Posts Tagged ‘entertainment’


The Laugh

by yudaica2013 ·

-Hi, that I can help? "I'm looking for a small dog for a department, please stop by here – took me to a room full of cages with dogs, I wanted them to bring all were so cute-you choose. "Okay – there were so many dogs who did not know what to choose, but there was a beautiful Beagle puppy looked at me with a sad face, I love her so I decided for her. Margaret Loesser Robinson contributes greatly to this topic. Chapter 5-the love she was beautiful the moment, "chose to love well she is an angel – he had already noticed. Pay for it, take advantage of buying a collar and leash, was going to take a walk-through, right away ma'am, and I went with my little angel. We left the store and the nearest park takes a while to run, was long confined in that place so they deserve to make air.

When we sat on a bench and throw up my little angel of mine was definitely the most beautiful dog I had seen. -Thingy and I'm going to call? Your name has to be like you, I was thinking about the name when someone suddenly touches my shoulder and says: "angel, put angel-at first did not recognize who it was but then recognized the voice of that idiot Danny''.'' -Ay idiot scared me. – If you note – he laughed a laugh so funny and beautiful at the same time, unfortunately the laugh is on, if the other person laugh out of it would probably be the most beautiful smile I've ever heard in my life. .



by yudaica2013 ·

The date of ovulation to be pregnant is fundamental once we made the decision to conceive. In order to know when you can be pregnant he is indispensable to know your body, the landlord of menstruation and the precise moment in that it happens the ovulation. There is an interval of days in which they increase the probabilities of embarazarte. The duration of a cycle of regular menstruation is of 28 days, but in few occasions your body fulfills this landlord. Of all ways as of the first day of menstruation, accounts 14 days forwards.

That is the day in which you must be ovulating, that is the ideal day to be pregnant. An ovary releases a mature, ready ovum monthly to be fertilized. This ovum has a period of life of 12 to 24 hours before beginning to degenerate itself. The most common method of knowing with exactitude the ideal moment for embarazarte is the count. It prepares a calendar where you can mark your date of period freely. Since the menstrual cycle is of 28 days but the month brings between 30 and 31 days, then starting off of day of menstruation forwards counts 14 days and with an approximated date of your next period, accounts backwards of 12 to 16 days. This will give a margin you of about 5 to 6 days where the probabilities of obtaining a pregnancy increase.

In these days they do not have to fail the sexual encounter with your pair. It remembers that indeed the task is that to realise daily finally to manage to be pregnant. Much confusion between knowing exists if a woman can or not being pregnant after the ovulation. It remembers that the period of life of the ovum the spermatozoon is very short but, as long as is in favorable conditions as in the uterus and the tubes it can survive up to 3 days. Reason why yes, it could be fertilized but by very few hours. It knows your body and how to calculate the date of ovulation to be pregnant but mainly you do not leave it anxiety ends your inner peace. The psychic state in which you are, will influence definitively in the operation of your body. If you want to be pregnant of natural form within 60 days, without concerning your age, you do Click Here.


Andy Freire

by yudaica2013 ·

Equally you will give a clear idea of how it will be your business. A mistake many entrepreneurs who commit and which you should avoid planning too is and act soon, your business plan is not the most important asi that not you spend you so long to be treated rather plan to dedicate to develop your plan. In the following link you can find very good information and resources that you will be of great utility in this stage: plans of business 4 – get resources: already with your business plan in which you have defined exactly what you need for your business, still get those elements that you will start, draws on all sources as you can, friends, banks, family, savings, funding, etc, funds are constant and do not give up, you will see that with effort you’ll have everything ready. A paar recommendation this stage is that you go to different support entities that exist in your locality and averigues by the requirements for access to the financiemiento. 5 Give birth to business: this stage is the most important of all, is what Andy Freire call of the idea to the harsh reality, you must remove all your passion by undertaking and devote all your efforts to your company, you’ll realize that not everything comes out as him playing, so that you must be sufficiently determined to not surrender. At this stage you do not forget to inform you well about the licenses that you have paar that your business is legal, also find out about the legal benefits afforded by your country for the creation of enterprises.

6. Achieve your business growth: Once you have your company you’ll realize that to enter the path to success we need much more than you win, therefore must be constant and always try to give a step forward and achieve what I call sustainable economic growth, this means that you must find the way that your income will increase steadilyget new customers, increase your sales and everything that will allow you to increase your income. Take you years to strengthen your business to make it aostenible, but believe me There is nothing more rewarding. As you could give you how much there is much to be done, perhaps already you have advanced some stages but even so the fight must be constant, if you’ve not started yet because I say that this is the moment emjor to start, there are many opportunities waiting for you. My final recommendation is that you do not miss the batall without having fought.


