Foreign Language Teaching
by yudaica2013 ·
Listening as a process of active listening allows you to create, maintain and develop skills in understanding speech in a foreign language. With the help of a learner masters the sound side of language, mastering lexical composition and grammatical structure of language. Therefore, listening has a positive effect not only on the ability to listen and understand foreign language speech, but also on the ability to speak, read and write in a foreign language. Types of listening The criteria for selection varied types of listening. For listening purposes allocate free and detailed listening. Purpose listening – to get specific information.
Orientation listening divided into three types: cognitive, entertaining, informative – entertaining. Detailed listening associated with fixation of detailed information for later playback. In Depending on the learning objectives, listening can be directed to: 1) the recognition of phonetic, lexical, morphological and syntactic units, grammatical phenomena, forms and designs, and 2) the development of perception foreign speech, language, guesswork, articulation, and 3) the understanding, analysis, retention, and playback audio messages. On the basis of educational problems "understanding of information" are two types of listening: listening with full text comprehension (listening as a learning tool) and with understanding only the basic content (as a goal of training). Texts with full understanding of the content does not include an unknown vocabulary, listening here – the way developing skills in all types of speech activity. To audition as a learning goal is important to build skills: to provide important, to understand the basic idea of the text, ignoring the language difficulties.
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