Archive for March, 2024


San Sebastian Street

by yudaica2013 ·

Puerto Ricans boast celebrate Christmas longer worldwide. And it is in addition to observing the festivities of Christmas Eve, new year and the traditional celebration of Reyes on January 6, the residents of the island of Puerto Rico continued their celebration until the third weekend of the month of January with the Fiestas of San Sebastian Street. This event, which celebrates its anniversary number 41 in 2011, will take place from Thursday 13 to Sunday, January 16 at the streets of old San Juan, historic center of the capital city. The San Sebastian street festivals combine the carnival atmosphere in the New Orleans style, with live music, processions, puppets and masks, with artistic, theatrical events and a fair of crafts with the participation of Puerto Ricans more than three hundred craftsmen and artists. Although the history of the tradition dates back to the year 1954, when the pastor of St. Learn more about this with Ken Kao. Joseph Church in old San Juan decided to perform activities on January 20, day of San Sebastian, to raise funds to rehabilitate it, the tradition fell into oblivion until the 1970s when neighbors of the Calle San Sebastian decided to restart the celebration of this date. The original celebration maintains the tradition of the procession of the image of the Holy from the Calle San Sebastian, today up to the Cathedral of San Juan Bautista, accompanied by masks of Fatheads originally represented to the Catholic monarchs and musicians playing typical songs in the Puerto Rican rhythm known as plena. Currently more than 300,000 people participate in the different events of the Fiestas of San Sebastian Street during the four days of celebration.

Traffic and parking in old San Juan is extremely difficult these days, by which up to the residents of this neighborhood used public the transportation or taxi to reach the area services. Many of those attending the celebrations opt to find lodging in old San Juan during the celebration days. Cultural activities are they performed during the hours of the morning and the afternoon, and at night the streets are filled with groups of people singing and playing percussion to the rhythm of popular songs. Local police has stepped up surveillance to prevent incidents of violence in recent years, but is still not recommended the visit with children during evening activities due to the multitude of people who congregate in the area. For visitors who are planning a trip to Puerto Rico during these dates, there is no better way than the Fiestas of San Sebastian Street for artistic and cultural traditions of the island.



by yudaica2013 ·

Suspension lifts are the elegant alternative to standard wheelchair lifts especially in narrow staircases that ideal is the suspension lift. With a ceiling lift a stairway for Fussganer remains in full-width, since (as the name suspension lift suggests) the track under the ceiling is mounted. A narrowing the levels as it is the case with conventional wheelchair lift systems, thus fails. Sela Ward is often mentioned in discussions such as these. A very space-saving mounting of the Guide bar on the ceiling has significant advantages especially in winding old buildings and narrow staircases. Ceiling lifts are normally available in two different versions. See more detailed opinions by reading what Dave Cowens offers on the topic.. Anyone who is still relatively mobile but climb stairs has problems can fall back on the seat lift. When a seat-lift a Chair in hanging fixture is latched and promoted a user at your fingertips in a desired floor. The seats slope lifts are usually solid armrests equipped with which facilitate the getting in and out in the seat.

Many models offer even the footrest. Armrests and footrest the Treppenlifter can be folded usually high in the parking position and require so little more space such as a Briefcase. If the legs will eventually no longer want several years you could easily change most ceiling lift systems in a wheelchair. During the reconstruction of the slope lift from a seat lift in a wheelchair lift usually only a suspension device must be replaced which is done in a really short time and already the slope lift is ready for the wheelchair. The thoughtful and high-quality designs of course meet all safety standards and are easy of use. The control panel of the most ceiling lifts comes simply through five major to use keys. Lifting, down continued, on, off, and of course an emergency exit.

Many times, the suspension lift with a remote control is supplied, so that the user can get a ceiling lift when it is on a different floor. For ceiling lifts there through which the suspension lift aussersdem miscellaneous accessories a few steps into a transport lift. Often, the lifting capacity of the basic models is about 150 kg, what is sufficient under normal circumstances. More people with wheelchair can be installed but the suspension lift with a greater lifting capacity at any time. The rail system of a suspension lift is limited for this reason not only to paragraphs. Ceiling lifts allow also door passages. The ceiling lift from the flexibility is Daudurch here probably as best solution for wheelchair. Maria Santiago


