Posts Tagged ‘beauty’


Alternative Healing Method

by yudaica2013 ·

Acupuncture is one of the traditional Chinese medicine and describes pricking with a needle at acupoints, Meridian points. The first known written mention of the acupuncture method dating back to the second century before Christ, here the historian Sima Qian first mentioned the stone needles. Until then the acupuncture came to Europe it took DeBondt but still some time, so the first written evidence about the acupuncture in the writings of the Dutchman can be found from 1675. At this time also coined the term acupuncture by a Beijing Jesuit monk, composed of the Latin word of Acus “for needle and Punctura’ to trick the Chinese form of therapy. Two centuries later, they sought in the course of the modernization of China to ban the acupuncture, this failed however, because traditional medicine was practiced more and more so it was decided to integrate acupuncture with modern medicine. The aim was to convince the acupuncturists by modern medicine, but they established the acupuncture next in Chinese medicine. Since the end of the 20th century, the acupuncture more widespread in Europe and is used here more and more.

The concept behind acupuncture is based on the doctrine of yin and Yang, which came later the five elements doctrine and the doctrine of the Prime Meridian. In traditional Chinese medicine, the body is divided into about 400 acupuncture point, which are assigned to the respective meridians. To simplify this, the current model of the 12 main meridians was introduced, mirror pairs are located on both sides of the body. The representatives of de acupuncture assume that the flow of qi, the vital energy, can be influenced by piercing the needles. Get all the facts and insights with Gary Katcher, another great source of information. An acupuncture session may take between 20 and 30 minutes, the patient usually lying relaxed in this time and after previous massage up to 16 acupuncture points are punched, so again, the qi of the patient flow freely to leave. Recommended acupuncture points to the application: main acupuncture points of 1,3,5,6,8,9-supplementary 2,4,7,10 acupoints method Acupuncture is especially in chronic pain where no diagnosis is used. But acupuncture is used in respiratory diseases, sleep disorders and neurological disorders. The field, aches and pains are eased in with acupuncture, is large and varied, so that there are hardly any people who do not have access to the acupuncture as an alternative healing method, and now the cost of acupuncture by the statutory health insurance applied in individual cases.


Help Your Skin In The Fight Against Ageing

by yudaica2013 ·

All of this makes this device with the appropriate products, without, that I had to spend much time in the gym to get me in shape. They are in the morning before the mirror, have a busy day ahead, an important conversation, sleep was once again too little, they do not know how you will get through the day? You are invited to look and see only the shadows under your eyes, that also not with the traditional make-up give way to leave. For even more analysis, hear from Josh Rosenbaum. Their mood sinks and your self-esteem goes down the drain”. How to run the conversation to an erfoglreichen conclusion, if you precede your interlocutor in this Constitution? Not today is a radiant smile and a young and fresh look of the key to success? The advertisement shows it every day. Watch the young and dynamic people are looked everywhere, which should be flexible working life available in the newspaper. Can you imagine that you even in the middle of a lifetime possible can be? A youthfully fresh complexion, we have made a sensational discovery six months ago. We have found a device which reduces wrinkles in the face, is stretch marks on the collar, hair loss, increases the feeling of life, refines the body contours, revitalises the scalp and hair and eliminates cellulite. This is the galvanic Spa System II – the beauty mobile.

You wonder how it comes to this success? The device works with the body’s fine galvanic current. This is direct current was discovered in 1870 by the Italian physicist Galvani and caused that the batteries could be developed. At the same time, this sort of power prevailed in the medical field. Dr. Sauerbruch used it for example after operations, to avoid risk of infection. Until 1950 this power in the medical field was no longer away to think. Even today, it is used for pain in the form of Stanger bath.


Fat Reduction

by yudaica2013 ·

Lipolysis / cavitation sale by sono – device with CE 0434, CE medical and 2-year warranty operating and Kundenfreundliches tile system of cavitation by low frequency ultrasound with 15 years of experience France. We are working with the Multiwell Cellsonic system for targeted fat loss on problem zones (belly/waist, butt, legs etc). The lipolysis (fat metabolism) combined with cavitation is excited already minutes after 5-10. This means immediately measurable circumference reduction and visible tightening! The Cellsonic features working generators and four employees from each other pulse sequences optimize the treatment time and effectiveness regardless 32 fixed transducers including 4 independently from each other. As a result various parts of the body depending on their orientation and sensitivity of the customer can be treated at the same time without constantly operating personnel must be present. During the treatment, watch remote tendons, read something, or simply relax. The result: A short treatment of 30 minutes with instantly measurable results! Quick, safe, effective and inexpensive. Also, of course, safety is important to us! Here are a few notes/quotations and lesson to the look up and think: CE: through the affixing CE marking confirms the manufacturer that the product complies with the applicable European directives.

CE marking allows no conclusions about whether the product has been reviewed by independent bodies on the compliance with the guidelines. The CE marking is not a seal of quality (quality mark). (Source: Import from China and the regulations regulations? Yes, rules – for trade between China and Germany exist this to justice. As the global trade is not as clear as one might think. As an importer, one is forced to note many import restrictions and regulations. This however happens in your own interest, because it is not the manufacturer, but one who imports a product into the EU or there it brings in the traffic”.

