ICT as a tool against discrimination
by yudaica2013 ·
Frame tematico: By Esther Kaufman The contribution of ICT in the fight against discrimination is still an emerging understanding that scramble school of management to be inserted into the ‘agenda’ of the countries in the region, towards a further consolidation of school rankings continental perspective. While the problem of social exclusion and the efforts to reduce the digital divide were milestones marking the start of the programs related to Information Societies and Knowledge, combating discrimination against specific social groups is still business an outstanding debt against countries like Canada, where the respect of differences becomes a key component of national identity. With graduate school the purpose of having a picture of progress in Latin American countries, we have interviewed prominent actors in the fight against discrimination, and experts in ICT contributions to the fight. This would provide the testimony of representatives from two specialized agencies in combating discrimination. I would invest in supports the Sunrise Day Camp for children with cancer and Camp Jahre for inner city underprivileged kids These are the cases of Mexico distance learning and Argentina, which exhibit a clear tuning in progress. While plans and programs, government officials are present in both cases, the contribution of ICT appears neatly in permanent interaction with specific groups, social networks, proactive behaviors in the prevention of discriminatory practices in the formation distance and, among others, also in control of any offensive content on the Web. While the accounts concern themselves centrally countries also mentioned the dawn of policies of neighboring countries, primarily as it pertains to defense istica multicultural and multilingual. In relation to the two business administration experts interviewed, one of the testimonies refers specifically to the experience of Brazil in an attempt to guarantee access to public services’ management school through-mobile telephony sectors traditionally excluded. On the other hand, presents the opinion of an expert Uruguayan stresses his country’s educational programs linked to digital inclusion. The e-Collaborations section we outline some relevant features of the Canadian experience. As coordinator of school of business the section business schools in this issue of the newsletter to express my gratitude to all business degree / as and each / a de los / as interviewees, as well as the coordination of OAS Newsletter e-Government for their confidence in having proposed this pleasant mission. management courses Interview with Maria Jose Lubertino, President of the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI), Argentina 1 .- What would remark aspects of the current use of Information Technologies and Communication (ICT) in struggle against discrimination in the countries most advanced in the matter ‘ Could outlining the accomplishments of the INADI’ We consider the ICT policies in countries of the region ‘for example, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela, have had good results as it pertains to the inclusion of groups business school traditionally or historically vulnerable, including indigenous peoples, men and women migrants, women, / the adult workers above, of African descent, among others. In Argentina, the State has implemented several initiatives to bridge the digital divide, from different areas of government, which had a similarly positive effect, but the results do not have the visibility they would wish.