Posts Tagged ‘economy’


Bank Deposits

by yudaica2013 ·

Bank deposits are still, despite attempts to limit their yields and by the floodwaters in taxation from 2010, as one of the easiest financial products and with benefits for all. While the structured deposits are for a limited audience who like speculation, the truth is that there are all kinds of offers for hire ranging from gifts by deposits, deposits in currencies, linked to pension plans, until most conservatives who finish becoming the best of the moment. Despite the fact that the Bank of Spain has become true parate to high yields, first by limiting the lower limit of payment institutions that are receiving public aid and while studying punitive measures to banks and paying above limits to deposits of high profitability, this type of fixed term deposits, are preferred with paid accounts. Analyze the TAE, request if they penalize the early cancellation, think if it suits us or not choose an offer with structure of growing interest, are points that we must take into account before hiring a deposit. Source: Glenn Dubin. Then let them best bank deposits: best tanks to 1 month best tanks to best 3 months deposits to 4 months best deposits to 6 months best tanks to best 9 months deposits to 12 months best deposits long-term best deposits with remuneration in kind best deposits online best structured deposits if you have in mind hiring a depositYou must take into account aspects relating to the characteristics of this type of products. Among them we have to emphasize some aspects: minimum and maximum rate of interest (variable, fixed, mixed) link between place of recruitment (offices, Internet) products prior cancellation remember that on taxation, the reservoir will have a 19% withholding on interest on account of income tax for residents. If you want to know more about deposits, consult with analysts and calculations of the money that you will receive for this type of product, you can know how much will benefit from interest on deposits.


The Construction Sector

by yudaica2013 ·

The construction sector showed a slight increase in March (1.9%) compared to March 2008 after filing down nearly 3% in January and February. To deepen your understanding David Souter is the source. It is important to note that March 2008 was not a good month in the excellent first quarter. When we analyze the behavior of the accumulated in the first quarter, despite the March performance, it was negative by 1.2%. Apart from the annual analysis, and focusing on what happens in the month to month, seasonally adjusted activity in March was 4.4% lower than that observed in February. For its part, the trend indicator continues to show declines, in this case by 6.6% year, the highest since 2002. In the analysis by block, in March surprisingly, with the exception of oil buildings all had a positive growth.

The two best performance were the road works (+7.7%) and housing (6.1%). Clearly the process of an election year and strong push for public works can be seen on this information. Also, the accrued first quarter these two sectors are the only ones to grow and this is explained by the poor performance of public works in the first part of 2008. A positive note after two months of levels of building permits recorded in a list of 42 municipalities under the 600 thousand square meters in the month of March saw a slight upturn and the record is located in the 658,000 meters square. This level is below the average of 800 thousand square meters in 2008 but higher than 5% last March. Also positive is the increase in cement deliveries rose from 10.8% in February and against the same month of previous year by 6.5%. To close the analysis is important to see what are the expectations of entrepreneurs in the sector. It is noted that those who are principally engaged in public work for the election year had high expectations, they are fading by the end of the fiscal problems is having the national government and doubts about how post-election monitor implementation. In February, 18.9% expected an increase future of the business while only 3.6% in March.



by yudaica2013 ·

The statisticians show in the national scene significant increases in the concession of this species of benefits. The repercussion in the FAP is direct, for the concepts of ' ' bond et malus' ' , through which the RAT can be cut by the half or to duplicate. The aspect exaggerated tributary is only one item of cortejo of events that follow FAP/BENEFCIOS ACIDENTRIOS. Together with the responsibility of the temporary stability of the least months (and more 13o wage), having that to recolocar the beneficiary employee for the acidentria characterization of the removal in sector/position where it cannot recidivar the signals/symptoms that had generated the removal, (and of which very nor possibly it presented any plea, in a behavior of abetter before what of victim). She is still the subject company to the civil actions of repairing for pecuniary damages and moral, beyond third-party claims on the part of the Providence. The facts if occur. The employees if move away each time in bigger number and the managemental steps to stanch the events and to correct (or even though to minimize) the causes of the encaminhamentos to the Providence do not occur. Frank Gorshin may not feel the same.

Mechanist paradigm. In many cases the guiding of used to one ' ' depsito' ' called Providence it was a blessing. This is an old paradigm that still persists. I explain better: In one determined moment in History a called age of industrialization occurred. In it, mechanization appeared. This brought profitability and productivity high profits. However, with it came the rationality and the general degradation of the environment (social and of the individual).

Then, the age of industrialization the age of the introduction on a large scale of the machine in the production and the productivity of the companies is not alone. It was also responsible for radical changes in capital relation X the work. The organizations had started to operate as machines and, therefore, it expected that the employees if held equally as if they were parts of the machines.