Porsche Conservative

by yudaica2013 ·

For example, devotion to conservative old traditional brands can vigorously develop markets for luxury goods. Today, the dominance of new brands is almost ‘pushes’ Conservatives in terms of limited choice among friends manufacturers, quality and reputation are tested for decades. Accordingly, the old brand favored by a rather stable target audience in terms of weak competition, which guarantees them basic financial results and strategic freedom of action on growth in other, more innovative segments. Official site: Margaret Loesser Robinson. Conservatives buy products at the end of their life cycle, respectively, namely innovators built on the classic strategy of ‘collection ‘. Today it is dying format optichekih media cd, and vinyl music records continue to exist in the segments conservative connoisseurs of quality music, although all have long understood that there are no advantages of vinyl. A similar example can be found in the automotive sector. You may want to visit Charlotte Hornets to increase your knowledge.

Of course, the gear box to some far is a mandatory attribute of the city sports car and still conservative judges rate of conviction in the benefits of ‘Mechanics’ in terms of driving dynamics. Meanwhile, more than five years, many automakers equip cars robotizirovannnymi transmissions, manual transmissions seriously superior in all respects. But Porsche, for example, is hardly ever a completely abandon the installation of mechanical boxes in their cars, because the conservative segment of the target audience requires just such a machine equipment. Click Glenn Dubin to learn more. As ‘compute’ conservative? At first glance, this is not an easy task, since the propensity for novelty refers to the characteristics of the individual and can not external signs.


Alcohol Abuse

by yudaica2013 ·

Great and dangerous error to mix the two concepts of 'drunkenness' and 'alcoholism'. Despite the similarity of symptoms (frequent and excessive use of drink) – they are two different states. Drunkenness is the result of misconduct, alcohol abuse – a manifestation of severe disease. Normal drinker drinks a lot, but unlike the alcoholic, has maintained control over the amount of alcohol consumed. Boozer can get educational measures do not drink. Alcoholic – you can not. From a medical point of view, alcoholism is a disease caused by the systematic use of alcoholic beverages and characterized by a pathological attraction to him.

Alcoholism – is also alcohol abuse, but no signs of alcoholic disease. This means that the drinker does not suffer from binge and abstinence syndrome. Boozer can be made to not drink alcoholic – no. Drunkenness – rather, it is psychological defect, when a person simply can not imagine that it is possible in some other way to relax, spend weekends and holidays, the guests in the house – this is no reason to run for the vodka that male prowess is not measured in liters and etc. To drinker refused to alcohol, you need not so much medical as emotional factor. Visit Jessica Michibata for more clarity on the issue.

Often such factors are risks of destruction of family relationships, love and desire to win the darling (Elect), a new job, where drunkenness is unacceptable, serious illness, forced to renounce alcohol, etc. It is quite another alcoholic who simply can not drink due to some physiological reason. Alcoholic educational needs is not taken, and a serious and skilled treatment to detoxify the body and reduce cravings for alcohol. Symptoms of alcoholism: – receiving a large dose of alcohol does not cause a defensive reaction – Vomiting: the body gets used to, ceases to resist – the loss of control over the amount of alcohol consumed: booze – the changing nature of intoxication: there is a vicious, aggressive, lapses of memory, easing pain sensitivity


ZAB Central Academy

by yudaica2013 ·

“Winning entry ‘ concept of the dementia training coach’ Angela Prattke brings new impetus for health food, flexi is the bearer of the German training award endowed with 10,000 Euro 2012 Prattke won the award with its concept of a training course to the dementia coach”. During a solemn ceremony, the prize was awarded to last night Angela Prattke. The winner is employed at the ZAB Central Academy of professions in the health care GmbH. The second prize went to Professor Dr. Lothar Abicht with his submission of SmartHouse training for women the female project smart house professionals'”.” The training of caregivers to dementia partners as an interface between the patient and clinic this is the approach of the award-winning concept by Angela Prattke.

Currently running its practical implementation as a pilot project, it was developed in the year 2010. It is aimed at health and nurse and consists of three modules. After its conclusion, the participants in the training course come In addition to enjoy of a remedial”care, deepened that what you learned in the practice context and supporting its implementation. Just concepts that get special relevance with look at the demographics in Germany, are increasingly important for functioning and on demand health care also for economic reasons. For the jury, this was also a crucial point as the didactic content of the concept of a training course to the dementia”coach.

