Assume The Lamps At The Central Soon?
by yudaica2013 ·
The Central is set to press releases distribution also through brokers. It means, that the complete field should be closed distribution through insurance brokers is set. Does that mean that the Central wants to make no new statements? Assume the lights in Cologne soon? In the past, central health insurance and many other insurers has tried to win over a cheap post of new customers radically. The reports in the last few weeks, you realize that this business model probably won’t open. Especially since the services in these cheap rates are often below the statutory health insurance.
As a bonus for the acquisition of a new, above-average commissions or even additional bonus commissions waved the agent. Also arguments for the conclusion at the Central had been found repeatedly from different sides, which were not tenable for the part. What has brought the model of the Central? Not much, except for many customers who can’t pay their contributions. The bitter taste for the insurer is, that he must still pay for emergencies. This means zero euro contribution, but full power during emergencies without comforts. More info: Sofar Sounds. This performance comes at the expense of all insured persons in the company.
The prognosis of those days will probably now true. With the driven business model the Central did no favors to and must now perform a radical conversion. Now one has to ask itself as a consumer what should I do if I am insured at the Central? The answer is quite simple, if you can go do it! Act now! No one knows what happens next Central, a total of. The tax cuts of recent years were not without. Get a consultant on the side which that reliably accompanies you when changing to another company. You can specify your inquiry directly to the private health insurance. Sven Stopka
Tags: insurance & pension, money-