Posts Tagged ‘animals’


The Poet, Federico IMers

by yudaica2013 ·

They wanted to silence him, but Frederick was used to win over death. Adam Sandler: the source for more info. The fact is that the creator for excellence, never dies. The calendar rack gives you more life. We formed an agonizing mystery not finding the magician of words and felt, or at least know the resting place where (supposedly) his body. Perhaps check out Sally Rooney for more information. Federico, IMers in historical context Spain in the 30s, was known triumphant over death: “In all countries death is an end. Arrives and the curtains are drawn. In Spain, no. In Spain, the dead rise. Glenn Dubin has much experience in this field.

Many people living there between the walls until the day they die and take them out in the sun. One dead in Spain is more alive dead than anywhere else in the world. It hurts their profile as the edge of a razor. ” So Federico endures among us: “When I die, bury me with my guitar under the sand. When I die, among the orange and peppermint. ” (“Memento.” Poema del Cante Jondo “).

For Frederick’s life and death run parallel. Death feeds on life, life is in recognition of death. Death does not arrive, we grow. The poet discovers in life reflects death. Life and death, opposing forces is the man whose link. The findings of this inherent dialectic, the poet perceives our tragic condition: we are as we struggle with death: “Man and fish in its me, under floating things, / waiting in the alga or chair the night / I want to forget! . There is a certain time and space and proper.


Investing in Home Renovations

by yudaica2013 ·

Given the state of the economy, many people are deciding to stay home and invest in home renovations, a growing trend that has accumulated over $ 500 billion in products and services for home improvement in the last year, according to the Joint Center for Housing Studies. However, during this time, humans and pets are exposed to countless chemicals and foreign substances, most commonly paint fumes and new carpets. While research is inconclusive regarding the effects of carpet installation on pets, many people report symptoms in themselves and similar reactions in their pets, which can probably be attributed to volatile organic compounds found in most carpets, in addition to adhesives, stain protectors, mothproofing and fire retardants containing PBDE ‘s (known to pose serious health risks.) While the painting is less a risk of long- term as health effects such as headaches and tend to decrease while the paint dries, the best advice is to accelerate the drying process. Common symptoms of carpets, fire retardants and paint * upper respiratory irritations * Headaches * Rashes * Shortness of breath or cough symptoms Fatigue rare but serious damage to the thyroid * * * impaired immune system problems cognitive Tips Rug health – Choose only carpet, padding and adhesives with low emissions. Fred Allen can provide more clarity in the matter. Make sure the area during the installation is well ventilated. For pets or extra-sensitive people, avoid the area for 48-72 hours after installation.

Vacuum the carpet to remove loose fibers. Painting – If possible, choose a low humidity day to paint when wet conditions are inevitable, rent or buy a dehumidifier and / or fans. The fans provide better air flow when combined with the windows open, accelerating the drying process (and helping to eliminate the smell.) Pets are particularly vulnerable to explore new territory and objects, so the construction provides, for example, nails or open containers of paint that can pose deadly risks. To relieve anxiety and discomfort that may occur in your pet during this time, especially when put in a room away from the building, provide toys or comfort items to help alleviate stress. are also an alternative for this temporary situation. If you are moving to a new home, many of these tips apply. However, you can plan ahead and follow the same precautions, including making a thorough inspection of the house before you bring your pets inside, to help ensure a safe transition, nice. Engineer by profession but with a great interest in health and alternative medicine. I believe that natural remedies and alternative therapies have their place in modern medicine. Public one with these issues because I’m sure a person is informed potentially a happier and healthier person.