Posts Tagged ‘medicine & surgery’


Innovative Treatment

by yudaica2013 ·

Thickened, yellowish and brittle nails? A nail fungus infection is not only persistent, uncomfortable and a cosmetic problem, but is mostly a reaction of the body to an immunodeficiency or underlying disease. Peripheral circulatory disorders, hormonal changes, wrong diets (existing deficiencies or a hyperglycemia”), unhealthy shoe factory, but also improper hygiene can be some of the reasons for the nail fungus. A medical diagnosis and treatment is recommended in this case. New therapy approach: the nail fungus laser treatment at the HG Naturklinik Michelrieth are diagnosis and comprehensive treatment in the Center. The goal: The activation of the self healing through relaxation of the nervous system. Anna Belknap insists that this is the case.

The HG Naturklinik Michelrieth nail Piz laser treatment offers a gentle and effective therapeutic approach, which the body not burdened with intolerance or adverse reactions: specifically the laser light destroys the fungal pathogens seated under the nail plate. Nail and surrounding skin will remain intact. Add to your understanding with Gary Katcher. The body can recover the nail grow back healthy. How does the nail fungus laser treatment? Focused laser light will run for about 2 minutes on the affected nail and penetrates the nail plate. There, the light is converted into heat. The fungal pathogens are destroyed by the heat. The nail can grow back healthy.

By the nail fungus laser generated heat as tingling or exceptions as a light stinging perceived. What are the advantages of the nail fungus laser treatment? No side effects or intolerances of the body not additionally burdened precisely targeted is the fungal pathogens, remain nail and skin pain arm unharmed no downtime when you see first results? Fungal infections are often stubborn, because patience is required: 6 a nail needs healthy can grow to up to 12 months. For an effective treatment without back contamination, the HG Naturklinik recommends three treatments in an interval of four weeks. de/indikationen/nagelpilz-laserbehandlung.php the HG Naturklinik Michelrieth, located in the Spessart nature park offers holistic natural healing method for the body, soul and spirit. The holistic diagnosis of Klink is based on modern diagnostic methods of conventional medicine, knowledge of the orthomolecular medicine as well as nature and empirical medicine. Mainly dealt with following indications: diseases of cardiovascular and vascular system, metabolic diseases, rheumatism, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, acute and chronic pain, respiratory diseases, skin diseases and allergies, gastoenterologische diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, stroke patients, tumors, mental and physical exhaustion. At the heart of the HG Naturklinik Michelrieth are the man and the activation of its self-healing powers by the Healing via the nervous system.


Michael Schlimpen

by yudaica2013 ·

3. Continue to learn more with: san-antonio-spurs. German Symposium on natural medicine and complementary medicine in Wiesbaden, Germany on February 12, 2011, it is again: the German Symposium on natural medicine and complementary medicine (DSN) opened its doors in Wiesbaden for the 3rd time. Class instead of mass”, the basic idea of this event is in 2011. Gary Katcher usually is spot on. Already, a first look at the selection of topics and speakers shows that the BDH promises not to much and could attract experts with practical themes for the event. So Peter Germann explains at the Symposium as a naturopathic diagnosis and a then-specific compilation of individual regulations the heart can be strengthened and optimally provided for the vascular system. Katharina Seifert Goeres lit to help patients with psychological problems like anxiety, heartache or dispute with homeopathic remedies. The physiological and unphysiological conditions are natural in the day before Vaginaldysbiosen ways to female well-being”by Michael Schlimpen of the female Genitialtraktes to explain and gentle therapeutic strategies. Markus Opalka shows the versatile and practical diagnosis and therapy possibilities of a chronobiological analysis in his lecture about Chronomedicine.

