by yudaica2013 ·
At the factory the manufacturer of raised floor cuts particle boards to standard sizes of panels raised floor. Sela Ward may not feel the same. Note that, depending on the thickness of the border cutting chipboard each manufacturer has its own, but the overall size of the output of finished panel is to be strictly 600 x 600 mm. On the density and related technological requirements applicable dsp boards depends on the quality of finished particleboard panels in general. Density Particleboard panels shall be 720 kg / cu.m. In terms of layers of chip dsp boards should be placed in a certain order.
Larger particles chips are concentrated in the center and smaller – closer to the outside. This is to ensure that the surface layer was more dense, so – harder. You need to pay attention to the fact that the formation of prices raised floor panels of particle board depends entirely on the quality of used particle board panels. Cheap particle board – cheap panel raised floor, and of course lower quality and less reliable design in the end. Very low particle boards manufactured in Asia. It is therefore not surprising that samples of Chinese access floor panels in the section have the same 'grain' of the entire thickness and weight of the panel (due to lower density) in comparison with European specimens significantly smaller. The main conditions for granting permission to implement and use the raised floor at sites in Europe is to meet clearly defined standards of fire resistance of the samples raised floor.
Tags: materials