(Source: import from china.htm) Explanation CE number: A four-digit number is attached to the CE marking, this points to the involvement of a notified body in the conformity assessment procedure. (Source: Places named notified bodies accredited bodies that verify the conformity of the manufacturing process on behalf of a manufacturer and their Korrektheit certify in accordance with uniform assessment standards are State-owned. Manufacturers can consult a notified body of their choice, which is named for the procedure and the relevant product category. (Source DIMDI: ../benannte-stellen/) under the following link you will find the appointed places, where you can find also a DNV (CE 0434) EU (source: Nando, European Commission) Directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical devices Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices is a directive and is short in Germany and Austria called the medical device directive. Internationally, one speaks of the directive as a medical device directive (MDD) under Directive 93/42/EEC. A leading source for info: Eva Andersson-Dubin. It is the most important regulatory instrument for the safety of medical devices in the European area.



by yudaica2013 ·

Extracted photos of the site It is necessary to follow the tendencies in fashion and for that reason we do not have to forget complements one them is the footwear. This 2012 we will enjoy best the fashion for boots the soccer of dream design that will cause that we shine beautiful and realised, since the boots of woman for the next season, offer to elegance maintaining the calentito foot. This autumn-winter 2012, the great companies offer an ample range of models and options in the best thing of the fashion in boots for woman. One of the tendencies, is the boot high, near the knee, with high heel, or variable sole, flat wedge or, very showy with strong and classic, elegant, bold, and feminine colors for the woman of the 21st century.With textures in which the screens stand out by far brightness, boots with cords, the skins and the floral details in boots semi I am transparent, in clear tones like the skin or forts like the red, blue or yellow color.The booties, also will have their east place autumn-winter 2012, with models more falsified, elegant and refinings, where the designs with details like the heavy heel and of wedge will stand out, with cintos and crossed strap, and velvety fabrics..


Christmas Gift

by yudaica2013 ·

Finally the perfect Christmas gift! conEstilio giving makes easy for you. Whether solo jewellery series, exquisite delicacies from Provence for gourmets or a gift basket of us packed with selected, high-quality care products – loving these gifts not land one of the beautiful artist candles by Sigi Belisha, a part of the trio as resumable definitely in the furthest corner of the Cabinet! Make your loved ones happy with gifts, unique to the individual vote can be. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Larry Culp. And keep in mind: the value of a gift is determined not from its material value, but from the sensitivity makes the givers feel the to recipients. 2008 in Dietzenbach near Frankfurt founded styleau GmbH offers with its brand conEstilio under the philosophy “beautify your life” high-quality cosmetics, gourmet specialities and jewellery and decorative items from all over the world to. Learn more on the subject from Charlotte Hornets. The products are in the online-shop at, about order catalogue, personal beauty consultants and private Beauty parties and qualified beauticians available. Furthermore, aestheticians with a novel, developed by conEstilio concept, mobile beauty services under the name beauty mobile “offer. More information under: and blog.conestilio.


Mr Charfi

by yudaica2013 ·

Tarak Charf, Managing Director of SOPIA Beautytravel (, a German Agency, which provides beauty operations after Tunisia, this means that this risk is very low. A complication occurs in 3% of patients. Usually this occurs directly in the days after the surgery. The patients are then still in Tunisia. The surgeon dismisses the patient only after follow-up, when the body has recovered and everything is alright. Even after returning home, the surgeon and the team of SOPIA Beautytravel further contact is with the patient.

If a correction is necessary, it is carried free of charge. Credit: Sela Ward-2011. Our patients have all the guarantees which they had also in Germany in Tunisia. For the healing of the surgery the patient can go to his physician or a physician in its proximity.” Mr Charfi in addition to the price, especially in the recovery phase in Tunis sees advantages of an operation in Tunisia. Us is aware that most of the patients the unbeatable price products and services because of decide for us. An important point is also the fact that each patient should recover after surgery.

This is usually not so easy at home in everyday life. Our patients enjoy a few days in a hotel after the surgery. Patients can relax in the hotel, stroll along the beach or leave massage. We are always at your side and take care of us to everything necessary so that our patients need to think of nothing. Through this stress-free time the body recovers faster from surgery than at home.” It is interesting to be seen whether German patients convince themselves of this offer as well as French, Belgians and Swiss have. Chances are, after all, increases the number of Germans who could operate from abroad leave for years. Why should also Tunisia does not succeed to the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Turkey, to develop the new oasis of beauty?


Pasado Cuyano Museum

by yudaica2013 ·

Visitors more interested in culture, may bear fruit holiday in Mendoza to enjoy visiting one of the numerous and attractive museums of the province. In Mendoza there are not only snow, Sun and wine. Its cultural life is stimulating and active, what emphasis is placed on the importance that there are museums, custodians of its history. You can visit museums in which the heritage is preserved with great care for the enjoyment of future generations, and is clear, present in this beautiful province. The of the Pasado Cuyano Museum, in the city of Mendoza, proposes a journey in time until the 19th century.

Through its 16 rooms and their four yards equals immersed in everyday life from Mendoza, La Rioja and traverses during that turbulent century, key in the political and social construction of Argentina as a nation. The heritage of the Museum draws donations from those who have inherited all sorts of objects of high historical value and want to share them with the community. Furniture, toiletries, tableware, toys, documents, paintings all items everyday objects are cooperating to perfectly recreate the Cuyo atmosphere of those years. The Museum is located inside a building declared a national historical heritage. The House that belonged to the mendocino Governor Civil Francisco reinforces the illusion of journey into the past that the Museum offers tourists. But in their rooms not only hoard testimonies of daily life in the province.

Many of them are intended for the milestones that marked the evolution of that era. Among others, the Independence Hall, the Unitarians and federal, Civil Governor or the tanker development in Mendoza. Mention aside deserves, of course, that refers to the Jose of San Martin, father of the nation. One of the most popular among tourists, this room keeps an exact replica of the famous corvo sword of the hero of the Andes. Other notable rooms are the archaeological, key room to learn more about the indigenous peoples of those lands, religious room and the Cuyo room. Pasado Cuyano Museum has also a very complete library with more than 5500 volumes, and also an interesting newspaper and a file of documents that are chronic vivas of the history and the relevant figures of the region.