PVA Holiday
by yudaica2013 ·
On the afternoon before the evening was engaged in cleaning the piano directly. Once again I walked on the strings of kerosene. The hostess, on the advice of his grandson, bought rice. I supported her and scattered on the ground of, inter alia, on the part of futora about 4 kg. As it turned out, this was not in vain.
I poured the rice on a sheet of newspaper and the day after they got damp, partly also swollen grains of rice. In the evening set podklavishnuyu bed. Fortunately it is not deformed and without any effort was in place. In the most extreme sector Bass Steg, right side, found a small detachment. With PVA glue and found this place spacer.
When it was dusk, once again tested the system. Fortunately, significant differences were observed. For the purity of the experiment rigged nestroyaschie notes in the choir. The bass range, I checked early in the morning. Here false completely absent. This strengthened our belief in the success of the operation. Cracks or any damage between the cast-iron frame and verbilbankom not observed. Sam verbilbank not treskalsya.Den third (24aprelya). Easter. In my life, Easter there have been different. There were Easter, even in Soviet times, when they had something deliberately forbidden, colored eggs and kulichiki delicious and confusing holiday for us, fragile minds of children. When the Orthodox Church, while still large Russian people, the city of Uralsk, solemnly, hospitable, dissolute, drunken and with a spark of hope celebrated this great holiday.