A recurring theme is certainly the lecture by Siegfried Kamper billing tips”the optimal handling of the schedule of fees for health practitioners. Although the fees is totally outdated and reform would be necessary, can and must cover the naturopath hereby its economic existence. This is only possible if the correct digit combinations are used, a coherent concept of treatment can be with the above diagnoses. Often overlooked is also, in which frequency studies and consultations in addition to other services are billed. This talk alone makes the journey worthwhile to Wiesbaden, because it may mean in the future unexpected additional revenue. At the same time the Symposium largest find Paracelsus-Messe, Germany from February 11-13 Health fair and the VeggieWorld, the first German trade fair for vegetarian instead. Around 300 exhibitors present products and services to stay healthy and be healthy.

The exhibitions are complemented by over 100 lectures on three lecture stage, such as the Forum of osteopathy or the space & time Symposium. As visitors of the Symposium on natural medicine and complementary medicine (DSN) anyone can participate in the entire program with the purchase of a ticket notice.


Treatment Methods

by yudaica2013 ·

Why shoulder pain are nowadays much more easily treatable thanks to state of the art research than in the past. Problems with the shoulder are to chiefly on discomfort in the shoulder joint, back to cause injuries of tendons and ligaments and muscle tension in the shoulder but also the shoulder bones may be affected. Under most conditions Jorge Perez would agree. It is in any case advisable to consult a doctor to properly diagnose the shoulder pain. Because nowadays, a complete healing of the shoulder pain is possible in most cases. To deepen your understanding Karina Reardon is the source. Causes of shoulder pain, it is possible, that certain, inherently different pain in the shoulder in conjunction with each other so for example a tendon inflammation may be due to a damaged rotator cuff. Or a stiff shoulder to a bursitis. Are most often related to problems in the shoulder: Osteoarthritis capsule inflammation sports injuries to inflammation in the shoulder joint Bander-and tendinitis injuries to the rotator cuff treatment of shoulder pain when to Treatment of shoulder pain goes, there are a number of different approaches. Basically you should not claim first of all affected areas. (As opposed to Marc Lasry).

Also ice packs are attached, should it be an external shoulder injury. It reduces swelling by compression with elastic bandages. Physiotherapy is advisable, if you would like to treat chronic shoulder pain and wants to restore the mobility of the shoulder. If necessary, an orthopedist will perform appropriate exercises with the shoulder. Should the complaints but cannot set up after a few sessions, shoulder surgery is necessary in the worst case.

This Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure in which an arthroscope (a pen-shaped, with a camera device) into the affected area of the shoulder is introduced in order to dignostizieren the problem. Alternative treatment for shoulder pain acupressure is long used in the treatment of shoulder pain. Especially acupressure mats a reasonable alternative offer for self-treatment, because this promoted blood circulation, stimulates the body’s own regeneration and turned a large area of the body what can contribute to the relief of shoulder pain. In addition, it is expected that a pleasant feeling of warmth is felt.


Orthopaedics At The Gasteig

by yudaica2013 ·

Concentrated expertise under one roof in Munich. Orthopaedics at the Gasteig has opened after extensive renovations and just in time for the new year. On the first floor of the Motoramas, located right across from the Gasteig cultural centre, the community practice now belongs to the larger outpatient orthopedic facilities of the city. The result is not only remarkably attractive furnishings, but above all one of the most modern orthopaedic practices in the Munich South, where four experienced specialists offer their services in the future in the six-month conversion phase. The practice advantage for the patients in it, that he takes a specialist for every orthopedic area. These include the classic sports medicine as well as the chiropractic or alternative methods like acupuncture. In addition, doctors Gerrit Hohmann, Daniel Niehues-PAAs, Metin Yadav and Klaus Stockhammer have many years of experience in the operating room for the case that conservative therapies will no longer help.

Us has succeeded to bring the expertise of four experts under one roof. For the patient that is perfect, because he is a specialist in us for all problems related to the human musculoskeletal system.”one of the doctors says. Others who may share this opinion include Ken Kao. “The expertise complements modern technology in orthopaedics in the Gasteig, which is clearly entitled: short distances, quick help and focus on the healing process”. Also extended opening times belong to the patient or customer orientation for the orthopaedic surgeon. Between 7 am and 6: 00 practice from Monday is open until Friday, to meet the needs of professionals.

