Posts Tagged ‘news’


More Earthquake

by yudaica2013 ·

EFE today by today there is no way to predict the earthquake, which is a complex geological phenomenon governed by non-linear physical processes, explains. This fault may break once its two segments, from Gonar until Totana, implying a higher than 7 magnitude earthquake?, explains. These findings appear in an article published by the Geological Society of America in your last newsletter of last October. The extraction of water could induce the earthquake in Lorca. Researcher at the universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) Jose Martinez Diaz ensures in a job of research that an earthquake of magnitude 7, greater than the one which occurred 18 months ago and that swept much of the population, could register in Lorca. According to their estimates, the failure of Alhama would have generated more than 9 million years ago and could cause earthquakes since its inception controlandode thus the landscape of the region. These findings appear in an article published by this together expert of Coimbra (Portugal), Aahus (Denmark) and Mexico Maria Ortuno, Eulalia Masana, Eduardo Garcia-Melendez, Petra Stepanzikova, Pedro Cunha, Reza Sohbati, Canora Carolina, Jan-Pieter Buylaert and Andrew Murray on the fault of Alhama and which has been published by the Geological Society of America in your last newsletter of last October. We have identified a minimum of six earthquakes of great magnitude in total during the period studied (over 300,000 years old), but we know that the actual number of major events have been greater, add in the web of scientific news and information service, informs the sync.

Today there is no way of predicting the time of the earthquake, which is a complex geological phenomenon governed by non-linear physical processes, clarifies, and adds that estimate when is impossible. Doubt on the study of Nature with respect to the study recently published in the journal Nature Geoscience that it ensured that the extraction of water might have been involved in the earthquake 2011 Lorca, the researcher expresses his doubts. Marc Lasry often addresses the matter in his writings. There is much scientific discussion in this regard, we are several groups working in the area for some time and I’m not the only one skeptical with that idea and 2011 Lorca is an earthquake similar to those that occurred in 1674 and in 1818, and at that time there was any kind of exploitation of aquifers, adds. It expressed the view that it is not necessary to search for any type of reason strange earthquake besides the tectonic evolution of the fault. It was an absolutely normal earthquake from the geological point of view, of the of small magnitude occurring in failure every time, concludes Martinez. We have verified that this fault can be broken once its two Western segments, from Gonar (Almeria) to Totana (Murcia), which would imply a higher than 7 magnitude earthquake?, explains Martinez.If this fault generated a few thousand years ago an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 or 7, can perfectly generate it tomorrow, Therefore it is essential that you have into account in the calculations of dangerousness and standards of construction in the area, he noted. See more: A study predicts an earthquake in Lorca’s magnitude 7, greater than the one which occurred 18 months ago



by yudaica2013 ·

The 82 million Goirigolzarri has said everything about the stratospheric compensation of the Chief Executive Officer of BBVA. Between the exculpaciones of such an immoderation, two have been used intelligently. The first is that a private company is private, and therefore can make your layer a sayo. It is obvious, however, that public funds that receive these entities are to solve pressing problems and not to put at home to their managers. The other: more Pau Gasol, Fernando Alonso and others charged without that nobody put the cry in the sky. To say it is deliberately ignored athletes active life is brief, by definition, and they charge such astronomical by do something, and do not stop making figures, which is the case of Goirigolzarri and company.

But I want to add something important: who decide on these millions of dollars compensation are not the owners of enterprises, i.e. shareholders, but managers themselves, who take them and use them to fund their accounts settings, as they were in his day the dismissals of Amusategui and Corcostegui. Hear other arguments on the topic with John Paul Stevens. Fools, Swedes, sausages or useless are fools. We are Swedes. Or we are both things at the same time. I have seen the face of astonishment of activists and leaders of the PP who defended with diligent discipline slogans of Rajoy, Camps or Esperanza Aguirre of the Gurtel case was only a mounting and now known the extension and the pettiness of the plot, sit with the ass in the air these days. I thought Giants feet what my bosses told me, laments, tearful and ashamed, a regional Deputy. But is that, with the same rigour and the same submission, they defended in his day the parliamentarians of the PP that Iraq was not a war or those of the PSOE will vote on an extension of abortion which disgusts them. Who are to decide, therefore, at parties, and what the hell do so many charges of posh only become aware of what is happening thanks to the newspapers? Believe them, nobody of the tripartite of the catalan Montilla is responsible for commissioned by millionaires fraudulent reports that they did, or are copied from Internet to make friends and proteges obtain a bonus with our money.