West Coast Season

by yudaica2013 ·

However, the Jets were sufficiently smart enough to pick up former Dolphin QB Jay Fiedler to back up starting QB Chad Pennington, who has been injury prone of late, Jet HC Herm Edwards replaced his offensive coordinator Paul Hackett with former Titan offensive coordinator Mike Heimerdinger to be interesting, and Heimerdinger likes to throw the deep ball, meanwhile, Pennington is fresh from shoulder surgery and is more suitable for West Coast style of short ball passing. Buffalo finished the 2004 season strong down the stretch to win September 8 games before losing their final game of the season at home to the Steelers, however, that the loss of the season ends to Pittsburgh was costly as it proved be who makes the difference in the decision went to the playoffs and who stayed at home, the Bills are indeed a team on the rise with a very good defense and excellent special teams, however, probably booted QB Drew Bledsoe out of town a year very soon and will be from recent years # 1 draft pick JP Losman in his place which of course means some growing pains this season for the young QB. Miami finished the 2004 season with a 4-12 record but bad quality, as Buffalo seems to be a rising team in the AFC East, I will not be foolhardy enough to predict the playoffs after a four win season but I see Dolphins great improvement this season and I think seven or eight win season is not out of the realm of possibility considering that the Dolphins now have Nick Saban, head as its new HC. .


The Size

by yudaica2013 ·

On the other hand, if you have a very active player defending the big blind rule out the letters of my rank lower default and perhaps eliminate the lower suites connectors. Even here I will have to discern how the meeting has evolved and what factors the metagame (if any) relevant to the situation. I never multitabling above $ 30 / $ 60 because I find too hard to make my game properly random against solid players. This is one of the foundations of the Limit: patterns of action to destroy your opponents (if possible) and Conceal? mine. Despite what I just said, the aggressive nature of the blinds in the higher limits of limit means that, basically, your rank can not increase beyond a certain point. The level of 3bet the small blind and big make that much of your range is not profitable in these situations. A reduction in the default range to something like 35% of the hands is a good line to work with.

Post-flop strategies and styles of play will impact rivals greatly the size of your range on the button. Basically there is no other choice than to work hard here, which implies to analyze how well you play certain hands in certain situations against certain types of opponents. This takes considerable time working on your entire default range to determine where lines are weak against certain players play aggressive, but the work will be more than rewarded. Another factor that greatly impact your default range is the button that is entirely dependent on the level.


Another Love Story (Part 6 )

by yudaica2013 ·

This is the sixth part of the story, I hope you like it. st1: * (behavior: url (# ieooui)) Chapter 16 : – mmm what time is it? I saw the clock and was 11 in the morning, I woke up and went to the kitchen, my throat was dry so drink a glass and poured myself some juice, was not like I slept well, suddenly someone came to my back and gave me his ear. – How are you sleepy, it was Danny, I do not know why that scene seemed so normal. – Very good and you? – I said. – Well, I'm always good if you're near me.

– Lie, "I said embarrassed – It's true, you know it is. I turn, I was face to face with him, and kiss me, was a long kiss, but did not want to let go … .. – Aaaah! – The alarm rang, it was time to get up. It had been a dream, beautiful dream that was false, but it seemed so real.

– I will not dream of Danny, he is with Olivia, I will walk away from it, I will. I remembered that I had to call to ask about Geri Doug, so take the phone and dial your number. – Alo? – Hi geri. – Camila! I would just call, I heard about what happened yesterday, are you okay? – If I'm fine, do not worry. – Obviously I care, I laughed and had fun while you hit a guy you ….



by yudaica2013 ·

a "Before a bridge is to hit, even if it is stone. . Chinese Proverb In the path of liberation (Chinese way of Liberation) believed was first proposed by Lao Tse, whose teachings were subsequently disseminated and developed by Chiang Tzu find: Beyond the lessons, out of tradition: without relying on words or letters, pointing directly to the human mind, seeing into the very nature gives the state of wisdom. Being needs to experience new states of consciousness that are out of time everyday in order to reveal the truth and the eternal is effective and select the recordings that we are and what belongs to us, because it is the center of the SER. Out of time, is an original state of consciousness, perception and cognition increases free of conditioning and learning everyday not to be expressed, because when a person repeats a truth, as Krishnamurti noted, makes her lie. The essence of this point is that the experience of truth can never be transmitted: EAs a proven fact!.

The word always involves a term related to a pair of opposites and the experience is beyond the verbal level, where opposites are transcended. Any claim related to a spiritual experience is, therefore, a mere figure of speech that can not teach anybody. At that level, live without ideas, to live without residues of past experience and die means continuously to all experience. The self that is psychologically, memory, the sum total of all my possessions, ideas, beliefs and expectations held in my conscience, then allowed to be nourished by the experience.