Andre Kostolany, also affectionately called by his followers’ Kosto, “was on the 9th Born in Hungary in February 1906. His parents were rich, through Hungary also known Indusrielle. In the ’20s, he first began studying art history and thinking behind, to art critic. Even a few semesters economics were on his schedule, but he concealed for many years the public. His first stock exchange of experience gained “Kosto” at the tender age of 12 years at the Vienna Stock Exchange, where he had fled with his parents because of the political developments in Hungary. At the age of 18, his father sent him to the “doctrine” to the French stockbroker Adrien Perquel to Paris. Here he learned, from an estimated Kostolany always rule, “that everything depends on the stock exchange on whether there are more fools than papers and more papers than fools.” Kostolanys rule of the game “Who has money, can not speculate on who has no money, “must speculate, made him a short time at ahard man, too many to today’s much-4 ‘G’ contributed to his success in stock market: 1.Geld, in their own and not borrowed 2.Gedanken who own and not of any stock market experts 3.Geduld, for one in the stock market: 2 +2 = 5-1 4.Glck that has, unfortunately, not everyone as a rich man “Kosto” goes to the States since Kostolany, who was of Jewish origin, because of the anti-Semitic developments associated with the 2nd World War II in Europe no longer felt safe, he decided to emigrate to the United States. Equipped with approximately 200th 000 dollars, which represents a current asset of 2 million euros, with a passenger ship, he crossed the ocean. At the age of 35 years he was a principal shareholder and president of the financial services’ G. Ballai and Cie Financing Company. ” With the “American Way of Live” Kostolany could not really make friends, for his heart to beat as before for Europe. The only American city where he was killed, was in New York – more Address:New York, Wall Street, where he finally began listing history to write. His great “deals” One of his greatest successes were achieved Andre Kostolany Stock Exchange after the 2nd World War II had ended. At this point, no one wanted more to the Germans, whose country lay in ruins, believe and certainly not put a cent on you. But distancing “Kosto” from the opinion of the masses, believed in hard work and determination of the German citizen and therefore bought German foreign loans on the Paris stock exchange at a rate of 250 France. The price of the bond rose a few years later, at a phenomenal 14 000 percent. His speculation on bonds, said Russian Czar Stock Exchange history. Kostolany stocked up with these bonds, because he believed that Russia will become insolvent. First Sounds contradictory, but he speculated that it would then enter a “New Russia”, which would go through the capital markets of liquidity. However, to the confidence ofDo not lose players in the market, it would also have the interest on the old Tsarist bonds will be repaid. Kostos’ expectations were confirmed after a short time, and his courage to take risks paid off, finally made into cash. Already in 1999, he warned, “investors from becoming too euphoric at the” Neuer Markt. He predicted investors that develops in this market segment one of the largest “bubbles” and so, some investors will still get a bloody nose. He himself ran the fingers of share values from the “new economy” because he was acting under the belief that only buy from whom you know well what. But Kostolany not one of the “prophets” who always claim to be, they would only make gainsin the stock market. He says: “Anyone who claims to be is a bad liar. His luck was that he always scored a little more gains than losses on the stock exchanges. Andre Kostolany enjoyed traveling between continents, visiting the major stock exchanges in the world. He wasthere always been an unsolicited guest, which probably has to do something significant with the fact that he understood it, the stock market and to sell itself as entertainment. His books have been read over 1.5 million times, and his seminars were fully booked despite the high entry fee of up to 1000. Kostolany appeared, the word retirement, despite his advanced age as a stranger. As before, he wrote columns, gave interviews and held seminars. Its activity and love of the “dolce vita” made him well be that old. On 14 September 1999, at the age of 93 years, he died in the arms of his wife Francoise. For more information on the subject of management, market and career, see