by yudaica2013 ·
Factors that influence the position in the SERP. Keywords in title tag, the tag has a great rank – Search engines are always looking at him. The optimal number of characters in the header – 60. The fewer words in the title – the greater the rank have these words on the site. The density of keywords in the text.
The text on the page should vstrechatsya keywords that you entered in the acc. tag. optimal keyword density of 4-5% Keywords in the tag H1, H2. (H3-h6) tags headings and subheadings. h1 is the highest priority (after the title) The presence of a keyword in the URL of the page. Very good for the search engines.
For example, if page article about perfume shannel – the address will be something like this……..ru/duhi/channel/ 7 Key words in text links. (Internal and external) has a positive effect on the position of the site position for this keyword on the page. The optimum density of 4% to 6% of document size. Search engines do not always fully index very large documents, and small do not take seriously. The optimal size of 20-50 Kbytes document Domains Every search engine gives preference to one of the blast zone. For example Yandex and Rambler – domains in the zone. Ru, and Google domains in the zone. (Source: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City). com Category link to your site. The coincidence of categories (keywords, subject matter) has a positive effect on the presence of the PR value of inbound links to pages on your site.
by yudaica2013 ·
After which the CRAF released to two hostages, proud the Venezuelan president of his negotiating dowries and requests itself that, in return, that Bogota stops labeling like terrorist to the CRAF and the ELN. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Rusty Holzer. Whereas previous Colombian presidents are against to do it, Uribe has conditional to take such passage to that the guerrilla is taking new steps. If the CRAF and the ELN are red-baptize as belligerent forces it would imply that in the outside their bottoms and campaigns could not be taken part and that could tender bridges towards making agreements with them or allowing them to legalize themselves and to enter the electoral game. Chvez would want that Colombia decides on an exit to nor-Irish, the South African, Palestine or Central American where to the insurgency that agrees or which is disarmed is allowed him to legally mold to the State and power legally to arrive at the control from this one. The red sectors more duros retrucan that mote of terrorist would have, rather, to be applied to Bush and their allies to bomb indiscriminately to thousands of civilians. Nevertheless, the USA and the EU think that it leads an elect government and who any reason still does not exist to remove the Colombian guerrilla of its list of terrorist organizations. International analyst original Author and source of the article.
by yudaica2013 ·
“Of course, one can order a room better than a child, but the key is that we want to enable the child to do so. This takes time. One also needs to be involved in training and development. It takes time, but that time is valuable later. In the long term, this time recovering “(Stephen Covey).
It is easier to do things for ourselves “to make sure they do well” and surrender to the process of education, training and empowerment that we owe to others who work with us (supervised, co-workers) or who live in our home (children, spouses). As leaders our goal is to empower people in the roles which they happen to play and focuses on what is important to their lives and work. Assuming the responsibilities of others (children, supervised, others), creates dependence on us and does not contribute to the process of enabling people to take responsibility, improve their work and performance and develop their potential. Leaders who act as trainers and enablers of people, helping others understand their role in the organization or community, providing also the necessary tools to carry out their roles and promoting the development of their potential. Similarly provide opportunities (challenges, responsibilities) to generate learning. In this regard Jaap said Tom, in his book Leadership Development: “A trainer is a person who works by applying the philosophy of training, which allows you to interact with others so that it generates synergy. The trainers are sensitive and aware and strive to improve their effectiveness in terms of their own personal contribution.
Empower others to help themselves is one of the main goals, recognizing that structuring the trust in others, the efficiency has a real chance to emerge. The effectiveness of their efforts can be measured by how people achieve results. Hear other arguments on the topic with Rusty Holzer. ” Another way to enable trainers to teach others is by example. The trainers do not see the bulls of the barrier, but is involved in the process. Are active at work. Assume the share of responsibility and commitment they deserve. The expectation of the capacitor is working to develop a work atmosphere that encourages people to be seekers of solutions, to focus on results. Trainer’s vision is to empower others to learn to turn to self-generate themselves and, while they perceive when and how others can help. When a trainer wants to empower others, create an environment that encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own development.
