You should know
by yudaica2013 ·
You should know more about us .. KB We are a Mexican company MEGAHEALTH, born in 1997 in order to make a business proposition for anyone who wants to move forward and seek only an opportunity for human development and economic welfare travez of the healthcare industry. We offer our firm commitment to developing products with the highest standards of quality, working with a network marketing system unique to the marketing of products, which provides the possibility for each to decide what he wants to win and even where this is going , professional development and achieving financial freedom. The commitment is summarized in MEGAHEALTH satisfaction guaranteed.each product has specific uses and results that have been proven exhaustivamente.El prestige of our brand has supported us throughout our history. We have more than 71 outlets serving more than 600 thousand distributors Independientes.Damos business opportunity and we have a presence in Mexico as well as in some countries in Central America. you want to know more about us .. You should know more about our products .. want to know how you can earn residual income for life .. Call: Miguel A. Tellez Fedz. DIM: 756,169 Veracruz, Veracruz Mexico Phone and Fax: 01 (229) 9252462 TelCel: 044 2291 7391 94 Mail: duplicacionenlinea gmail.com Web: www.megahealth.com.mx