Leonardo Pataca
by yudaica2013 ·
In the workmanship of Almeida, also the hero, after castigadopelo father, finds shelter in the house of a barber. (MONTELLO 2004.p.352). Mario de Andrade (1976 p.312, 313) considers that ' ' the Memriasde a sergeant of military services is not a picaresco romance, but yes umdesses books that of time in when they appear, so to speak, to the edge daliteratura' '. Verssimo (1978: 297), in turn, analyze Memories deum sergeant of military services, approaching it of the Realism: The workmanship of Almeida is realistic because in the account enos real facts it says of things ' ' res' ' , true, with truths, it is naturalistic, because in the representation of these things cinge narrowly to natural, the semexageros ones or to deturpar, for process of style or singularity of conception, flattens reality of the things. The hero of the workmanship characterizes for its relevantestravessuras and diabruras, son of Leonardo Pataca, a Portuguese bailiff and velho' ' mal-apessoado e, over all he was magano' ' (ALMEIDA, 1997p. 14), would eMaria of the Hortalias, ' ' She was quitandeira of the squares of Lisbon, saloiarechonchuda and bonitona' ' (they idem, they ibidem, p.14). The parents of our hero were explicit irregular, immoral detemperamento and irrequieto, then, its offspring could not be different, oque trais obtains the idea of the Naturalismo: the man is fruit of the way.
Soon parVerssimo: ' ' Almeida was yes, naturalistic realist or, even though muitoantes of the advent in the Europe of the literary doctrines that had received taldenominao' ' (VERSIMO, apud MONTELLO, 2004 p.350). Mario de Andrade not comunga of the same opinion, according to it: ' ' It swims exists, in this book, of Realismo and Naturalismo of school, such comoeles if they present in the century dezenove' ' (ANDRADE, 1978 p.322) Opinioseguida for Candido: ' ' … Therefore Mario de Andrade was certain to aodizer in the Memories does not have realism in modern direction; what in it if it finds algo vaster and intemporal, proper of the comicidade popularesca' '.
Tags: literature