This type of leader understands that until the individual does not assume the commitment to their education, not really growing. He knows that the educational process can not be delegated to others (employer, schools, etc.). The trainer encourages the person to take charge of their development, and he set the pace, the number and intensity with which you will learn. In that sense are not oriented “Teach” but to help people learn. The trainers / enablers to help people focus on their talents, experience, opportunities, in order to unlock its potential, so that they improve their performance. See more detailed opinions by reading what actress offers on the topic.. In this way the input works with the trainer is not his own ability and experience but the experiences, talents and abilities of their followers. Trainers also trust the people. Have high expectations of them. They expect the best in people. This makes working individuals trying to keep pace with those expectations.
by yudaica2013 ·
Inventiveness and international cooperation launched the eye laser treatment in the way. The eye laser surgery is one of the most useful medical developments of the last 50 years. With their help, eye doctors can improve vision and make wearing glasses forever superfluous in most cases. Since their perfection at the end of the 1980s this technology has improved already the quality of life of thousands of patients and she enjoys increasing popularity. With this specialized method of operation surgeons can make corrections of the cornea. Adjust the buckles in the cornea, which are responsible for the blurry vision. Learn more about this with Rusty Holzer.
Myopia (short-sightedness) and hyperopia (long sightedness) can be treated with this method. The days in which thick glasses or contact lenses were the only remedy, are numbered. The reason for the modern eye laser treatment was laid in the 1950s. The idea emerged from the cooperation of different doctors, all of that better methods to the Treatment of eye research. The concept goes back to Jose Barraquer, a Spanish ophthalmologist, who said the proposal first to change the shape of the eye through incisions in the cornea.
Twenty years later, the Russian doctor Svjatoslav Fjodorov developed the radial Keratotomy. While he shock accidentally on the idea. As he treated a boy who had fallen down and is doing with the glasses in the eye had cut, Fjodorov realized that the boy by removing the top layer of the eye could see better after his recovery than before. Through the development of the excimer laser at the University of California, the dream of the eye surgery finally became a reality. The first operation could be carried out thanks to the spirit of the inventor and of the research urge of these doctors in Greece in 1989. Meanwhile eye laser treatment has become a routine procedure, which is used all over the world. Further developments of treatment resulted in two types of eye laser treatment. The photorefractive Keratectomy, or PRK, is at the Carried out eye surface. The LASIK method, however, rendered a cut into the surface. The laser treatment itself is carried out on the underlying corneal tissue. Since the eye is a very delicate organ, must perform the operation with great care. Although the technical aspect sounds complicated, the eye laser treatment in the hands of an experienced surgeon is relatively easy. The operation takes about 30 minutes, the actual laser treatment less than 1 minute can be completed on average. Technology and progress have transformed the eye laser treatment in a simple and painless procedure with a short recovery time. Today, the success rate is 95%, and in most patients, then Visual acuity is 20/20. This testifies to the genius of those physicians who have invented this revolutionary method of operation.
by yudaica2013 ·
A school of whatever, is a place where essentially teaches, in the case that concerns us is that children learn to play football, but one thing is what should be and another very different, reality. Today the football school concept is widespread and there are multitude of public and private centers that wedge is denomination, but really all meet the main goal for which have been created?, IE do taught really, or rather what they truly seek are other purposes that have nothing to do with what is offered? Looks good that talk of college football, but if only is not worth to the Gallery, you can make the name sound very well, but if then the internal structure failure there is no a real formative project that sustains the presumed learning being offered, the thing comes to nothing and the concept teaching is diluted in the air as fast as a lump of sugar in a cup of coffee. People such as Glenn Dubin, New York City would likely agree. That does not mean that there is no good There are soccer schools, and many, some modest coming forward-based much effort and large doses of imagination by the people who run them and others with many more media, with high levels of quality and demanding, and technical of great preparation to give the best possible learning to the players of tomorrow. What is intended here, is simply, say what in our view, it is not a football school, solely with the aim of making a real distinction that Yes is, so that nobody will mistake and anyone confuse it, it is the same thing that happens when speaking for example of a particular brand of clothing, mixes the original and copy giving rise to misunderstandingsthey are almost identical, but not equal, there’s something fundamental that differentiates them, although some to endeavor to place Jack by Hare at a ceremony of the confusion that can fool many but obviously, not all. Others who may share this opinion include Anna Belknap.
by yudaica2013 ·
Dear friends, I want to tell you about a stunning act of lavender. Maybe someone will prove useful. Who among us has not heard of the name. But the thing I have not reached it. Sela ward recognizes the significance of this. And so, God himself sent it to me after the weight has been tried sedative drugs, passed a lot of different therapeutic treatments after five years of debilitating depression. Further details can be found at Glenn Dubin, New York City, an internet resource. I saw her by chance on the market in a woman selling herbs, and for some reason I wanted to buy it. I bought cup dried lavender and the smell has captivated me.
