
Job Search For Those Over 45

by yudaica2013 ·

We must recognize the one undeniable truth: employers prefer younger people. Most vacancy announcements are full of limitations "to 35". We will not talk about the legal side of such discrimination. We give only some tips on how to use his age and experience as an advantage. As the saying goes: "In 40 years, life has just begun!" As for life are not going to argue. But the search for work, if you suddenly decide to change it and you have 40, alas, may be problem. Continue to learn more with: Anna- Belknap. However, age is a barrier to getting a job only when the applicant himself perceives it as an obstacle.

How to make the new employer did not notice your inconsistencies age limit and even to age as an additional advantage? The most important thing here – your perseverance, dedication and positive attitude. Plus a few proven tips to follow to find work. Create your own personal brand if you did not need to look for work last ten or fifteen years, you'll discover how much the increased competition for the best seats. What should I do? Try to build your personal brand. Start by positioning.

What does this mean? On the basis of deep self-evaluation and external feedback, you should identify your strengths by professional and personal qualities that should be beneficial to present potential employers. Here are five questions you should ask yourself: 1. What aspects of your work and life you enjoy most? 2. Focus your attention on areas of activity: what you do best? 3.

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