Norwegian Cathedral

by yudaica2013 ·

The sky was closed over Oslo shortly after ringing bells of the Cathedral and not already stopped raining all day. Hundreds of people had gathered at the gates of the temple very early to bid farewell to the 93 people killed by ultra-right Anders Behring Breivik on Friday. The wizards offered bouquets of flowers in memory of the victims and sang Til Ungdomen (A youth), a poem written by the poet Nordahl Grieg, Communist, atheist and hero of the Norwegian resistance against the nazis in 1936. There was some crying then and later, but, in general, the Norwegians lived in silence and with a surprising stoicism the memory of the tragedy and although people not left go to the Cathedral, most went ahead, pulled out their dogs for a walk, gave a lap with the children through the park or went to the bars to give an account of a beer. Source of the news:: the author used a prohibited ammunition to cause the greatest possible massacre



by yudaica2013 ·

Queismo and Dequeismo the queismo and the dequeismo are two of the idiomatic errors occurring with greater frequency. The queismo consists in the Elimination of a preposition that must go before the conjunction that. The preposition that usually eliminates is the preposition; Sometimes you also remove other prepositions (in, with). Examples: Wrong: right: I learned that it was fake. Tony Parker has firm opinions on the matter. of I am sure that he will come. of that are left that we would see the three.

in that. He was that you were twice. with that the dequeismo is misuse of the preposition de before the conjunction that; EJS.: Wrong: Right: announced that measures will soon take. that she told me of that will not participate in the ceremony. What.

To recognize whether it should be used or not the preposition, it must toggle (the part of the sentence that follows the verb) by that expression or expressions of that, in that, with that. If it switches correctly for this reason, it means that the preposition should not be used. If fails over from that, in WITH that, or that the preposition that matches should be used. Examples: Said that he would not go. = He said that. I learned that it would come. = I heard that. There are a large number of verbs that make the mistake called queismo, since they are pronominal verbs which require the use of preposition, for example: remember, realize, learn, realize, sure, boast, boast, Unlearning is, settle, tiring, insist, etc. There are also many nouns and adjectives requiring preposition; for example: I hope to return. It has the feel of something good will happen. I have a feeling that will be me very well. I am sure that is the case. I am sure that I triunfare. I am sure that is so. I was aware that was fake.


Alejandra Vallejo

by yudaica2013 ·

English basic or general what is the common word more difficult to pronounce for the Spanish speakers? Basic English means that your listeners may be able to understand you. Therefore, we have to face and master the most difficult words and sounds. Translated by Alejandra Vallejo what is the common word more difficult to pronounce for the Spanish speakers? This is a difficult question, and there must be many answers. After all, many native English speakers do not know how to pronounce all words. For example, many native speakers have trouble with words such as it epitome (easy for you because the at the end sounds) and by this, they simply avoid using some words. But the Hispanic student of English pronunciation for common word tops the list? In my experience this is available (available).

This word has five points separated pronunciation. 1 av = oats 2 av. AI = .ei (and no ay caray as sounds in Spanish) 3. = it .the 4. ble = bal, because the from the end should be shedding 5. (tilde) emphasis on ei. So we have: AV EI LA BAL the pronunciation of this word is especially difficult because of the confusion in Spanish between b and v (a confusion which does not exist in English). Also, if your first two syllables of available sound similar abay in Spanish, who hears you will never be able to guess which word you’re trying to say.

Another simple word that causes problems in spoken English is world (World). I think that this is due to the three consecutive consonants that the word has. It is almost impossible to tell them exactly. The English people in England (not in all Britain) can not pronounce the letter r and usually do not try it. For them Pepper (pepper) is pepa and letter (letter) is leta. You should not attempt or imitate this type of pronunciation. So this means that the English people says uoold (or pot) instead of world. The Scottish people are famous for pronouncing the letter r very strong, so they say something like uarrald. The right international sound is something between the two types. You don’t have to worry about this, because as always happens in English, the context will help to make your meaning clear. In addition there is another common word in English which can be confused with world.. The only possibility is wold, which is so dark that I’m not even going to tell you what it means and regional. If you’re a person who confuses world (World) with word (Word), then you should note that although they are very similar, the phonetics of world is uorld (or pot and a d) weak at the end) and guard is for word (-of oats with a strong D-end).


