Posts Tagged ‘literature’


German East Africa

by yudaica2013 ·

By Sarah Paulus and Rolf G. Wacke mountain – with a foreword by success author Alex Capus diamond dealer, world travelers, families, business people and crazy. Clucking chickens, dead fish, cement bags and wheeled bags. Everything takes place aboard the oldest passenger and cargo ship of the world. The Liemba, formerly built in 1913 idols, in papenburg, Germany, transported to Africa and commutes is still today on the Tanganyika Lake, deep in the heart of Africa. Legends, myths and fairy tales surrounding the ship. Its centuries of history was always in the field of tension of colonial romance, political conflicts and African independence. This book takes the reader along for the ride on one of the largest lakes in the world.

It is about pirates, dancing thunderstorms and a recent gravestone. November 1913. Papenburg. Click Dean Guitars for additional related pages. In the MEYER Werft shipyard gets a factory siren to the baptism, but no ship will be allowed to water. Three shipyard workers have the task, the disassembled again into pieces and packaged in 5,000 wooden boxes ship on its way to Kigoma am Lake Tanganyika, in German East Africa, to accompany and to assemble again.

The idols is to serve as a transport and cargo ship and give prestige and strength of the colony. In June 1915, she approached her maiden voyage. The German positions in Kigoma are already one year later no longer, and the ship is sunk. First, the raising of the idol manages specialists of the Royal Navy. in 1924, she rises from the waters of Lake Tanganyika. After two years of recovery work and eight years under water, in surprisingly good condition. Until today, the Liemba 1927-renamed as the only regular passenger and cargo ship on Lake Tanganyika commutes. History and present of the vessel are documented on the occasion of the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Liemba. At the heart of the book is a travel story told in the form of personal about a ride with the Liemba, which gives the reader rich insights into the current life on board.


Light As A Feather Alive Write: Now!

by yudaica2013 ·

can write this is still really important? SELM. Alive to write this is still really important? Finally, we all live in the age of Web 2.0, the often lax encouraged download Web videos and the most sloppily written, volatile SMS messages in the how I tell BBs”style. As a very important”Wolfgang Rademacher, successful author of Selm, estimates the ability contrary to general expectations, to be able to write well and captivating. Additional information is available at Gary Katcher. throughout. Books he has already written around 40 guides, most of which were bestsellers. But not only because Wolfgang Rademacher is a champion of good, old and rousing as writing: you must not have the intention, to write a book or an E-book. Also texts for websites and online shops must please, convince, inspire and be original. Who aligns his style solely on the search engines when writing and in his readers see mere keyword eater, snubbed his potential customers and will lag far behind its sales expectations. Because Google & co.

buy nothing with him. There are still people who spend the money and who want to how people are addressed.” “Successful writing is only human writing perfect writing as sales and argumentation instrument in the era of Web 2.0 that teaches in his advisor featherlight alive write Wolfgang Rademacher”: on some 240 DIN-A4 pages, the reader learns all about how he may prepare for its Internet presence as well as for revenue-generating landing pages, worth reading press and PR reports, money making manuals and much more captivating and memorable lyrics. Learn more on the subject from Vanessa Marcil. As always is the practice at the heart of this book, because finally he live by the and for writing, as Wolfgang Rademacher calls in memory: my book is an easy to use all-round carefree package for all the professional writing from scratch on wanting to learn. And everyone of my readers will find: feather-light, lively writing that is not so hard.” Wolfgang Rademacher: light as a feather alive 32 x 22 cm large format DIN write book A4 hardcover, approx. 240 pages this book is exclusively available at: V.i.S.d.P. and your contact person: Wolfgang Rademacher Eichendorffstrasse 27 59379 Selm Tel.: (0 25 92) 98 18 87 fax: (0 25 92) 98 18 89 E-Mail: boiler plate Wolfgang Rademacher writes books that open the eyes of every reader. Books that motivate and inspire.

