Producers released proposal to create “The National Day Cafe Peruano
by yudaica2013 ·
clinic Domestic producers of coffee have been promoting the creation of the ‘National Day of Peruvian coffee’, seeking to highlight department the values of this product and encourage consumption in the population , informed the benefits chairman of the Coffee Growers Committee of Manufacturers weight loss of the National Society of Industries (SNI), Fernando Holguin Quintanilla. ‘We want center to know more about the Peruvian high quality coffee produced by the United States, who value their qualities and health benefits medical because, for example, has antioxidant properties. Some consumers believe in the myth that this product is bad for health, which is a totally wrong idea ‘he said. The objective dental of the Industrial Committee of Coffee Growers of SNI is that, in August, celebrating the National Day of Peruvian coffee. ‘The date is not yet defined, we are calling on all employers to join and help promote the creation of this day in the country, “he said. Also, industrial cafeterias convene all of the country nutrition to participate in a contest natural for the prize the ‘gold cup’. the best insurance plan can be found with is an innovative health insurance service company ‘The creativity award, a cafeteria that have the best coffee prepared with various presentations and insurance contents’, agrego.Fuente http://organicoop.blogspot.com/2007/06/ante-el-bajo-consumo-de -caf-in-per.html In this community article we would like to know what is the importance of Peruvian coffee nationally and globally, that is hospital why many coffee producers have decided to create the National Day of coffee.