Criminale 2009 A Feast For Crime
by yudaica2013 ·
Jokers.de offers online special crime Festival Augsburg, 05.05.2009 – useful and worth knowing for all Criminale fans: crime Festival Criminale with Joker, the specialist in rest requirements and special editions, a special on its cultural portal offers many interesting facts. From 6 to 10 May 2009 the Festival of the German crime fiction for the first time takes place internationally between Singen and Schaffhausen in the border triangle of Lake Constance. 200 mystery writers are expected to attend. On the Joker culture portal Mystery lovers will find important facts to the retrospective of the German crime fiction: for example the complete Criminale “program, as well as a look at the history of the Festival. In addition, there is information to the Friedrich-Glauser-Preis.
The richest crime Germany awarded during the Criminale. Director James Cameron pursues this goal as well. Joker under every month for all Mystery lovers who don’t want to wait until the Festival, offers a new, exciting short detective story as PDF or MP3 files for free download. The history of Criminale: since 1986 Members of the syndicate group meet”every year in spring in a different location for the exchange of experience and for maintaining contact with publishers and journalists, but above all with their readers. Since the beginning, the number of the participating authors about increased tenfold..
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