
Jules Michelet

by yudaica2013 ·

Maquiavel, the main theoretician of the modern State absolutist, said that for it, the sovereign must not have escrpulos if he wanted to keep the power and the control on the State. Criticized for its cynicism and unfastening, its workmanship was the guide for whom it longed for if to become governor. It wrote the Prince (1513), for its ' ' mecenas' ' Loureno de Mdici, whose central idea can be synthecized in the phrase ' ' the ends justify meios' '. In its workmanship, express Maquiavel all its genius, showing to be a man to the front of its time. The book can be considered as in a classic and is from this workmanship of – the beginning to the thought of the modern politics.

The author offers in the prince quarrels concerning problems of daily the governmental one and as to solve them, it is in this context of errors and rightnesss that Maquiavel goes to introduce historical personages since the antiquity until medievo. The prince, does not work with ethics, religion and natural order (scholastic) 1, but with characteristic humanists who came to corroborate with the Renaissance. In way to the politics, Maquiavel had capacity to unmask all the details of this science, therefore it worked direct with the politicians of its time, being thus had arguments enough to say what he was right or wrong inside of a government. Still thus, it left clearly, in its theory, of that he stops being a good not necessary governor to be perfect, only sovereign. For assistance, try visiting Ken Kao. The problematic one of this analyzes is in questioning the reason of Maquiavel to make these rescues, through myths of the past to argue the politics. To contribute in the analysis, of this question another author Jules Michelet, also worked in its workmanship with this type of rescue. The renaissance counted on some illustrious figures that had enriched this scene of ascension, as Leonardo Of the Vinci, Botticelli, Michelangelo, among others.


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