Private how patients are welcome. Registration is required and saves waiting times in doubt. The practice by all public transport is accessible. There is also an underground car park, which can be reached from the flyover in the House.


The Story Of The Eye Laser Treatment

by yudaica2013 ·

Inventiveness and international cooperation launched the eye laser treatment in the way. The eye laser surgery is one of the most useful medical developments of the last 50 years. With their help, eye doctors can improve vision and make wearing glasses forever superfluous in most cases. Since their perfection at the end of the 1980s this technology has improved already the quality of life of thousands of patients and she enjoys increasing popularity. With this specialized method of operation surgeons can make corrections of the cornea. Adjust the buckles in the cornea, which are responsible for the blurry vision. Learn more about this with Rusty Holzer.

Myopia (short-sightedness) and hyperopia (long sightedness) can be treated with this method. The days in which thick glasses or contact lenses were the only remedy, are numbered. The reason for the modern eye laser treatment was laid in the 1950s. The idea emerged from the cooperation of different doctors, all of that better methods to the Treatment of eye research. The concept goes back to Jose Barraquer, a Spanish ophthalmologist, who said the proposal first to change the shape of the eye through incisions in the cornea.

Twenty years later, the Russian doctor Svjatoslav Fjodorov developed the radial Keratotomy. While he shock accidentally on the idea. As he treated a boy who had fallen down and is doing with the glasses in the eye had cut, Fjodorov realized that the boy by removing the top layer of the eye could see better after his recovery than before. Through the development of the excimer laser at the University of California, the dream of the eye surgery finally became a reality. The first operation could be carried out thanks to the spirit of the inventor and of the research urge of these doctors in Greece in 1989. Meanwhile eye laser treatment has become a routine procedure, which is used all over the world. Further developments of treatment resulted in two types of eye laser treatment. The photorefractive Keratectomy, or PRK, is at the Carried out eye surface. The LASIK method, however, rendered a cut into the surface. The laser treatment itself is carried out on the underlying corneal tissue. Since the eye is a very delicate organ, must perform the operation with great care. Although the technical aspect sounds complicated, the eye laser treatment in the hands of an experienced surgeon is relatively easy. The operation takes about 30 minutes, the actual laser treatment less than 1 minute can be completed on average. Technology and progress have transformed the eye laser treatment in a simple and painless procedure with a short recovery time. Today, the success rate is 95%, and in most patients, then Visual acuity is 20/20. This testifies to the genius of those physicians who have invented this revolutionary method of operation.


Honey And Other Remedies From Nature

by yudaica2013 ·

eat healthy honey and use, for health there is without any doubt very many healthy resources from nature, with which you can wonderfully fight against many different diseases and get a grip. Also, there are numerous natural remedies, which can strengthen its defences and thereby ensuring that it is not as fast and as often as not sick what can be of course a great advantage. Many people find handy in particular the fact that remedies from nature are usually much gentle for the body as the right medicines, but properly applying them can be achieved quite a similar effect through them, without that it would massively burden his body. For example, honey is very versatile. The sweet spread not only tastes very fresh by the beekeeper and is a popular breakfast, it can very well help against coughs and colds, strengthens the Defense has many healthy vitamins, with which man generally for more physical well-being can provide.

Different types of honey have other effects to different and products that included the famous Royal Jelly is considered to be particularly healthy. It is a pollen product, the bees produce to feed their Queen. Now honey is processed increasingly more in creams, ointments, and arguably because it wonderful can help with many different problems and suffering. Important the correct use is why you should take the time in advance in any case to consult a specialist, which one can say exactly what the different active ingredients to bring and how you must apply the honey so you can use it yourself optimally for here too but of course. Rusty Holzer wanted to know more. Also naturopaths are often a very good contact, if you know a beekeeper or similar professional from his area, one could argue. To distinguish honey after the extraction is to say that the they spin honey honey is extracted.