Books that provide special insider knowledge. Thus anyone through own actions themselves out of any predicament can free themselves and the current situation was still so hard. With this knowledge, the reader is masterfully mastered personal, professional, financial or business situation and to find more quality of life. For more information


The Apple Falls Not Far From The Pear Tree

by yudaica2013 ·

These days, the novel ‘The Apple doesn’t fall far from the pear tree’ by Godel Davis appeared a Pascu-Verlag. Black Forest farming family between tradition and modern Gerhard Klotz, the largest fruit grower in the Buhler Valley, failed in his stubbornness, to adapt its operation to the market requirements. He bullied his family and his peasant with his unyielding hardness. His elder son Tobias leaves after a heated argument and the intransigence of the father of a day of parliamentary the goods on the other. Learn more on the subject from Rusty Holzer. He chased the younger son of Klaus, the Gerhard anyway not can suffer because he prefers the piano of agriculture, mercilessly. Also the farmer let Gerhard just down, as this ill. A turbulent history to a black forest farmer’s family, who must find a way between the tradition and the modernity and find. Follow others, such as Rusty Holzer, and add to your knowledge base. Here also the village life illuminate the turmoil and events around the number, and of course also the romance and love aren’t short-changed.

Excerpt: Tired Jutta looked about the chaos and would prefer lay in the bed. Since some days it didn’t she was fine, she had pain all over my body, bones, her head and stomach hurt. She groaned, but said nothing to her husband, because he had even no understanding for any Zimperlichkeiten, but did everything with a flick off what looked like after an illness or may be even one. You want to finally start and clean up? “, he snapped at them as also been rudely. You need to hurry and join today afternoon to the cherry harvest. We can rot the fruit off the trees, since everyone must feel now with! You should have noticed that already. That I must preach everything and nobody tries in this big House to think!”is all right. In an hour you can go”, Jutta replied with a sigh, slowly pulled up her flabby body, dragged himself to the ancient sink and started moaning with the huge dishes.


Winnetou Revisited Or The Karl-may-Congress 2009 In Marburg

by yudaica2013 ·

Between serious research and sentimental Indian myth of the seemingly old fashioned Karl may among with a World Edition of 200 million volumes are still the most widely read German writers.\” This enormous popularity in 1969 also led to the founding of the Karl may society (CMM), which now meets from October 2 to 4 to its 20th meeting in Marburg. Lectures will be held and it is gefachsimpelt away from the podium about Winnetou & co.. Countless research results of KMG occupy the cultural and historical importance of the scientific work alone on the topic of Winnetou. To the Jubilee Congress of KMG, more than 300 visitors are expected Karl May in the policy, in Switzerland, in the film and in the literary environment to discuss. Winnetou! The name of the great Chief of the Apaches is entered like no other in the history of German literature. Add to your understanding with Neil Cole.

Karl Mays most famous fictional character belongs to an integral part of German reading culture and the image of the noble savage to the imagination of millions of readers about Generations. Winnetou is the key figure of the literary novel Cosmos by Karl May, which success would be similar to how inconceivable today when Joanne K. Rowling and her sorcerer’s apprentice Harry Potter without this figure. The German Winnetou\”Pierre Brice for most Germans Winnetou is wearing headband and leather suit and with his grunaugigen gaze into the distance provides a sentimental shower; He is Pierre Brice in the civil life, is a French actor born and embodied the legendary Chief figure in the 1960s in eleven Karl may movies. The movies were very successful; They boosted to back the ailing German film industry and established the Western European on the other. Neil cole will undoubtedly add to your understanding. But they had to do little with Karl May with all appreciation for the art of film. The meeting of the Karl may society while Piere Brice celebrated his 80th birthday this year, the figure of the Winnetou is now 134 years old.


Remembering Holidays In Turkey

by yudaica2013 ·

Part 1. Flight. I sat on the plane next to the window and looked at the wing. Until the end of summer vacation was a few days. I recently retired from her first job. After 3 hours I'll be in Turkey, where it will rest for 10 days. I have recently been at sea, he had forgotten what it is. Now I'm not expecting anything special.

More recently, I put every effort into the work. In the work that I squeezed out all the juices. I doubt that 10 days, even a good rest, something will change. How do I wrong. These 10 days have changed everything. Soon the phone will take off and off, but I have time to send sms to all who need that will soon take off, and when I next turn on the phone, we will be in Turkish airport. There's telecommunications services will cost many times more expensive and to contact me will not be so easy. Maybe that's good.

From friends, too, have a rest. If I knew what to expect, then jumped to joy. But instead, I, without much joy, just looked at window. Our plane started moving towards the runway. Which is good, because the window to see a still image I already had enough. Pretty soon we were on the runway, the way I drew on many other aircraft and to form the airport, which from the distance looked more beautiful. When you fly on an airplane, you do not feel any romance in travel.