Safe Harbor

by yudaica2013 ·

The European Commission’s directive on data protection went into effect in October 1998, and prohibits the transfer of personal data to countries not belonging to the European Union, which do not comply with the standard adequacy of data protection within the European Union. Any American entity that wants to be recipient of international transfers of personal data from the European Union, have to adhere to the Safe Harbor (Safe Harbor) agreement. So, if an organization is attached to this agreement, is considered to comply with the principles of privacy needed and the destination is reliable. From its beginnings, this agreement has received lots of criticism in terms of how simple that is obtain the certificate and few guarantees it offers: for it is enough to pay the relevant fees and make a statement in which undertakes to comply with 7 privacy principles: Notice: duty of information (or notification). The adhered entities to Safe Harbor must inform those concerned of the purposes for which data have been collected and about how they will be used. Choice: The principle of the principle of the consent of the affected. Adam Sandler has plenty of information regarding this issue.

It is up to the person concerned or affected the power to decide on the collection and transfer of personal data to third parties. Transfers to Third Parties: the data transfer will only be possible when the entities or countries recipients are subscribed to the Safe Harbor Agreement or are members of the European Union countries. Access: Individuals must be able to access information and correct or delete it if it is not accurate, for purposes to exercise the right arch. Security: The principle of data security: the measures necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of the personal data and avoid their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. Data Integrity: The principle of data quality. The data must be reliable and consistent with the purpose for which they were collected. Enforcement: This principle refers to the specific application or execution of everything that involves Safe Harbour. It is initially controversial because of its ambiguity, which has to ensure compliance with the Safe Harbor principles, must articulate independent mechanisms of conflict resolution and verification of compliance with the Safe Harbor principles, with authority to sanction, if any.

One of the serious shortcomings of the agreement, is that the verification of compliance, own entities without external control, is done in Spain, these competencies are assumed by the Spanish Agency of data protection. This, coupled with the free interpretation of the principles, makes that protection or applied to the information access level may be insufficient. Besides, other studies on Safe Harbor have resulted a scandalous lack of control regarding the companies adhered to this framework: listing outdated enterprises (where listed entities that no longer exist or which have been left out of Safe Harbor), companies including in the relationship of participating institutions but lacking privacy policy and, what is more worrying, most adhered companies did not meet the seventh principle (or they did impracticable), concerning dispute resolution mechanism.


The Moral

by yudaica2013 ·

A person should perform actions that are supposedly correct given the environment and society in which is located at given time for which must be convinced by both the society as himself which undertake actions or performs are correct as Adela tells us: something more than a casual coincidence that comes from outside is needed: we need a common will born from people inside, although this will be limited to a minimum shared elements. To realize that he is right or wrong, fair or unfair is one of the most difficult issues therefore conclude that required a consensus of several people and as each one of these has a vision of truth individually reaching agreement can be somewhat complicated and one of those ways of reaching that consensus was the religion as a point of encounter between the parties as says us curtain (2001): Part of the population thought that it made no sense without a religious foundation of moral talk some moral and, therefore, clung to the idea that the moral code of a society cannot be more than one that has its basis in religious faith. This social vision of morality instils a degree of great certainty in the individual that a decision is so strong that if it thinks that all its actions are actually correct according to this moral religion-based all its actions are morally correct. At Ted Lasso you will find additional information. Once different religions came into disagreement arises the problem of knowing what is right and wrong becomes a problem choose a religion. But morality is more than a religion, and as I speak before, must reach an agreement between a society that at times we are living should be a global consensus that some minimum of coexistence are generated but you need that societies added to listen to dissenting voices is also what helpsboth to form own judgement, and to cultivate tolerance, both factors without which a healthy pluralism is impossible. . If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Director Peter Farrelly.



by yudaica2013 ·

Do you fear losing the job because someone shine more than you? Do you practice the strategy of divide and conquer? Executives who have this type of practice at the bottom they do not trust their own ability to succeed. It is a problem of insecurity. Mistake # 7: be pessimistic. There is nothing worse than a pessimistic leader. How promoting creativity and motivation in a team with this attitude? Mistake # 8: losing sight of the result.