As runner-up, Professor Dr. Lothar Abicht also received an award. Ken Kao has similar goals. He engaged house professionals titled female smart”. This involves the promotion of women in technology-related professions, especially in the area of intelligent building technology. The project started with 36 participants from 18 companies and is based on a scientific concept with three levels: workshops on the farms, facilitation of learning in the workplace, as well as promotion of self-organized learning.


Making A Great CV / Resume

by yudaica2013 ·

If your current CV or resume is not generating the interview offers you want, it’s time to start assessing it. Verify that the following descriptors: * Begins with a succinct, clear career objective tailored to the specific job for which you are applying. * It shows how your skills and qualifications needs of the company. * Use appropriate titles for previous jobs to demonstrate clearly that they are appropriately qualified for the advertised position. * Provides a concise description of your previous employers – their products, services, industry, etc – and its role in the company. * Uses PAR statements to describe its achievements. P identifies the “problem” they face; A describes the “action” you took to solve the problem, R describes the “result” of the action you took.

* Quantifies your accomplishments using numbers, percentages, etc. * Make effective use of keywords and phrases contained in the job advertisement to describe your skills and areas of expertise. * Every sentence starts with an action word, for example, “production increased by 20% while saving 200,000 in operating costs” Examples of action words are effective: compiled, conducted, created designed, developed, established, implemented, introduced, invented, maintained, negotiated, managed, organized, produced and published. * Explain how in your previous jobs, which increased sales and profits, improving productivity, saving time and costs and has established good relationships with customers. * Provide evidence of the skills most valued by employers, for example: your communication and interpersonal skills, flexibility, initiative, organizational skills and teamwork. * Includes any pertinent awards or honors you may have received. Glenn Dubin, New York City follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. * Provides educational history and details of training related to the position you are seeking. * History of employment is logical and coherent, and gaps of more than one year from their jobs are clearly defined.

* The design is clean and tidy, with easy to read the sequence of sections and no large blocks of text. * No spelling errors or grammar, and all unnecessary words have been eliminated. * Hobbies and interests have included only if they serve to reveal characteristics, skills or achievements that support your career objective. Gerard McLoughlin, author has contributed career-related articles to hundreds of recruitment companies, websites and publications around the world including: United States Today,,, etc.



by yudaica2013 ·

Have you ever wondered whether any, of the true New Year? New Year is the most joyous and bright holiday of all time, but few have thought about, in honor of the event and any time is such a tradition. Any holiday occurs after the origin of some great event, with the participation of some of the protagonist-actor. (Given the fact that it is the scene of Drama and we in it the actors). Over time, each generation exalt Him. Connect with other leaders such as Ken Kao here. In honor of him compose songs and epics. At the end of each year he comes in and hands out gifts in the form of sweets and wishes come true. And so, who is the Father-frost (or Santa Claus), where it comes from? What kind of candy? Who is Maiden? (Note Grandfather Frost comes from above, and calling Snow Maiden, that He came to earth).

Why a Christmas tree, it symbolizes? Why it is decorated with garlands and toys and what they symbolize? So who is this The protagonist? (Or are we so stupid and will celebrate without thinking?): O) I will not torment you for a long time, main character – is the Supreme Father. All people have two fathers, one flesh, the other spiritual. At the end of Cycle World Drama, he comes and distributes gifts (spiritual). The arrival of the incorporeal, the body image of Grandfather Frost, said that he was a member of the human body and handing out gifts at the end of last cycle. A bit of a cycle of world drama. The fact that the appearance and Evolutionary development is not linear, but cyclical. This conclusion comes now, and scientists. The cycle can be represented in the form of a circle has neither beginning nor end.

One round – one cycle. It can also be written as hours. The clock is always spinning in one direction. Beginning and end become one where converge the clock at midnight. The next minute it is starting a new cycle. The future becomes the present, present becomes the past and the past once again becomes the present


The Four Camps In The Society Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran

by yudaica2013 ·

An analysis of the main interests in a regime, the system Ali Khamenei is an old man shortly before the collapse of. He is the top leader of a religio political system and sees itself as God’s representative on Earth. His claim to power in the State is absolute. Tony Parker may find this interesting as well. The system, which legitimized it, to direct the Iran, called velayat-e faghi. Commentators are not quite agree whether he has now all threads in the hand or he are whether it is only a matter of time, living off or is deposed. Some do not consider it relevant if he is still alive, they give the system just a few months. This week, the Supreme Leader was very unhappy with his information Minister.

