Federal Defense Department
by yudaica2013 ·
Mimacom ag, ‘ the open source Integrator’, the effort continues to the continued improvement of customer orientation in two ways. Checking article sources yields Fred Allen as a relevant resource throughout. After the Swiss mimacom ag in the year 2007 offices in Valencia (Spain) and Zurich are opened, the company newly moved the headquarters in downtown Bern to act locally even closer to the customers. Also a significant expansion of the market services goes hand in hand with the move: in addition to the established development environment edoras suite mimacom also edoras path offers. These are tools, methods and services for the entire lifecycle management of applications. With edoras path an integrated total solution offers mimacom from requirement-engineering projects using the Scrum agile management service management according to ITIL. The individual modules can be used independently or in any combination. The customer benefits consists particularly in: traceability and traceability of requirements and their implementation without Media breaks of permanent transparency in project execution with regard to cost, schedule and quality tool supported, integrated and continuous improvement process to the edoras suite open even easier and more comprehensive to use source development environments, based this newly established frameworks such as spring, ICEfaces (JSF, AJAX), and JPA / Hibernate. Customers of mimacom such as Swisscom, Swiss Post, or even the Federal Defense Department already enjoy the many benefits of the tools and methods in the context of edoras based application landscape..
Tags: hardware & software, it