The Song
by yudaica2013 ·
C enthusiasm by the revolution, he wrote several minor poems ('The Dove of Jordan', 'Inonia', 'heavenly drums', all of 1918, etc.), imbued with a joyful anticipation 'transformation' of life. Godless mood combine them with the biblical imagery to describe the scale and significance of events. Yesenin praising the new reality of its characters and trying to match the time ('Cantata', 1919). In later years, he wrote 'The Song of the Great Campaign', 1924, 'Captain of the earth', 1925, etc.). Thinking, 'where events taking us', the poet turns to history (a dramatic poem 'Pugachev', 1921). Imagism search in the area pull together imagery from AB Esenina Mariengof, V. G. Shershenevich, R.
Ivnev, in early 1919, they joined a group Imagist; Yesenin is frequented 'stalls Pegasus' literary cafe Imagist at Nikitsky Gate in Moscow. But the poet is only partially shared their platform desire to clear the form of 'dust content. " His aesthetic interests turned to the patriarchal way of the village, folk art primordial spiritual art image (treatise 'Keys Mary', 1919). As early as 1921 Yesenin appears in print with criticism 'for the sake of clownish affectation affectation' 'sobratev'-Imagists. Gradually, from his lyrics go fanciful metaphor. 'Moscow Taverns' In the early 1920s. Esenina in the poems appear motives 'Life turned upside Storm' (1920 collapse lasted for about three years of marriage with ZN Reich), a drunken prowess, alternated hysterical anguish. The poet presents a bully, brawler, drunkard with a bloody heart, waddling 'of a brothel in den, where it is surrounded by 'a strange and laughing rabble' (collections of 'Confessions of a Hooligan', 1921 'Moscow Taverns', 1924). Isadora event in my life was meeting with Esenina American dancer Isadora Duncan (Fall 1921), which in six months became his wife. The joint tour of Europe (Germany, Belgium, France, Italy) and America (May 1922 August 1923), accompanied by loud scandals, shocking antics of Isadora and Esenina, bared their 'misunderstandings' compounded by a literal lack of a common language (Esenin not owned foreign languages, Isadora taught several dozen Russian words).