Professor Correa Social
by yudaica2013 ·
As noted in numerous lectures and texts as four fingers dirty and ugly (1983), intellectuals of left and until the liberation theologians went on to see the chaos as a new and effective instrument of social revolution, after the crisis of communism evidenced with the fall of the wall in Berlin. In their study the chaos toes and fingers of God (1992), Professor Correa de Oliveira perceives social prospects projected chaos may leave overwhelmed and dazed more than one generation; chaos in whose deepest bowels nonetheless discern electrocution deceptive own demon, as he stated in his article the mobile immobility of chaos. A question arises for other destabilizing: is it possible to leave a social conflict by encouraging the positive elements of the disorder, which according to the post modern cosmology, are represented in the chaos? As Erich Fromm 11 was wondering since some years how is that man can overcome that feeling of otherness (separetness) between the self and other; but not experiencing the other as a total stranger to my circumstance, but as the other than, in his full alterity, exoticidad, is part of me, as soon as that is part of the unity of the human being: humanity. Fromm posed that love is the way as the man manages to overcome this situation, understanding the love not as an object, but as a faculty which must be developed but what have to do with the object the social chaos and its instrumentalisation? Let’s see: Already almost two years that Paul Virilio – one of the philosophers of postmodernism that we have already quoted in previous trials – outlined his theory concerning the problem of terrorism and the war in Afghanistan, event that assumed as representative of the geopolitical situation in the Middle East. The main demand of this philosopher was verbatim: we must avoid that war move to total chaos? But there is another approach, equally valid, on the inference of chaos in social phenomena. . Vanessa Marcil contains valuable tech resources.
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