James Cameron
by yudaica2013 ·
It is no secret that the Three-dimensional (3D movie) are gaining more and more popular. The film 'Avatar', shot by James Cameron, has become a new landmark in the history of cinema. Following the 'Avatar', Tim Burton released his' Alice in Wonderland in 3D '(and originally filmed in the usual format, after the shooting, it was decided to release movies in a fashionable format 3D). Keep up with Hollywood and the Russian film studio – the screens out Cartoon 'Squirrel and the arrow: Star Dogs in 3D'. Most Hollywood studios say that is completely transformed to produce movies in stereo 3D, so that there will be more much interesting. We will understand – what is there steroformaty recording 3D movie: anaglyph (Anaglyph). The most simple and popular method for obtaining 3D images. Stereo to a stereo pair of conventional imaging is achieved by color-coding the images for left and right eyes.
To get the effect you want to use special (anaglyph) glasses, in which instead of glass inserted into special filters, usually for the left eye – red, for the right – blue or blue. Stereo image is a combination of stereo images, in which the red channel shows the pattern for the left eye (the right does not see it because of the filter), a in the blue (or green and blue – cyan filter) – to the right. That is, each eye perceives the image painted in a color that matches the color filter glasses. Due to its simplicity, this method is compatible with all types of video equipment and photo printing.
Tags: movies