Voices Of The Cemetary
by yudaica2013 ·
Voices of the cemetary – That place is this which brought me to you? – Which is dust! You did not say that she wanted a hidden place well? Then, we are in the cemetary! – Cemetary! It did not need to exaggerate! – How nothing my good me of the one kiss! It almost kneaded it with one I hug, the young woman tried to desvencilhar itself and the attention called it: – Ronaldo listens! I hear voices – Active or passive? – It releases of being idiot! What it is this of passive active or? – Active it is when it is the citizen that practises the action, in mine in case that when I kiss you, I practise an action It releases – Me, you hurting is me Trying still to desvencilhar itself I hug of it and to deviate You was kissed by me – He is, but I do not want more being kissed for you and nor I want that kiss you me. I am heard voices and I am with fear! It each more joking time: – Active or passive Voice my love? – Ronaldo! Nor active and nor passive! Ronaldooo! – Then it is reflexiva voice My good! – It releases of trick, I am in a serious way! – It trusts me The reflexiva voice is when the citizen makes the action in he himself. Therefore we do not have to fear.> It lost the patience desvencilhou itself of the arms of the boyfriend. She left the place she waited and it to the side of the pole where the light the mercury reigned. Contact information is here: Sela Ward. – My good what it is this? It released me in the alone cemetary! – Engraadinho – It passed the arm to it for on the shoulder and had been for the school. In the way a friend, already with the friends, one of them inquired: – Killed today the first lesson Luciana? – Not! We were to the cemetary to study grammatical! The colleague looked at for the two with a sacanagem face: Ours, that place to study! Very romantic! as soon as sets the nugget in is. (Ademar Oliveira of Rasp)
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