
The Star

by yudaica2013 ·

There were millions of stars in the sky. Stars in all colors: white, silver, red, blue and green gold. One day restless, they came to God and told him:-Lord God, we would like to live on the Earth among men. -So will be done-replied the Lord – keep all you tiny, such as views, so that they can go down to the Earth. Counting that, on that night, there was a nice shower of stars. Some huddled in the towers of the churches, others were to play and run along with the fireflies by the fields, others mingled with children’s toys and the land was beautifully lit. But with the passing of time, stars resolved to leave the men and return to heaven, leaving the land dark and sad. -Do you returned?-, asked Dios as they were reaching the sky.-Lord, us it was not possible to stay on Earth, beyond there is much misery and violence, much evil, much injustice – and the Lord them said:-! Clear!, you place here is in the sky, the Earth is the place of the transitory, of one who goes from one who falls, one who errs, one that dies herd is perfect-.

Heaven is the place of the perfection of the immutable, of the eternal, where nothing perishes. After that came all stars and verifying your number, God spoke again:-us is missing a star will be that it was lost along the way? An angel who was nearby replied:-Sir, a star decided to stay among the men, she discovered that her place is exactly where there is imperfection, where there is limit, where things do not go well, where there is struggle and pain. -Do more what star is this?-, Dios returned to ask. -It is the hope, Lord, the only star of this color – green star. And when they looked for the Earth, the star was not alone. The land was again illuminated by that had a green star at the heart of each person. Because the unique feeling that man’s and God does not need to have, is the hope. owledge.. -God already knows the future and the hope is own person human, characteristic of one who is not perfect, one who does not know the future.

Receives in this moment, this little star in your heart: La Esperanza your green star. Don’t let that she flee and not let it turn off. Ten certainty that she will illuminate your path know always positive and thanks God for everything. Be always happy spread with your heart enlightening to others. For more items like this visit: original author and source of the article

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