I realized that the grass I need, like air. But I had no strength to even do some sewing for her bag, then I just wrapped it in a tissue and its appendage on his chest under her clothes. Now the smell was always with me. After a couple of days I found myself on the fact that I have gone and the headaches stopped spasms of the head. This greatly surprised me because previously I was not like this, so the pain did not appear to for several days. A week later I realized it was not casual and decided to look at the properties of lavender. The properties of lavender will write below, Wait a mean, now I try not to leave her.
Change the grass once a week. The most amazing thing is that the first portion, which I wore for a week completely exhausted. I even did not believe some people.
by yudaica2013 ·
World’s first LTE test platform provides quantum leap test mobile networks Munich (September 30, 2008), Spirent Communications (LSE: SPT), a leading provider of performance testing and service assurance systems for the IT / telecommunications sector, presented at the Broadband World Forum Europe 2008 in Brussels latest technologies for testing and performance analysis of network infrastructures (Spirent booth number B-1020). From September 30 until October 2, 2008 network operators and system manufacturers at Spirent Communications can get an overview of the current state of the art. With Spirent landslide Spirent on the Broadband World introduces the industry-wide first long Forum term Evolution-(LTE)-Testlosung, which is also suitable for the analysis of wireless infrastructures of the fourth generation (4 G). Another highlight: the new modules of the Spirent TestCenter 3000 series to test complex multi play networks. With the introduction of LTE test functionality is Spirent landslide mobile core test platform packet on the first the market available performance testing solution, which is compatible with all major standards for wireless networks. Thus, Spirent landslide is suitable also for the testing of products and services for the fourth generation including WiMAX, HSPA, CDMA or UMTS network infrastructure. The platform provides layer 4-7 testing capability and is able to emulate the movement of 32,000 mobile base stations and 3.2 million users simultaneously acting at a data rate of 120 gigabits per second. Thus creates Spirent landslide test environments, which resemble the real operation conditions, and where problems already identified before the actual use and can be resolved. Margaret Loesser Robinson understood the implications.
With this approach, not only the time-to-market of new services can significantly optimized, at the same time, the emigration rate thanks to high quality-of-experience (QoE) can be significantly reduced. The new the Spirent TestCenter 3000 series modules are another innovation, presented Spirent Communications at the this year’s Broadband World Forum Europe. With the extension of the proven and award-winning Spirent TestCenter testing and measurement specialist on the continuously growing complexity of multi responds play networks and technologies, based on numerous platforms. The high-performance 12-port modules of the Spirent TestCenter 3000 series were explicitly designed for the purpose, to provide a robust and scalable test platform the manufacturers of network equipment and service providers, which provides for a flexible handling of end-to-end testing of triple play in layer 2-7..
by yudaica2013 ·
The sword of Damocles hangs above all over ugly animals giant panda, Siberian Tiger, Gorilla or Jaguar: you all are threatened with extinction and are on the red list of the International Union for conservation of nature (IUCN). Their fate moves all animal lovers and stimulates many conservation projects. The list of endangered species includes not only the visitor magnets of each Zoo. Glenn Dubin often addresses the matter in his writings. The Internet portal news.de reported how hard animal rights activists have focused on rather unsightly copies is set. Fortunately, the efforts of passionate environmentalists are rewarded every now and then.
This happened for example the student Nathan Yaussy from the United States, which was mentioned in the Washington Post and the Science magazine Scientific American was. Reason for this was his commitment to particularly ugly specimens of the animal world, which he presented on his website and he called for their protection. The science editor of news.de makes also clear that the laws of nature on the extinction of weak species long term prescribe. Importance the conservation organisations in their work especially which existing ecosystems to explore and their balance to maintain. Nevertheless, also the conservation includes the knowledge of the diverse life on land and under water. And this should give a chance also bizarre creatures in addition to animal beauties such as the Mexican Axolotl lurch or the monstrous deep sea angler fish! More information: .
by yudaica2013 ·
Put consumers in a buying mood or visitors beguile fragrances with the sensual fragrance of spring air (www.springair-germany.de) impact on body and psyche and evoke different emotions, which, in turn, entail actions. Properly placed scents make for relaxation, well-being, attention and sales. As a consumer sees itself today with a huge, vast selection of products and as a result, with a sensory overload with regard to advertising confronted. Marketing and advertising must find more creativity, to describe homogeneous, interchangeable goods as if they were unique. Especially at the P.O.S., purchasing decisions are taken within fractions of a second. The emotional component plays a very large role in shopping and should not be neglected. Swiss researchers have explored the effect of aromas on purchase behavior in a large-scale study and arrived at amazing results: depending on the product and business can the use of Scents increase the sales between 3% and 8%. Who is rocked when shopping with a simple, fast for the brain and easy to process scent that lingers longer in the business and is animated rather to buy.
