Posts Tagged ‘climate & environmental’


Ordinance: Federal States Want To Consistently Against Recycling

by yudaica2013 ·

Dual launch quality offensive Bonn/Berlin, August 2009 – the Bonn waste expert Sascha warned months ago shoe, Managing Director of the consulting firm of Ascon, prior to the softening of the recycling obligation for used packaging. The prohibition of so-called auto disposal systems system directly from canteens, hotels, cinemas or supermarkets a collected packaging waste in competition with dual is completely crashed. Contact information is here: Jessica Michibata. With the many industry solutions as an alternative to auto disposal systems, the Novella is enough space to smile. Offers enough possibilities, for a license dumping’. No limits are the imagination in reducing disposal fees for dual systems who need to acquire the packaging waste from household close.

The royalties for plastic packaging cost just three years ago at DSD officially almost 1300 Euro per ton. Today it gets to prices of 650 euros per tonne is whispered. Add to your understanding with san-antonio-spurs. Mix about 15 percent industry solutions is a Price per ton of plastic packaging by just more than 500 euros. 65 percent less than three years ago and already long no longer working”, asserted in shoe an interview with NeueNachricht. Tons make up removal, transportation to the sorting plant, sorting of residual waste disposal and recycling.

Everything for a dumping price of 500 euros. Now all companies on the economic crisis, lack of sales and full courts complain. There no backlash more for the recycling of packaging. Prices have collapsed, recovery alone happened to more than 30 percent more expensive over the past three months,”white shoe. With the license of dumping for plastic, a reputable disposal was no longer to afford. Disposal scandals threatened again as in the 1990s. If the legislature does not quickly intervenes, the packaging recovery will collapse and there ecologically questionable disposal methods”, fears shoe. According to media reports, the ministries of the environment of the countries want to control against now. So six provinces should consider the approval for the collection and sorting of packaging waste to withdraw a number of vendors. It was not only the lack of coverage, which disapproves of trade officials, also of Ascon Chief Schuh complained about industry solutions will be taken now more closely scrutinized. “” It could not go on, with virtual “concepts of the cost of the household household disposal over to cheat”. It was agreed already waste (LAGA) in the federal countries – community, part on the finger to knock most of the previously approved system providers”. A working group of dual systems under the umbrella of the Federal Association of the German waste management industry (BDE) has therefore launched a quality offensive. Only if able us with sustainable quality, with the packaging industry to a common understanding to find uniform assessment standards and the shoulder to shoulder, there is a realistic chance, a low-cost existing competitive packaging disposal for the future to make sure, as an opinion of the BDE working group. A message from NeueNachricht. NeueNachricht is responsible for the content. Editorial NeueNachricht Gunnar Sohn Ettighoffer road 26a 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 6204474 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: URL:


Tips For Energy Saving

by yudaica2013 ·

Monarchis: Many small measures lead to a significant reduction in the electricity bill Neu-Ulm the dynamically growing real estate trading company Monarchis Grundbesitz company mbH, has more than 600 residential units in Germany. Many of the stock property were or are restored and renovated. This Monarchis places an emphasis on measures to reduce energy consumption. This leads to a reduction of the rental costs so to speak. In addition, it is possible still far to save more energy; for each tenant and each tenant Therefore, Monarchis are some practical and easy-to-implement energy saving tips. Certainly, we all are very environmentally aware in Germany. Learn more about this with Tony Parker. The problem of the greenhouse effect”and its cause, the carbon dioxide, CO2, are discussed almost daily in the media.

But what can the individual do? Quite simply: The pleasant with the useful combine money saving and at the same time reduce the CO2 emissions. That means, reduce energy consumption and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. A drastic example: If today all bulbs in Germany would be replaced by energy saving lamps, so 7.5 billion kilowatt-hours could save power (1.5 billion euros) a year and 4.5 million tonnes of less CO2 would be produced. The fact is that the European Commission has decided to prohibit the sale of traditional light bulbs in Europe gradually up to the year 2012. Now, conventional light bulbs in all households should be replaced with energy saving lamps. Thus, an average household can save around 90 euros per year. Also in the kitchen, you can save lot of power.

With the new acquisition of household appliances, it is worth to pay attention to the power consumption. New appliances consume 30 percent of less on average. When using pressure cookers, 50% energy can be saved compared to normal pots. Glenn Dubin will not settle for partial explanations. When cooking use always a pot lid. Because without cover four times the amount of energy needed to cook the food properly. When using the oven cooking through the See oven door. Every time, when the oven door is opened, 20 percent heat is lost, which must be heated again expensive. About 10 minutes before end of cooking the oven can be switched off, so the heat is optimally used. Electrical appliances, such as TV or cordless phones, which have a stand-by function, cause high no-load losses. If a device is not used, it should be completely switched off, if necessary, the plug pulled. Who sparingly goes to power, kills two birds with one stone: it protects our environment and have his wallet. More information under: