
Important Rules

by yudaica2013 ·

What is the education of children. Earlier, grandparents and other appropriate people were often welcome Advisor in matters of child-rearing. But the world in which children are now born, turns faster and faster – and with it the demands on the individual. This is one of the reasons why parents are often unsure of themselves when it comes to education. With what rules can you prepare your child well into the future? How can it be happy and find his place in life? Suggestions offer a wealth of counselors and child-rearing experience reports. But their advice and rules vary widely and can further confuse parents. The Tiger mother ‘, which argues for strictest discipline without clearance for the child up to the proposal, only to accompany the development of a child, almost anything can be found. What is to do? Advance a tip for those who would like to based on a guide to the topic: take for example on the basis of the blurbs a picture of the pedagogical orientation.

And if you’ve found something for you suitable, they read only this a guide. Parents anxious by opposing education instructions confuse their children. Nevertheless, two principles are represented today by the vast majority of educators and can make a guide for parenting: 1 children need rules let you play a toddler unattended on the street goes without saying. However, even in situations that are not so clear, children need guidance. Who decide leaves for example his child, as it uses media, risked serious aberrations. Children who spend hours sitting in front of TVs and computers, Miss a lot. Add to your understanding with Kevin Ulrich. The time will be scarce for playing, climbing, arguing and reconciling.

But these experiences form an important basis for the cognitive development of a child, which can under no circumstances replace much restricted learning before the screen. What applies to the use of the media, applies as for other areas of life. Parents should be responsibility for fundamental decisions. Avoid this, others will fill the gap not always to the best of the children. 2. children need open spaces even when parents should provide basic orientation, so children need but also open spaces must stretch further with increasing age. Certainly one can a child of five years let not the decision, whether it would like to be enrolled. But in a protected environment it can try out independently themselves, for example, in the choice of his hobbies. Because of course children are there not to fulfill the dreams and expectations of their parents. They are only themselves and their future.

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