
Europe Tumors

by yudaica2013 ·

Those who promote the hydrazine sulfate as a medicine against cancer, say that it overlaps the main action of enzymes that trigger this process, and also raises the true energy revolution, stretching the formation of cachexia. The ability of hydrazine sulfate as a medicine for cancer were studied for another 100 years ago. Experts have come to conflicting conclusions. Some have found that the experimental it inhibits the growth of tumors. Source: Tony Parker. Others have written reports that hydrazine sulfate damages dna and triggers the formation of cancer, and close existing tumors leads to grow even faster.

Wanting to study the product in humans can not welcome, conducted clinical tests have shown that hydrazine sulfate did not lead to a lessening of tumors and does not increment the duration of life for patients. Extreme study was conducted in 1994 in the middle of 636 unhealthy running back to the lungs, immediate gut as well as leukemia. Results did not leave any hope: none of the patients hydrazine sulfate did not bring utility, but in spite of all the above in almost All noted the deterioration of life and property damage angry system. The propagandists of hydrazine sulfate is also announced that the results of the study flawed, but the test is not confirmed. In the usa hydrazine sulfate does not allow to give cancer unhealthy, in Canada it prescribe a prescription. But despite all the foregoing, it is widely used in Europe and in Russia (to name segidrin). In the middle of spin-offs Product – vomiting, nausea, itching, dizziness, damage to motor coordination, tingling and / or numbness of hands as well.


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