Rainbow Verlag

by yudaica2013 ·

It remains the work to continue. It has the box presented in this book on the one hand so never existed, on the other hand there it always and will always be you, as long as people on the search make for himself. The membership of this lodge was and is always only a stop-over, in which we are by the searchers to the discerning bar, who, as the Buddha said, has taken the reins into their own hands “.” It seems perhaps superficial, as if this book ready had answers, but this impression is deceptive. Rather, it reflects issues that the author himself has provided. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Jorge Perez on most websites. More questions arose at the repeated reading of the texts, and he has found that it is more on these questions than on the answers of the book. In this respect, the author would draw attention the readers and readers on the own questions rising in you. Sela Ward is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

These questions are always more important than any book. The book the mysteries of eternal light “was not channeled. Energetically-charged drop nor healing stones were used for his writing. The author is in no contact with some beings of higher spiritual levels or Alien knows no secret mantras and no psychological shortcuts to achieve a happy and successful life. He had a near-death experience and has no idea of Atlantis or Lemuria, he is also not in the Tarot and astrology. Wolfgang P. Rehmert has no extraordinary healing powers or above-average mental abilities, knows no magic rituals and his earlier life are completely unknown to him.

He holds no seminars and can bring anyone into anything. No one came to him and returned home as enlightened. And most importantly: he is not a spiritual teacher. Although decades of changing spiritual teachers accompanied and influenced by the spiritual teachings of Eastern and Western tradition, the author had to but in its own work and in themselves a work which remains spared any serious seeker or can be removed will find its own way to the inner light. As in his previous book “The teachings of the masters Hito”, published in 2006 in the Spirit Rainbow Verlag Aachen, the author in this book of thoughts, delivering insights and experiences that can be undogmatic Guide and aid seekers on their way to the spiritual awakening. The mysteries of the eternal light of Wolfgang P. rehmert ISBN 978-3-937568-91-1 11.80, spirit Rainbow Verlag, Aachen the book has just been released.



by yudaica2013 ·

With a deep burning passion in the heart and a steadfast belief that she can do it themselves, she worked hard to realize their dream: A career as a singer. Give up never, never, never.” That had really chiseled himself into the mind of Anita. “And that’s why her book called: why I never gave up”. The book was also presented at the Frankfurt book fair. It shows how exceptional, how intense, how alive a man can make his life actively… If he takes it then even in the hand.

Anita Burck is he who fights a such woman, can lose who doesn’t fight, which has already lost”. Anita has fought and how! -She worked hard on themselves and the success. For example she had in 1999 her television debut in Achims charts”, in the MDR. Of course, now, she is a sought-after guest more often in TV shows. In 2002, appeared not only her first album love without boundaries”was awarded in the same year to the Vice-musician Empress. In the ZDF She had super hit parade of folk music is then Sung to an audience of millions in the heart. A woman in a wheelchair had succeeded. With unshakable faith in himself.

With an iron will, to develop those skills and hard work, which ultimately characterized it as a person, as a character, as an individual as a very special people and brought her the pride of these outstanding efforts. She managed to translate it into reality their dream. She made it on TV music programs to occur. With exceptionally positive coverage in the press. Millions are enchanted by her lovely pet voice today and deeply impressed by their exceptional performance. Anita Burck: Why I never gave up.



by yudaica2013 ·

Mintaka is a star in the image of the belt of Orion and the only one that can be seen from any point of the Earth. “In addition to German and English versions of the first works of the two authors, invitation to Avalon” or invitation to Avalon “both offer also CDs with music and meditation. Gradually complemented the publishing program to his own new works, as well as edited and newly created publications by Birgit Rundel/Morgaine Brannigan. However, new authors and musicians should get a chance to publish here. With an innovative distribution system Rundel and Brombach to make also a social contribution, which enables the help to help themselves. Hex Libris Mintaka Birgit Rundel Chapel road 13, 88697 Bermatingen Ahausen Tel.: 07544 9499029 fax: 09128-739200068 eMail: brief subvenio e.V. Germany the non-profit association lobby accident victims was on February 14, 2009 in life called out from the need that there was previously no nationwide operating organization, the for the interests uses of fault health damaged people. These often become a pawn of Justice, medicine, and insurance policies and moreover lose their existence.

To prevent this, subvenio e.V. supports injured advice cheques for the free initial consultation with a freely chosen lawyer or medical and psychological institutions, accompaniment to court dates, as well as the provision of aid of other organizations in the future in many ways, such as with assistance in dealing with authorities. At the same time the non-partisan and independent private citizens initiative is committed to improve the legal and social situation of victim and their loved ones, by them ensures awareness, as well as the enforcement of relevant laws and policies in politics, justice, administration, insurance and the company. subvenio e.V..