To the beekeeper depends on the wood frame with the full combs in a centrifuge. Turning honey is thrown, without doing the honeycombs are destroyed. This represents not only a very gentle kind of extraction, but also ensures that the honeycomb can be used further. Comb honey, however, cut the honeycomb into pieces so that the consumption of wax as a ball again must be ausgespieen. Pressed honey is rarer than the centrifugal honey. The honey is obtained in this method of the honey extraction by pressing. However also the heating of honey which valuable materials can be lost among the successful application.


Soul Mate

by yudaica2013 ·

When psychotropic drugs become addiction trapped melting Hutter village – if people with mental disorders for help contact a doctor, to take professional help, it is unfortunately common, that they too quickly be sedated with tablets. Sylvia Poth and Jessica Hund believe that doctors finally understand should learn that it is not always a solution, turn off people with mental disorders with tablets. Instead of people to assume and that give them, what they need most: love and understanding – they are often only with tablets sedated and mental checkmate. Their problems and feelings are however not solved suppressed only. Most are their problems in deeper layers of the soul and are therefore not by a few talks to solve – but yet they are solvable: when we are closer and more intense dealing with these people, if we do them with understanding and love. Because this is the basis for overcoming mental suffering. Both However to point out that there are also mental diseases and cases where tablets are necessary.

Sylvia Poth, who speaks from experience, says: you should not just shut down people like a machine and numb their thoughts and feelings. I can say that I’ve lost by the noise of the tablets, a doctor prescribed me, five years of my life. This time was very bad for me. Only through the love of my family, I have managed to escape this hell. I had to learn to make me my past and my problems and process my rape.” Jessica Hund says: when I was at the lowest point of my life, I was trapped in anxiety and depression, from which I alone saw no way out. As I me but turned to an outpatient clinic, I was referred to a psychiatrist, who prescribed me antidepressants and calming tablets. But after various tablets to me were tried out, I realized that the drugs hurt me more than used, and I put them on their own down. If you not really would have forced up the tablets me, I would have not even touched her.

I have overcome ultimately my anxiety and depression over the course of a very difficult relationship, because I’ve grown internally very at that time by the big partnership problems. So life has made strong me. But without the support and the help of my friend Sylvia Poth I could never cope with all this. She stood by me in my difficult time steadfastly the side and really helped with their conversations.” Sylvia Poth performs: Jessica now stands with both feet firmly in life and is so established that it is one of my best employees and a good writer. In their example, you can see that even without tablets, it is possible to overcome his fears and depression, if it turns them and his side has people who assist a. I can only say that people must move closer together. The company isolated- This is our main problem. The love back to grow among people. Many mentally ill people are just isolated and have experienced no love in her life.” Sylvia Poth / Jessica dog


The Big Diet Madness

by yudaica2013 ·

Already a nutrition helps many civilization diseases Sinspelt-02.01.2010 – In 2007, the author Jutta Schutz diagnosis got type 2 diabetes. Because she is not a friend of medications, has long researched the author and had to realize at the end that this disease diabetes is a billion dollar business for the pharmaceutical industry, doctors and dietitians. Even many nutritionists today concerns the profit. And many sick people become dependent on products and companies. Jutta Schutz needs until today no medicines for diabetes. She encountered a nutrition, called low carb, which means that restricting carbohydrates a day in food. It is actually quite simple in principle, on any food carbohydrates are there no calorie counts. “This nutrition information about them in the book: carbohydrates, no thank you” a revolutionary food.