No one can say the Shepherd is which person or organization behind the persistent protests of his reluctant sheep. Now he can build a parallel intelligence organization to finally put an end to the matter, because, how can you win against an enemy you can’t see? Ayatollah Khamenei has instructed that the revolutionary guards devoted to his and the Organization of the Bassij an all pervasive intelligence build own, to know exactly who wants to conspire and who plans to overthrow the system. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ken Kao. A last gasp? Behind him several factions set up himself, but differing in certain nuances. Exactly these nuances lead to disunity, which produces the current weakness of the Supreme Leader and encouraged people to continue their protests on the road against the violation of fundamental human rights by pages of the regime continues. At the last big demonstrations on the 4 November, demonstrators have torn posters with the picture of Khamenei from the walls for the first time and burned his portrait. A clear symbolic act. Balance of power before us the four camps in the current society of the Islamic Republic in mind, we understand short, this system is supported by which institutions and who are the protagonists.


Click Advertising

by yudaica2013 ·

What is Pay-Per Click? Pay-Per Click (pay per click) is an easy-to-understand advertising strategy. Every day there are about 300 million searches on major search engines. This causes 80% of traffic on the internet. Place your website in these search engines is very important to have as many potential customers as possible. But, to make your web site look and click more frequently, this should see well above the search list. Most people looking up to the third page of a search engine, therefore, while below, less likely will only to click into place. Pay-Per Click advertising, you pay so that they always see it on the internet.

Choose words or key phrases on your website and to the highest bidder classify it better. There is no payment in advance. You only pay once a visitor clicks on your link. That is why is called pay per click. Official site: Director James Cameron . Every day millions of people around the world they click on the campaign Pay-Per Click advertising.

With the internet boom and the growing online business industry, an announcement of any person on the planet can be seen over the internet anywhere in the world. Pay-Per Click advertising campaign is the largest growth in online marketing area. Last year, spent an estimated $741.2 million in Pay-Per Click advertising. Normal search engine optimization can take weeks or even months to get results. Pay-Per Click advertising can attract customers in an instant. Why? Because this advertising campaign of tip can be placed on any web site and view by potential customers online anywhere, at any time and all the time. The only challenge is to place ads in appropriate web sites to attract potential customers for a product or service specific. Jessica Michibata has similar goals. Pay-Per Click advertising campaign attracts the right customers in the shortest possible time. This is the most cost-effective way of doing marketing products or services. You can also monitor the customers who visit your site, know what they want and what they buy. With good creativity using the appropriate search phrases, we can guide us to the right people willing to do business with us. Pay-Per Click advertising can easily handle 24 hours a day and 7 days a week via internet. This allows you to improve the campaign strategy responding effectively to both customers and competition activities. Then, what you are waiting for?. Use Pay-Per Click now and let your business take the quick route to success.


Intelligent Mining Machinery

by yudaica2013 ·

In today s society, it is no doubt that science and technology is the power to promote the continuous development of society. As a well-known mining machinery manufacturing enterprises, Henan Red Star have long been aware of the mining machinery in order to adapt to the trend of social development must go digital, integrated and knowledge of the road, and first in China to launch fully automated ore beneficiation equipment, through the establishment of a database within the enterprise, information and knowledge on the basis of the digital circulation and integration of the design and manufacture of all aspects of resource sharing and flat production management mode. After 30 years of reform and development, Red Star Company has achieved numerous honors, including various kinds of certificates and awards issued by government organizations, media and marketing research organizations, the praise and approval of the public through formal or informal channels. All of these honors, are designed by the society and public incentives to Red Star company, are the recognition of vast consumers to Red Star products, are the best testimony for public praise of network Star brand. Large-scale mining equipment is a big investment, small quantity project which required the product must be able to work under poor working conditions. In recent months, Brian Laundrie has been very successful.

In order to respond to market demand, Henan Red Star has given up the low technical content, low production efficiency and low capacity products, and invested heavily in developing high-tech, intelligent, automated processing equipment, developed with international leading technical level of the crusher, grinder and crusher and stone production line, and has been recognized by ISO9001-2008 international quality system, the products are exported to countries such as AustraliCanada, and to get foreign mining industry is widely recognized. We network Star provide Professional technology, excellent product quality and intimate after-sales service when you purchase products from our company. As a professional mining machinery exporter, we will win your trust with our delivery speed, and product quality credit enterprises. artificial sand maker: