by yudaica2013 ·
I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1.1. Presenting Problem nosocomial infections, today are of global concern for all health professional, as diseases that are acquired during their inpatient stay at a health facility and can ever develop or may have the period of incubation up to a year after the patient is discharged. IIH is considered that all patients develop disease and that acquired during his period of detention as a result of continuous contact with these microorganisms either directly or indirectly and that is able to develop in your body by the diminution of their defenses or the amount of the offending agent in contact with the patient at present the percentage of patients nationwide contaminated is not fully known due to the lack of sources of research indicating the specific cause of this contamination, to determine what degree Risk has become contaminated when the patient is attended by health personnel that do not use barrier mechanisms is that this paper develops’ impact of the implementation of technical standards for biosafety in the welfare health care, as a preventive measure A NOSOCOMIAL DISEASES THAT HAVE THE TECHNICAL Nursing students ISTP VI SEMESTER OF ‘MSC’, as a means of information and especially our future professionals aware of how important it is for the patient’s health, work by applying the mechanisms security to prevent contamination of the patient for these diseases also wish and are waiting to enter and develop pathologies in vulnerable patients. For the development work takes into account the policy guidelines of the Plan of Thesis Faculty of Education, National University of Education ‘Enrique Guzman y Valle’ 1.2. always compare health insurance companies , even seeks to design and market lower cost alternative solutions, which enable people to maintain better health BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM health personnel who work directly with inpatients although aim to meet the health needs of anyone who is crippled or suffered deteriorating health when you apply or run direct activities or procedures where teams or instruments enter sterile body cavities considered as these in turn have passed rigorous tests and sterilization procedures are capable of reaching or dragging amounts of pathogenic microorganisms in a time of incubation or development in an appropriate medium will develop a pathological reactions. We then say that it is justly health personnel throughout the vehicle IIH, and the responsibility of health professionals who do the teaching function are charged with raising awareness since its formative stages and responsibility to shape the ethics be given later in their development and pre-professional training. The students of the Instituto Superior Tecnologico Manuel Seoane Corrales, is for nursing students that their technique pioneered pre-professional practices are pursuing since the second half and is the responsibility of teachers Logar that students are able to recognize the importance of using Barrier mechanisms for reducing the incidence of nosocomial infections. 1.3. PROBLEM FORMULATION 1.3.1. General problems WHAT IS THE INFLUENCE OF THE APPLICATION of the technical standards for biosafety in the welfare health care, as a preventive measure NOSOCOMIAL A DISEASE THAT HAVE THE TECHNICAL Nursing students ISTP VI SEMESTER OF ‘MSC’ DISTRICT OF SAN JUAN DE LURIGO ‘2008’ 1.4. Specific problems or What are the measures used in Biosafety of the nursing students of the sixth semester of Tecnica ISTP ‘MSC’ in the management of care for their activities with the patient hospitalized.
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- Medicare and You 2009 by Dept. of Health and Human Services (Kindle Edition – Jun 23, 2009) – Kindle Book
- Why Hospitals Should Fly: The Ultimate Flight Plan to Patient Safety and Quality Care by John J. Nance (Paperback – Jan 15, 2008)