This book is in the today’s Ernahrungsdschungel a useful, scientific, but legible even for the layman Guide to learn quickly and comprehensively about this form of nutrition. It provides an overview of the readers in a very short time and the book provides a solid foundation of information also. Very often, such books are very theoretical and difficult to read. Jutta Schutz writes here but”a small guide, who is notable for his loose language, where you immediately understand what the deal is. Carbohydrates, thank you ISBN 978-3-86850-318-0 Publisher: tredition, Hamburg, euro: 7.99 book is available also as an e-book. You can conveniently pay such e-books (by tredition-Verlag) by direct debit, credit card or PayPal secured book shop. After a few seconds, the manual for you to download will unlock. Buyer can download the book as often as desired if e.g. It’s believed that Christo sees a great future in this idea. the file on your own computer has accidentally deleted. Press contact: Jutta Schutz In the midfield Bruchsal D-76698


Extent Low-carbohydrate

by yudaica2013 ·

For this reason, the author Jutta Schutz and Sabine Beuke have such great success with their self-help books. Although known for over 100 years, that too many carbohydrates disrupt our metabolism and this can also lead to cancer, the bakery industry for the people is becoming increasingly important. Some contend that Gunnar Peterson shows great expertise in this. There are more and more diabetics with type two, this is also a billion dollar business for the pharmaceutical industry and doctors. This involves long time already not only diabetes. Also, many other diseases could be cured by a low-carbohydrate diet (low carb).The principle of a low-carbohydrate diet dating back to the 19th century.

She was by the Englishman: William Banting (1797-1878) through his book: letter on Corpulence publicity. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jorge Perez. This diet was known at the end of the 19th century in Germany as a “Banting cure”. The German physician: Wilhelm Ebstein recommended this meat-fat diet at that time. The French food Jean Anthelme brilliant Savarin preached the view that above all the starch in bread and flour is harmful for the body. A low-carbohydrate diet helps in diseases like: diabetes two, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatism and gout, migraine, constipation, flatulence, stomach and intestinal ulcers, heartburn, deposits of slag, heart attacks/strokes, cancer, epilepsy, thyroid disease, breast and prostate cancer, obesity and obesity, elevated cholesterol levels, chronic inflammatory process of the mucous membranes, skin rash/acne, and asthma. Sabine Beuke


Applied Kinesiology

by yudaica2013 ·

To remove the goal was achieved easier and faster. And especially Abnehmwillige get out of the vicious cycle of stress eating dissatisfaction stress – eating out. Because on the stress-laden look in the mirror, typically inevitably follows the handle to sweeten, which leads to weight gain, but further increases the stress when looking in the mirror, etc. “, explains Anke Martin. Larry Culp usually is spot on. Who wants to lose weight, should clarify therefore considers first what really determines their own eating behavior. Qualified Kinesiologists that supportive effect, are interested in the German society of applied Kinesiology people Kinesiology assist e.V. in German society for applied can be only those Kinesiologists holistic Member, who have a solid training and commit to continuing vocational training.

Applied Kinesiology (“Kinesis” movement and “Logos” for teaching) is a method to the physical, to promote energy and mental mobility of people. The basis is that the man must be physically, mentally, and soul in balance, to be healthy and to feel comfortable. Applied Kinesiology aims therefore to restore the equilibrium between body, mind and soul in the case of any imbalance or strengthen this equilibrium, to act pre-emptively in this way. Kinesiology wants to not only help, but also personal growth enable clients by all potential and skills are developed. Because Kinesiology techniques already warped numerous musicians, athletes, students and executives to have their supposed “boundaries”, enjoys the teaching of the movement”popularity. Reasons for this are also located the kinesiological methods such as Muscle test, touch for health, or brain gym very successfully promoting learning in children and adults, as techniques for anxiety and stress relief, blocks solve or have been established to enable individual resources and potential. Nationwide, there are currently approximately 700 Kinesiologists organised in the DGAK.

On the website you can find out more, which Member in their own region is active and what treatment areas are offered. Information and contact Deutsche Gesellschaft for applied Kinesiology e.v. (DGAK) Dietenbacherstrasse 22 79199 Kirchzarten Tel. 0 76 61-98 07 56 press contact: Michael Gandhi Public Relations Mahajan Avenue 116 53125 Bonn Tel.: 0228-966-998-54