Roseamontis Verlag

by yudaica2013 ·

Presented with soul journey through the Sun sea”Stephan j. Fried his first book, which is published by Rosamontis Verlag in these days. The author, musician, and painter combines the desire to bring the stations of life in poetic storytelling people with his debut and has optimism, hope, suffering, happiness, forgetting and forgiving to a melody of the heart”with the clef”love”composed. He himself describes his poetry, which depicts the real life with a journey through life to the shores of the feelings. Connects with his poetic work, which includes 75 declarations of love, Stephan j. Fried at the same time the desire to give the interested reader of strength and hope.

The Saarland-born artist lives his 2004 in Rhineland-Palatinate. He composes his own songs and lyrics. Stephan j. Fried collected since childhood musical experiences in the field of dance and orchestral music as a drummer, instrumentalist and vocalist in various rock, pop and heavy metal was formations. Already at a young age, his joy grew on the writing of poems for solemn occasions.

Preferred topics for his acrylic paintings are mostly landscape motifs and abstract compositions. Soul’s journey into the Sun sea, ISBN 978-3-940212-12-2, paperback, is now available through bookshops for the price of 9 euros available. Press contact: Rosamontis Verlag Gudula Heugel Erfurt ring 42 phone 06237/306314-0 fax 06237/306314-9 E-Mail: press at Internet: about Rosamontis Publisher: the Publisher Gudula Heugel leads with in Ludwigshafen a still young companies, the young writers and authors to promote based Rosamontis publishing, to lay their own manuscripts in a book, and accessible to a broad public. Periodically writes the Publisher writing competitions for anthologies on different topics. A forum on the website of the publishing house and a private newsletter also regularly informed about current news and new releases. Gudula Heugel was already before the Publishing House Foundation in February 2007 successfully worked as a freelance editor and Autorendienstleister. Numerous press reports and articles in various newspapers come out of her pen.



by yudaica2013 ·

in absolute silence contemplates that appearance. In perfect order and harmony they locate themselves side by side in a raised place more than the floor of the square, to a small distance of the ancios, observe that them in silence. All attend compenetrados, to the scenes that if uncurl. They know the work of the Warriors of the Rainbow, but they had seen never them, mainly thus so close. Immediately after the commander of the Warriors enters. Ben Bretzman gathered all the information. For our surprise it is the leader ancio that if absented the same of the village in day where they had arrived. Now the reason of its is understood really appearance in that population, its permanent linking with the leaders of the other localities and the departure of all the leaders in the same chance. Author has much to offer in this field.

The commander of the Warriors of the Rainbow comes to the planet guiding a great number of men initiated in the Science of the Cosmos, with the main mission to promote the rise of the collective conscience, making those peoples will go up plus a step in the stairs of the evolutivo progress. now, that another great surprise will be disclosed to the people? The commander takes its place and of the beginning to the ceremony. With the open hands and the raised arms it comes back the eyes toward the blue one of the firmamento and makes its initial invocation: – ' ' Divine Force that conducts the Infinite Creation, assistiz us in this bendita hour! To be able Galactic that they preside over this Planetary System they grant them happiness to it to take the good term the execution of our current task! Warrior of the Yellow Shield, makes its presentation of the work that will be desenvolvido' '. The Warrior of the Yellow Shield assumes tribune and if dirige to the multitude: – ' ' Ahead of all here gifts and my commander; with the permission of the Superior Forces that conduct our evolution, which I credit the success of this mission, I declare to have transmitted to the missionaries in service in this planetary sphere the energy of the Will, that will be for them spread aiming at to stimulate the collective progress of the local humanity! ' '. One by one the warriors make quickly the exposition of its respective works of transmission of its respective energies to the initiated masters. For the order the transmitted energies had been the following ones: ORDER/ENERGY SHIELD OF the Yellow WARRIOR 1 Will 2 Lilac Feeling 3 Red Work 4 Harmonization Orange 5 Blue Knowledge 6 Green Idealismo 7 Violet Organization After all the warriors to make its respective expositions, registering in cosmic ether, with the vibratory force of its emissions, the corresponding energy configuration to the developed work, the meeting if locks up. All masters initiate trip of return to its villages.

The objective of the Warriors of the Rainbow fully was reached and in elapsing of the centuries the results will only be evaluated. They leave in the route of new missions. The built city to accomodate that people who gives logistic support to them was abandoned and of it, currently, the ruins are veem only. Cndido Joo Da Silva Grandson (Bueno Brando/MG)