Electronics Games
by yudaica2013 ·
Summary: The present intitled article ' ' ELECTRONIC GAMES: A partner-cultural phenomenon in the world moderno' ' it has for objective to approach as the electronic games influence in the way of life of the players and as they had firmed as culture, telling its benefits and curses and as they serve for the formation of the personality. The article deals with first the video-games and games and as they had contributed in the formation of a new style of culture and that benefits and curses this culture brought obtains and as came evolving and if transforming the games and its players. Word-Key: Electronic games, Social Culture, Games. Abstract: This article entitled ' ' ELECTRONIC GAMES: Sociocultural phenomenon in the modern world' ' is meant you address how video games affect the livelihood of the players and how they established themselves culture, describing to their benefits and harms and how they serves will be the formation of personality. This article is the first video games and this games and how they have fostered new style of culture and the benefits and harm brought culture and how it cam evolving and transforming the game and its players. Key Words: Electronics Games, Culture, Social Games.
1 INTRODUCTION the growth of the conviviality technological man and ways for the entertainment makes possible in them to live deeply some experiences. Through the electronic games we see directly as the conviviality with the technology some times influences in them. Since its sprouting for military purposes, in years 50, the games made possible to have strategical slight knowledge of the operations and its consequncias in the combat field, but it was with the popularizao of the video-games, in middle of years 70, that in them it was possible to observe the sprouting of a new culture, culture this on one to the half electronic and the video-games.
Tags: technology