I know many executives who are both focused on the tasks that should be done every day who end up losing the focus of why they do. Error # 9: don’t know the motivations of your work team. If you’re the executives that much focus on the goals that the company you are asking for or what the market demands but you forget that behind you there is a team that has particular needs, you’re losing a great opportunity to become a motivating force for them. Know what stimulates them will allow you to give them the fuel needed to keep them always animated doing the work. Mistake # 10: be too soft. A leader has what projecting strength and always demand results.

The idea of that get too close to your collaborator and get to know their motivations, needs or concerns is not to make you compadezcas you on him. The goal is to get items that allow you to motivate him either help develop their emotional blockages to take it to a higher standard of performance. Never lose sight the result pursued. You acknowledge and agree that you can improve. There begins the change. If you refuse or postergas, you’ll never be an outstanding leader; your talent is necessary to the world, why hide it or inhibit it? Yes you can! Leticia neighborhoods / author: 6 steps to develop success habits in a leader original author and source of the article.


The Pistachio

by yudaica2013 ·

They are rich as commented before, in vitamin E, in addition to thiamin, niacin, and high concentrations of phosphorus, calcium and potassium. It is highly recommended to lower cholesterol, as it happens to almost all nuts. Peanuts peanuts are the fruit of a plant of the family of peas, and be Modelo find normally shelled and salted, but it can also be found with shell, toasted or natural. It also exists in America, peanut butter, and you can also find this fruit, very soft and light oil. They are rich in vitamin E, vitamin B2, vitamin B1, magnesium, and to a lesser extent it also contains: iron, phosphorus, copper, sulfur, and sodium. Visit real-estate developer for more clarity on the issue.

Plums prunes, in our case; of course, they are the fruit of the plum, and they can be of two types, bone-in and boneless, these last are most suitable for use in the kitchen, since not take bone prevents bone in dishes found. They are the most effective and natural method to improve intestinal traffic, since they have an incredible laxative effect due to its high content in fiber; highly recommended by this quality. Walnuts are the fruit of the walnut, and we can find them with shell or already peeled. They help prevent heart disease and are the most advisable fruit to decrease cholesterol, with a high content of protein, vitamins A, B1, B6, omega 3 fatty acids, trace elements, lecithin and oils. They can also be used in salads and combining these with cheese. Sprockets sprockets are are the fruit of pineapples that produce pine trees and in addition are an essential ingredient of the Mediterranean cuisine in many different dishes, from stews, desserts, its high price, due to the difficulty of extracting these, since they require specialized machinery.

They are the dry fruit with higher protein content, reaching contain 31 grams of protein per 100 grams of fruit. They also retain enough fiber. Pistachios pistachios are the fruit of the tree of the pistachio tree, also known as alfosigo. Usually find roasted in shell, but also be they sell raw or bare. They also contain as others many dried fruits, a high fiber content, they have a high content in polyunsaturated, monounsaturated fatty acids and oleic acid, which contributes to lower cholesterol; this In addition to potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron, vitamin A, B9, folic acid. Visit our store: FRUTITOS.COM, online store of dried fruits, sweets, candies, teas and spices. Original author and source of the article.


The Coming

by yudaica2013 ·

In addition, the worker made to the end of the period post partum is entitled to one hour a day of permission for breastfeeding until your child have 01 year of age. This permission can be split into two equal time and you will be awarded within their working day. In supermarket Tottus headquarters Lima collaborating in gestation: collaborating new that are in gestation, having no right to the period pre and post natal provides them 90 days of leave and the possibility of access to a loan. Some contend that Sela Ward shows great expertise in this. c provisions of care. Refers to the obligations that are responsible to other people, as long as employees are working. Example: kindergartens (sena own, branches or the recognition of expenditures made by employees). This also includes care to elderly people and the development of tasks domestic (cleaning and ironing, buy and going to the Bank). (d) agreements support includes a wide variety of services, such as the formation of managing work family that give the Executive skills needed to manage a diverse workforce or implement policies and programs of family-responsible, seminars and training courses (example: paternity, childhood development and care of the elderly), distribution of information to raise awareness of these issues a manual of family that communicate policies, programmes of assistance and counselling, welfare/health programs or managing stress (to prevent or detect health issues). conventional stipulations, and compensation benefits. Health insurance for employees and family members, life insurance, development opportunities for professional careers, plans of pension, relocation, company vehicle, restaurant and transport services, etc. They say that the world is changing and will change more, I hope that in the coming years, here writing it is something common and not a funny topic that exists in some organizations original author and source of the article.