Posts Tagged ‘training’


Team Building – The Best Way To Find Efficient Staff

by yudaica2013 ·

Today, when many companies have successfully overcome the phase of market adjustment, the leadership gets a very important question: what to do with the staff, how to find people able to work effectively, to respond flexibly to new challenges and demands put forward non-standard ideas. Why does the word "we – a team" should not become an empty slogan, but the principle of corporate life? Practice shows that teamwork is the most effective way of organizing work. And it is the development of team work skills can provide companies today a powerful additional momentum. Teamwork skills are acquired during special team building training. Scenario for each team-training-especially an individual product. It is created for a specific company and a well-defined tasks. Team building includes a classroom devoted to theoretical the basics of team interaction, and practical exercises, during which, in fact, people are trained and work as a team.

Sami training can be regarded as playing teambuilding. Assignments are designed so that for their implementation requires the participation of everyone. Only a common strategy passing assignments, team members can deal with it. Team to help instructors psychologists. With the help of special psychological techniques they regulate the relationship between people, facilitate communication, help to correctly understand the problem and find the optimal solution of it. It is not uncommon when the team underestimated and not fully utilized the resources available.

There may be people who simply do not have enough spirit clearly and firmly express their thoughts, although good ideas occurred to them often enough. People are more energetic, with a more pronounced leadership qualities, take the initiative themselves, begin to impose its own solution group, and the attention automatically focuses on them: the group does not hear that thrown into the box someone thought more rationally in this situation. When it corporate training, the instructors just keep track of those moments. Because the coach knows the principle of passing the task or solution of the problem, he may at some stage to stop the group, ask her to listen to alternative view. Just a few words the coach to focus the group on the carrier effective idea. And here is the most media has to recall what he said. Incidentally, this is not always easy – to reconstruct own thought, if you're used to what you usually do not listen. Perhaps further discussion of the initiative once again take on the leader, but more importantly, the team learns to listen to everyone. Moreover, each is aware that may to be heard, which could bring his idea, and therefore he should not remain silent. Preparing and conducting any in-depth training on teambuilding always consists of three parts: predtrening actually very Training and posttrening. training is that we go to the customer, determine the purpose of the event, the problems to be addressed, talk with a group, sometimes with each member individually, and try to understand the roles in this team. After this written program that takes into account all the features of a given firm. An important stage of work is the analysis conducted corporate training. Together with the address the problems identified by psychologists in working with the team, outlines ways to address them, are preparing personal action plans for each participant is certification by the main parameters: motivation to develop and ability to make changes, adaptation to such function, competence in performing the functions. Such an in-depth and lengthy working method used in creating new or complete restructuring of the organization, while creating a new unit.