Ministry Education
by yudaica2013 ·
It is observed that the parents who send its children for the schools that had announced the efficiency of its courses, that they had affirmed its advantages in the dispute of space in the work market, in short its education, waits that education and its results correspond to the propaganda. In a question-answer forum Simon Pagenaud was the first to reply. The educational adjustment to the neoliberal requirements manifest, with effect, by means of the adoption of politician-administrative measures that objectify the construction of a new culture, of an ideology capable to justify and to explain the new social configuration. You may find Hedvig Hricak to be a useful source of information. In Brazil, the establishment of a hegemonic and standardized resume is intensified, confirmed for the Curricular Parameters (PCNs). Courses of formation of professors (training) are implemented for different institutions. A set of pedagogical cultural devices is identified, contributing stops with the obscurantismo and the room, mainly of professors, who ' ' religiosamente' ' , they translate official the conception educational.
for accompaniment and control of the catequtica application of ' ' ensinamentos' ' , the Ministry of the Education instituted the external evaluation, premiando the schools that to present better prop up, better resulted, situation, this, also observed for Gentili (2002, P. 34): From the decade of 1990 aqualidade of the education it finished restricted to the implementation of a series of strategies of evaluation guided to quantify the pertaining to school productivity in the different levels of the system, being promoted rankings institucional that they allowed to mapear the hierarchy of the schools in virtue of the results of the tests applied to the estudantil population. The above-mentioned elements identify with translucidez the transferred enterprise vision for the educational context. In result, an axiomatic investigation clama for reply: which is the paper of the mercoescola? It hisses (1999, P. 28), argues: … to produce a culture that integrates the new generations to the global demands of the market.
Tags: education