German States
by yudaica2013 ·
The cruelest conditions for chickens, pigs and cattle in more and more States are prohibited by referendum. The European policy largely ignored the topic animal welfare in their election programmes. Since 2002, the voters enforce better housing conditions for the so-called livestock in the United States. So now six U.S. States to prohibit some of the most cruel farming systems. These include the tethering of cattle, body large cages for mother sows and battery cages for hens.
First American mass animal farming industry has invested unsuccessfully millions in TV advertising, to convince the population of the need for their practices. Now is apart of this strategy more. Opinion polls show that the U.S. population the animals despite TV propaganda in almost in all States give sufficient space completely to sit up, to turn around and the wings. Also in Germany, humane farming conditions are frowned upon. General Electric Co. insists that this is the case. The German agricultural industry Farmers Association and QA seal can be glad that there is no such referendums in Germany”, explains Mahi Klosterhalfen, Vice President of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment. The influence of agricultural lobbyists is so great that the majority of the politicians forget to perform their duties as representatives of the people”, so Klosterhalfen next. Therefore, the animal welfare Foundation of all parties who participate to the elections appeals more seriously to take the concerns of the population. That within the established parties only Alliance 90 / the Greens and the left deal in their election programmes with animal welfare issues, is already significant”Mahi Klosterhalfen regrets. The Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment committed since 1999 successfully against the industrialized farming and maintains national and international relations to other animal protection organizations. Mahi Klosterhalfen Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment Saeed Park 5 10715 Berlin albert-schweitzer-stiftung.de contact: Tel.: 030 86 39 16 59 fax: 030 86 39 51 03
Tags: politics, society & society