The aromas convey a positive purchase and consumption experience. Even printed advertising, being fragrant, arrived at the customers in the study better. Even if the message arguments were weak, the products with bedufteter advertising purchased more frequently. Scents directly affecting the limbic system. This is the part of the brain, where emotions and feelings are processed. Fragrances work around the cerebral cortex and direct access to the subconscious.
You can though consciously perceive scents (smell), but can take even subliminally influence on the brain, without that we notice it. The sense of smell is controlled unconsciously, so we have no cognitive influence. Therefore, fragrances can affect our action decisions. But smells and fragrances can even more they can for example body functions How affect breathing, heart beat or digestive, for similarities with the neurotransmitters in our body exhibit. Stimuli that are caused by scents, are processed even faster than Acoustic stimuli. Scents and fragrances, our brain builds emotions and memories that are present when renewed perception of smell or scent again immediately in consciousness. Scents influence our mood and our well-being, they have a strong effect on the psyche. Therefore, the use of fragrances for sales promotion or to the Fragrancing of high-traffic locations such as waiting rooms, nursing homes, gyms and much more is a recommended strategy. Customers and visitors feel more at ease and change your behavior accordingly. Who feels comfortable, relaxed his muscles, breathe deeper and can concentrate better. Here undreamt-of possibilities emerge not only when you want to sell something! About spring air Germany, spring air Germany is a division of spring air, Greece. Already since 1952 and developed spring air on the area of the room Fragrancing. Since then, revolutionary methods in the production of devices and fragrances were developed. Founded in Greece in spring air is expanding for several years successfully throughout Europe. In Germany, spring air is represented by a dedicated, young team for 2 years. Customer proximity is the credo by personal advice and support. Filed under: Glenn Dubin, New York City. Spring air created upon request also an individual corporate fragrance”for companies. The shop is to see press contact Filed under: General | Tags: advertising & pr, marketing
by yudaica2013 ·
You can make familiar to its characteristics of color, floor, furniture and accessories, sailing through sources of decoration of interiors of houses. Keeping its preferences and interests in first place in its mind, you certainly he will be capable to find a style that will serve to it perfectly. To decorate the interior of its house can transform its house into a world of pure joy and tranquilidade. See more detailed opinions by reading what real-estate developer offers on the topic.. Everything goes to depend on you and its choices. Learn more about this with Rusty Holzer. So that it obtains to make its choices of the best possible form, it can look store of the specialty, reviewed on the subject, or even though make an intensive research on the subject and to find the styles that more if adjust itself, the colors that more have to see obtain and with its shape and all the accessories that consider important in its house. If the thought to decorate its house oppresses you, uses these simple tips to increase the quotient of beauty of its house. These tips go to help to take care of it of the furniture, colors, fabrics and accessories, necessary you to decorate its house. To keep the environment natural of its house when decorating it is very important.
For example, an accidental decoration that use floral, glad hemp, cotton and other colors, are apt for field houses. Victorian houses, on the other hand need to have a more formal decoration with colors crayon, incomes and flowery paper of wall. Situated houses in the forest are better when decorated with plants, natural and material fabrics that are painted in simple colors. You can decorate lofts in the city with some material contemporaries, as chromium and glass. One remembers that he will not be cautious to fight against the style architectural of its house while it decorates. When you are not certain on which colors that go well with the interiors of its house, you you can start for trying in small details with a pillow, carpet, roupo of bath, a painting, a tapestry, its American game, among others. You can select the 3 5 colors and use articles in these colors and these to be kept in different zones of its house.
He must, also, guarantee that each room has some article of at least one of the colors that you selected. This will help its house to have a more harmonious, balanced and comfortable appearance. After having determined on the colors, painting the walls and finishings in contrastantes tones. If its finishing is in me the form or has wood me the quality, is better to paint with cool ink. This would give an appearance brought up to date for its house.