Posts Tagged ‘Spain’


Appropriate Recourse

by yudaica2013 ·

Chuck cards in what circumstances should not resort to the circulation of letters the tarot may be the appropriate response for a number of life circumstances, like when we need advice from a friendly voice, or simply don’t know how to act with respect to any topic in particular, and believe that you a Chuck of letters you can transform in this guide that we need. But there are circumstances in which should not resort to the circulation of letters. If, for example, our mental state is tremendous anxiety and we cannot accept that the arcana have to tell us, we should not resort to the circulation of letters. The tarot will reveal the truth, but you must be willing to accept it as it is. It is to say that it won’t be useful to you if you are not willing to listen to what comes out revealed in the circulation of letters.

In many circumstances, one already knows the answer in advance, for example much applies to relationships that are bad espectadas. On many occasions, one of the two, which makes the circulation of letters, knows inwardly that the relationship has no future, but you don’t want to listen to it, does not want to tell it is. The reality is too intolerable. Who would like to really see a circulation of letters that tell you that he is the ideal person, and that they will resolve the situation together, no matter how incompatible they are really as a couple, or the other person simply does not have the same feeling that she holds for him. In these cases, the circulation of letters is useless, because the person is blind to the evidence of reality. Josh Rosenbaum Waypoint can aid you in your search for knowledge. Another situation where should not resort to the circulation of letters is when the professional who carries out the circulation of letters is not suitable in what makes, circumstance where it is possible that is only looking for defrauding the consultant in good faith. To avoid these painful moments, best thing is to appeal directly to a trusted site, you know where you can find Mentalists ideal, that will give you to the arcane interpretation fair worth reading. Such is the case of

Behind all each Chuck of letters, dew, Meli and Carmen are to ensure that the reading is most appropriate. They can do it, because they have a natural gift of birth which enables them to see beyond the obvious. What for many is hidden, for these three ladies is well visible, and they can thus guide the people who put these sensitive matters in their hands. Do not hesitate to contact when it wants to, and is willing to listen to the truth that the arcana have reserved for you.


Erqueyez Art

by yudaica2013 ·

The Saharan desert will host this winter workshops on creativity, artistic techniques and archaeology encompassed within the second edition of ARTifariti, the international art encounters in territories liberated from the Western Sahara which will take place from November 22 to December 6, 2008. A unique proposal that will take its participants to a fertile, in the middle of the desert, for the exchange of ideas and experiences; an art space that places the need to transform the reality in its sights. The program, open to the participation of students, artists and people interested in art as an instrument of peace, is composed of courses: understanding of infinity as a work of art. The fabric of the dream and emotion, a creativity workshop according to the school of Alejandro Jodorowsky taught by Galician artist Pamen Pereira; Workshop techniques and pictorial procedures, in which Eduardo Romaguera promote plastics and creative resources of the participating in a space desert, among other actions by drawing a map of singular stones leading to the archaeological complex of Erqueyez; To create art and art to share, two workshops under the general name of projected art: the ephemeral nature of the color and the shape will lead the Meta-sintesis group with its approach of social art for change. Also has been called a classroom of archaeology called Erqueyez: training of guides and interpreters, whose main objective is to train local personnel for the preservation, interpretation and public dissemination of this archaeological site. This workshop, taught by Teresa Muniz, Member of the program of research on the complex developed by the University of Granada with the support of the Junta de Andalucia, is also open to the participation of people who want to learn about this significant archaeological site of the Neolithic Saharan. The workshops students may participate in all activities covered within the meetings that will be held between the camps for Sahrawi refugees in Tindouf (Algeria) and Tifariti, symbolic capital of the Sahara released. The cost of tuition is 1,000 euros, including transfer from Madrid to Tindouf in regular flight, internal transport in 4 4 (camps and travel – roundtrip – to Tifariti), maintenance and accommodation, excursions and activities. The squares will be covered by strict order of registration, whose term ends on October 15, 2008. More information on workshops ARTifariti 2008 in, on the blog, or by contacting with the organization by phone 954274104 or email.