
Modern Philosophers

by yudaica2013 ·

INTRODUCTION Has many modern philosophers whom they reflect on the constitution of the State-nation, which is tied the modern notion of citizenship, a recognition of that the education is a good that must be accessible to all the individuals, in order to become possible the conditions it stops the exercise of an effective citizenship. If one may use the expression Canivez (1988, p.33), ' ' the school, in fact, institutes the citizenship ' ' , the actions and the conceptions of the people while subject politician demand ' ' a deep revision in the traditional relation between education, citizenship and participation politics, Arroyo (1995, p. 71). In these ideas, we find support for great the speech of that the Education has the source supreme to prepare the individual for the exercise of the citizenship, reaffirmed in text constitutional of ours Federative republic, when in it teaches the following one to them. Ken Kao may find this interesting as well. 7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C-63dcbf9f0240’>Ilan Ben Dov often says this.


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