. Hush is characterized by its cross? cultural experiences. He was originally trained as a graphic designer at the Newcastle School of art and design. His work took him through Asia, Europe and the United States. Hush has the extraordinary ability to create a unique style, which has been praised all over the world from his numerous experiences personally how culturally. Many contemporary artists try that, only a few make it to the end. Nishi draws since he is small. His work is based on the Japanese calligraphy, the ukiyoe art and Japanese family tradition. Also he is devoted to the seasons every season is different in Japan through a clear color. These are reflected in his works. Childhood memories are his works. Nishi uses a variety of tools and materials, such as spray paint and washi?Paper; most of his works, he works with Japanese brushes and Sumi?Color. With SUMI?Color to work, it takes a lot of discipline as she forgives no errors. Read additional details here: Maya Dubin, New York City. Once a brush stroke is on the screen can It will no longer be changed? each stroke creates his own style. Nishi sees himself as a runner on the line waiting for the go-ahead. If he starts a new work, he would like to start with a clear head. Tokyo love. A Japanese group exhibition.


Chinese Culture Center

by yudaica2013 ·

Press information about the exclusive info event in Berlin Berlin, 13.03.2012 – an unforgettable evening for the 200 guests from politics, economy and culture: the Chinese star pianist Lang Lang appeared as an Ambassador of his native region of Shenzhen on Monday. The European Office of Shenzhen had invited to the event at the Chinese Culture Center in Berlin. “Listen to under the motto of Shenzhen – Lang Lang and his city” the guests got a glimpse of the third largest economic metropolis of China. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ted Lasso. A photo exhibition with impressive city motifs gave the event a Visual framework. In addition to the Goodwill Ambassador for the Ambassador of People’s Republic of China, Hongbo Wu present, as well as Karl Wendling, Assistant Director of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology, and Dr. Lixia was long Tang, Director-General of the Office of Foreign Affairs of the city of Shenzhen. The aim of the event: representing city of Shenzhen would like to strengthen relations with Berlin and consolidate. The German partner city is Nuremberg, also the seat of the Host, the European Office of Shenzhen.

The guests were not only treated of a half-hour concert. Lang Lang-mediated a very personal impression of Shenzhen of city, where he opened his first music school. Shenzhen, I connect youth, modernity, dynamism and innovation”especially the properties, said the star pianist. “He there a piano mass trend triggered, the Shenzhen PianoCity nicknamed” owes. His 30th birthday at the 14.06.2012 wants to long long back to Berlin come. The city of Shenzhen: Shenzhen has a huge development.

In only 30 years the city on the East coast of China from 30,000 inhabitants grew estimated 12 million today. Shenzhen is located in the vicinity of Hong Kong in Guangdong Province. You is not only a booming industry and economics but not least provides a high quality of life thanks to many people from other countries and cultures that have found their way to Shenzhen in recent years.


First Advent Reading In The Dichterhaus

by yudaica2013 ·

or the Verfuhrrung with the sensual Muse kisses Langwedel Etelsen: for the first time, the poet couple invited Lydia Kamath and Roland Pollnitz alias Rajymbek an advent reading in the Dichterhaus. So numerous as never flocked to the guests in her Christmas decorated House. Sparkling champagne, delicious meatballs and delicious Marmalade toasts everything from the kitchen exclusively their own works were the poet couple to hear. In addition to contemplative texts at Christmas time, they offered also humorous verses that placed the audience in laughter. vant resource throughout. Before the two poets in the break the audience offered their famous and seductive Muse kisses, she read two stories and poems from Rajymbeks new book the gift of the shamans, which wore something shamanic in, imagination awakened and surprised with delightful Word creations. The dinner ended a magical Christmas bazaar, proliferated in the poet couple with a further pound of their imagination: liquors with names such as flame of love, Pralines, the They called Muse kisses, erotica, or inspiration, poets dream jams and other sweet dreams, not to mention massage and bath oils from our own creation. No doubt books on the gift table should not lack. All in all all around better tonight..


Logbook – Photographs By Andreas Rost

by yudaica2013 ·

With his exhibition ‘Logbook’ of the Berlin photographer surprised Andreas Rost with digital images of ocean liners, sailing ships, soul catchers and shipwrecks off the coast of Algiers. The starting point of his work was a two months work stay in Algiers, in which daily a panoramic view of the Harbour, the sea and the ships before the city offered to him. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Tony Parker. This created over 900 image documents, a diary, that exactly arrival, stay and departure of ships listed. From the surveillance photographs, images of sublime beauty, which conjure up an appeal of the romantic landscape painting by William Turner will be through a printing on matte paper. The romantic legend of the topic as a symbol for the longing for infinity, freedom and exalted size is however disappointed by the reality. The ships are often many days on roads, the capacities of the small port is not sufficient for a rapid discharge.

