

by yudaica2013 ·

Nylon was created a new type of called plastic, new World War II had after been servant types as dacron, the polystyrene, the polyethylene and the vinyl also in this period, the plastics if they had spread out in the daily one of the people in such a way not to be more possible to imagine the world of today without them, (KARL, 1930). Already in the decade of 1950 Karl Ziegler this linear form polymerized the ethylene in the presence of some metals produced structures firmer, dense and organized currently called polyethylene of high density, was presented for the first time in bambols, but she is used in containers. Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta in 1953 had created polypropylene from propileno monomers (CH2 = CHCH3) and had received the prize Nobel de Qumica and in 1963, its diverse forms of fusing and rigidity are used in finishing of cars, clutches, batteries, bottles, pipes, filaments and bag. 4. OTHER DATA: For the implantation of the project it will be used with resources that are proceeding from the proper company being the same ones for payments of expenses of maintenance and acquisition of materials and you scheme.

Expenses of Investments Materiais$1000,00 Equipamentos$800,00 Instalaes$600,00 Mquinas$2500,00 Expenses of Maintenance Eltrica$800,00 Energy Water $300,00 Products of Limpeza$150,00 Totais$6.150, 00 Duration for execution of 2 (months) the 5 (months), for its conclusion occurring the financial return enter 1 (year) the 2 (years), after its investment. 5. RESULT, ANALYSIS AND QUARRELS the result was reached by having been planned and executed as the implantation, of the project which benefited to minor consumption of electric energy in the production, the recycling of the materials of the surplus and its garbage reduction that if it accumulated in the sector, also you analyze of some points that had been corrected where it had necessity of correction without modifying the programming of the company. Being analyzed lesser cost of collection, little risk in the transport and its manuscript and its final disposal. 6.

CONCLUSION Being the same approved and its elaboration concluded without difficulties, its functioning already presents positive signals of its implementation in this sector. Getting resulted satisfactory for which if its return waited more time pair, that the same would bring for the production sector of the company. As the results already giving productivity samples they had as well as received consideraes from our immediate superior of the direction of planning of the industry. 7. FINAL CONSIDERAES the objective of this work were to supply a deficiency found in the way of the production and with regard to the environment. On the basis of the NBR-SISTEMAS OF AMBIENT MANAGEMENT had been boarded these deficiencies which after to be argued, analyzed had been cured. It had upheaval in the execution of the project, but with contribution of the direction, the employees, project was executed with security, also with quality, through the importance of this enterprise.


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