All ships leave the foreign country without charge. Behind the romantic images revealed She globalized to world economy; Countries that are fully dependent on imports, because they produce nothing (more). The result is a game between reality and fiction that once again questions the reality and probative of media images of our time. Andreas Rost, born 1966 in Weimar, he studied at the Hochschule fur Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig with Arno Fischer and Evelyn Richter. Since 2003, rust has given numerous international lectures and photo workshops for the ifa and the Goethe Institute in Cairo, Algiers, Ramallah, Isfahan, in Aden, Sudan and in Kabul. He has curated exhibitions in addition to numerous Ausstellungsbeteiligungn and is a member of DGPh. Andreas Rost lives and works in Berlin. Opening on Tuesday, September 02, 2008, 19:00, with an introduction by Stefan Rossel, the artist is present. It appears a catalogue with a text by Ina Strelow.


Masparty Feat Lucy

by yudaica2013 ·

A celestial appearance: Deluxe feat. lem. Lucy – there must be on angel… playing with the band! This christmas rocks! Large Deluxe Christmas party the radio band on December 18, 2009 no less has announced himself as Lucy by the No Angels. As a friend of the band, she lets it do not take to beef up the show of party professionals from the Ruhr area with their performance. Deluxe and Lucy an explosive mixture, which is still really hot all party people shortly before Christmas. Deluxe, are eight terrific musicians, who have all fetuses classic repertoire and perform with heart and soul. With its four singers Deluxe are always new, always different: whether rock like Billy Idol or Van Halen, pop such as Donna Summer and Tina Turner or even topical such as pink or silver moon where are Deluxe, remains no leg on the ground. Lucy Diakovska missed the X-masparty Deluxe their cream of the crop: the lively redhead plunges directly into the plump party pleasure.

Still, the rock and pop set of boys and girls by Deluxe is tuned by their appearance. Also “If there are Christmas biscuits, but of a silent night” no speech might this last but not least is the rock version of daylight in your eyes “take care! Not only the Lucy’s going off… Deluxe feat. Lucy (No Angels), 18.12.2009, West City Hall, food intake: 20:30 VVK 12, AK 14, Info: Timo Mroz Echo Park production company mbH


Prague Philharmonic Orchestra

by yudaica2013 ·

Thong underwear and rain poncho: Ian Gillan (frontman of deep purple) and the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra under Friedemann Riehle in Ferropolis, Grafenhainichen iron city services – a special event about 3000 fans witnessed at the services in Ferropolis, the city of iron. The combination of Ian Gillan, frontman of deep purple and the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra is something special. But who would have thought one evening, which was themed rock meets classic”Ian Gillan in thong and rain poncho admire onstage to be able. How it came about? The weather made hope on a moderately warm but dry open air concert in the arena of Ferropolis between giant excavators and a flamboyant Lake scenery. But exactly 20:01 the sky opened its floodgates and let it rain, rain, rain. Megan fox insists that this is the case. With so much rain, the Organizer, Lux had not expected events. The stage roof was now too small or too large, the Orchestra? Definitely, some musicians with their instruments, were always by blowing on the stage Rain refreshes.

The technique was not spared. At his first piece had Ian Gillan to hear themselves sing a problem actively took the initiative and dumped the speaker fully accumulated by the rain. The short break inserted after 1 hour was urgently needed to put some musicians with their instruments again dry. About to 21.Uhr, Ian Gillan surprised the approximately 2500 those fans with a stage outfit of a special kind. Gillan, who was been completely soaked in the first part, appeared only with sneakers, Thong and a transparent rain poncho again on the stage. This circumstance by the first violinist of the Orchestra, which at once faced with Gillian’s uninhibited side required a special concentration.

In the course of the second half of the concert, had also the rain relented and was weaker. “But at the latest when when a blind man cries” and smoke on the water “and the audience forgot the adverse circumstances of this evening. Nothing gave the fans more on your chairs and they celebrated the jokes again and again about his costume thrilling artists with enthusiastic applause. Sound – and in terms of sound the concert, and the whole evening have suffered much under the rain, but Ian Gillan was an experience of a special kind with his voice and with his power interesting – and worth hearing, and thanks to his stage costume.